Три основные модели построения сложных предложений в прошедшем времени

Past Indefinite Past Continuous


  • Три основные модели построения сложных предложений в прошедшем времени - student2.ru Не camewhen we were havingdinner.
  • He calledwhen I was watching TV
  • It was rainingwhen I leftthe house
  • He was writinga letter when enteredthe room.

В течение одного действия

вклинивается другое действие.


  • Три основные модели построения сложных предложений в прошедшем времени - student2.ru When we cameto the station the trail hadalready left.
  • She wentto the post-office when shi had writtenthe letter.

Одно действие закончилось до

начала другого.


Три основные модели построения сложных предложений в прошедшем времени - student2.ru

  • The secretary typedthe letter, puti into the envelope and gave itto the messenger boy.
  • Then dinner cameto an end, and Eva remainedto clear away while the three men saton the verandah.

Перечисление действий в

прошлом, цепь событий.

Self check.

Ex. 1. (A, B) Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He (not / phone) him since he (arrive). 2. What (happen) to you since she (leave)? 3. I (think) your daughter (become) a real beauty since I (see) her last. 4. What you (do) with the knife? The point is broken off. 5. For these last three years I (save) nearly every penny for my trip to that country. 6. Well, dear, what you (do) all day long? You (look) tired. Come and sit here by the fire. 7. "Hello," he (say) holding out his hand, "I (look) for you for a long time. I never (have) the chance to thank you for what you (do) for my brother." 8. You see, I (do) this <ind of thing for the last thirty years. 9. I (think) of it ever since Molly (tell) me about your decision to go to sea. 10. You (live) here ever since you (leave) Canada? 11. Do come in and oin us. We (have) coffee and (watch) TV.

12. A.: I hear your brother (come) back. He (be) in the East all this time?

В.: No, he (be) in Europe for the last year.

13. A.: I just (be) to the cinema. You (see) the last film by N.Mikhalkov?


A.: When you (see) it?

B.:A week ago.

A.: Who you (go) with?

В.:With Tanya.

14. A.: I (want) to go to Switzerland next winter.

B.:You (discuss) with your mother?

A.: No, not yet, why?

В.: You (ski) together for the last three years.

15. A.: I (be) sorry, I (give) so much trouble and now I (ask) you to excuse me.

В.: It (be) true that you (put) me to some inconvenience, but in the circumstances I (be) ready

to accept your apology.

16. A.: There (be) two gentlemen asking for you.

B.:Tell them, I (not/be) in.

A.: They (want) to know if you (see) the accident yesterday.

B.: I (dread) these questions all morning, I (not/know) what to say. What you (think), they still


17. A.: You (know), where George (be)?

В.: He and Fanny (have) a friendly chat in the library.

A.:They (be) old friends, (not/be) they?

B.:Yes, they (be) friends since childhood. .

18 A.: The children (return) yet?

В.: Yes, Tom Burton (bring) them back in his car five minutes ago.

A.: Well, then we can have dinner now.

В.:No, we can't. I (not/cook) it yet.

A.: What you (do) all this time?


Ex. 2. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

I. (A, B).

I. Where you (go) when I (meet) you in the street yesterday? - I (go) to tell the watch-maker that he (forget) to send my watch. 2. This, however, (enable) him to add some ideas which he (omit) in the first copy. 3. They (decide) to rebuild the church when they (find) that the cement used (begin) to crumble. 4. He (be) so ill that he (find) himself unable to complete the work he (begin). 5. She (turn) the light back on, (lie) on the sofa and (take) up the book she (read). 6. His secretary (take) the paper from the table where he (put) it, and (go) out. 7.. It (be) near midnight when they (come) in from dinner, still laughing at something he (say) in the dining-room. 8. it (be) two o'clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in her bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain), the way it (rain) for days. 9. In his turn Jolyon (look) back at his son. He (want) to talk about many things that he (be) unable to talk about all these years. 10. She (be) at the station after all, standing just as he (imagine), apart from the others.

II. He (come) back on Saturday, as he (promise). They all (wait) for him in the sitting-room. When he (enter), everybody (rush) fotward to him to embrace and hug him in greeting. 12. The state of his clothes indicated that he (play) football in the muddy field.

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