IV. Make questions of these sentences

1. Your answer is expected today. 2. Our work will be finished tomorrow. 3. His report was discussed at the University. 4. This picture is much spoken about. 5. They were shown the house yesterday. 6. The letter was sent by fax.

V. Change the sentences according to the model:

Model: He takes care of her. - She is taken care of.

1. The guests looked for the ring everywhere. 2. He listened to the lecturer very attentively. 3. They laughed at the joke. 4.We disagreed with his statement. 5. You can rely on this person. 6. They talked a lot about this film. 7. The aunt looked after the children well. 8. I shall look after your house while you are away. 9.They agreed upon the date of the conference. 10. They speak highly of this textbook. 11.They take good care of their grandmother. 12. Our teacher often refers to this example.

Unit IV.

Grammar study: Continuous Tenses. Participle I.

I. Read and translate.

1. James was watching the lid. 2. The kettle was boiling. 3. He was spending his time. 4. He became interested in the use of steam. 5. He was asked to repair. 6. It was drawing up water.

II. Make Participle I of the verbs.

love, watch, think, spend, return, work, use, repair, make, produce, boil.

III. Read and translate the text.


James Watt (1736 - 1819) the inventor of the modern steam engine, was born in Greenock, Scotland, on January 19. James was not at all strong. He had an excellent memory and a natural love for work.

One day James Watt was watching carefully the lid of the kettle, which was boiling on the stove.

James was often spending his time thinking: “What a strong thing steam must be, if it can move that heavy lid?” and so he became interested in the use of steam as a source of power.

He went to London at the age of 19 to learn how to make mathematical instruments. After a year he returned to Glasgow and was able to open a shop on the grounds of the University.

One day he was asked to repair an engine that worked by steam. The engine must be used for pumping water out of mines. Watt took the engine to pieces, found what was wrong and soon repaired it. He decided now to make a better engine. He worked night and day for four years and finally his steam engine was finished. It was soon drawing up water from the mines. In October 1781, Watt produced a still better engine, which was used all over the world.

IV. Compare the sentences

A. Water boils at 100ºC. B. The kettle is boiling.

C. He usually works six hours a day. D. He is working now.

E. A steam engine pumps water. F. It is pumping it for five o’clock

V. Translate the sentences.

1. When I was reading a book yesterday, I came across many new words. 2. The engine was pumping water for a long time. 3. Everybody was watching TV program, when I returned home. 4. This time last year I was living in Brazil. 5. The kettle is boiling, can you turn it off, please? 6. Anna is living in Britain for three months. She is learning English. 7. He is working at the problem for half a year. 8. What are you talking about? – We are talking about the new film.

VI. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the Present Continuous Tense.

1.Anna (write) a letter in her room. 2. George (get) ready to go out. 3. Carol and Dennis (have) dinner. 4. Tom (make) a phone call. 5. Yesterday we (swim) four hours a day.

VII. Read the text and answer the question.

A lady was 5 minutes late for the concert. When she came into the hall the orchestra was playing some music. She found her seat and asked her right hand neighbour: “ What are they playing?” The man looked at her angrily and said: The Ninth Symphony”. “O, dear”’, exclaimed the lady. “I have missed all the previous ones”.

How many symphonies did the lady miss?

Unit V.

Grammar study: Perfect Tenses. Participle II.

I. Read and translate.

To get news, to invite to visit, to be abroad, to travel as a tourist, to be on business trip, to be outside Europe, to be away, to see the sights, to discuss the matter, to have an idea for a joint


II. Make Participle II of the verbs:

Have, be, write, discuss, see, visit, travel, hope, get, last, tell, like.

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