VOCABULARY. LEARN THE WORDS. Array of services, room rate, transient, moderate hotels, mid-scale hotels, upscale hotels, luxury hotels
array of services, room rate, transient, moderate hotels, mid-scale hotels, upscale hotels, luxury hotels, deluxe hotels, convention hotels, resort hotels, residential hotels, convention participants, national grading system
Assignment 1.1.1 Read and translate the text:
The types of hotels available to travelers provide a great variety and array of services. There are different classifications of hotels in Russia and abroad.
They can be classified by purpose of guest stay, length of stay and by room rate.
The purpose of guest stay is a classification that includes pleasure or resort, business or conference.
Length of stay classification is either transient or resident.
Classification by room rate includes economy/budget or inexpensive hotels, moderate or mid-scale hotels, upscale or expensive hotels, and luxury or deluxe and superdeluxe hotels.
According to the purpose of traveling people the hotels are divided into commercial hotels, convention hotels, resort hotels and residential hotels.
The commercial hotel is for business travelers. It is situated in the centre of a big city.
Convention hotels are for convention participants. They usually have a lot of convention facilities such as meeting rooms, exhibit areas, good banqueting services, faxes, E-mail, good telephone service.
Resort hotels are for holiday-makers. They have a lot of recreation facilities such as swimming pools, fitness centres, sports grounds.
Residential hotels are for long-term or permanent residents. Guests live there for long periods of time.
Hotels are also graded according to the range of services and quality of comfort. They are rated from 1-star to 5-star or even 7-star hotels. This system is known as French or European. The more stars the hotel has the higher the quality and wider range of services it provides.
There are also national grading systems like the crown system in Great Britain, the key system in Sweden or the letter system in Greece. In the United States of America the hotels are graded as superdeluxe, expensive, moderate and inexpensive.
Superdeluxe or 5-star hotels are very luxurious hotels which provide all possible conveniences.
Deluxe hotels are luxury hotels of a lower class.
All other hotels may be rated as inexpensive hotels and often reffered to as budget, economy, second or tourist class hotels.
Assignment 1.1.2 Answer the following questions:
1. How can the hotels be rated?
2. What are the three major types of classification of hotels?
3. What are the main groups of hotels according to the purpose of stay?
4. What are the main groups of hotels according to the length of stay?
5. What are the main groups of hotels by room rate?
6. What do these classifications include?
7. Whom does the commercial hotel usually serve?
8. Where are they situated?
9. What is the main purpose of convention hotels?
10. What are the main facilities of convention hotels?
11. Whom do resort hotels serve?
12. What are the major facilities of resort hotels?
13. Do residents of residential hotels live there for short or long periods of time?
14. What is the typology of the star system based on?
15. What are the other grading systems?
16. What do superdeluxe hotels provide?
17. What is the budget hotel?
Assignment 1.1.3 Use the appropriate words from the list:
key, graded, letter, banqueting, facilities, residential, room rate, business, convention, participants, crown, sports, transient or resident, telephone, commercial, exhibit, swimming, permanent
1. Length of stay classification is either … .
2. Classification by … includes economy/budget or inexpensive hotels, moderate or mid-scale hotels, upscale or expensive hotels, and luxury or deluxe and superdeluxe hotels.
3. The hotels are divided into … hotels, … hotels, resort hotels and … hotels.
4. The commercial hotel is for … travelers.
5. Convention hotels are for convention … .
6. They usually have a lot of convention … such as meeting rooms, … areas, good … services, faxes, E-mail, good … service.
7. Resort hotels have a lot of recreation facilities such as … pools, fitness centres, … grounds.
8. Residential hotels are for long-term or … residents.
9. Hotels are also … according to the range of services and quality of comforts.
10. They are also national grading systems like the … system in Great Britain, the … system in Sweden or the … system in Greece.
Assignment 1.1.4 Find the required definitions and complete the sentences:
1 The commercial hotel is | a) for convention purposes |
2 Resort hotels are | b) for long-term or permanent stay |
3 Residential hotels are | c) very luxurious hotels which provide all possible conveniences |
4 Superdeluxe or 5-star hotels are | d) luxury hotels of a lower class |
5 Deluxe hotels are | e) for holiday-makers |
6 Convention hotels are | f) for business travelers |
7 The purpose of the guest stay is a classification that includes | g) inexpensive hotels and often referred to as budget hotels |
8 Classification by room rate includes | h) pleasure or resort, business or conference |
9 All other hotels may be rated as | i) inexpensive hotels, moderate hotels, upscale hotels and luxury hotels |
10 Length of stay classification is either | j) the range of services and quality of comforts |
11 Hotels are also graded according to | k) transient or resident |
Assignment 1.1.5 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Существуют различные классификации отелей в России и за рубежом.
2. Отели можно классифицировать в соответствии с целью поездки, длительностью пребывания и стоимостью номеров.
3. Классификация в соответствии со стоимостью номеров включает в себя деление отелей на экономичные, бюджетные или «недорогие» отели, «средние» или отели среднего класса, «дорогие» отели, отели класса «люкс» и «суперлюкс».
4. Отели также классифицируются в соответствии с набором услуг и качеством предоставляемого сервиса.
5. Они делятся на отели от 1-звездного до 5-звездного и даже 7-звездного. Эта система известна как французская или европейская.