Read the following text and choose the best title for it.

a) Renat’s timetable

b) Renat’s classes

c) Renat’s school day

d) Renat’s problems

Конец формы

- Renat, wake up! Hurry up! You’ll be late for school! – every morning my mother says. And today I wake up at about ten minutes past seven. After a few minutes I go to the bathroom. I wash my hands, face, brush my teeth and I go to dress myself. I put on my shirt, my jeans and a sweater.

Read the following text and choose the best title for it. - Then I take my bag and go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. After a few minutes the breakfast is finished. About twenty to eight I and my father go out. We get into the car and go to school. I come at school at about two minutes to eight, but I am not late. Today my class has even eight lessons. Here is the timetable:

1.The Bashkir language

2.The Russian language

3.The English language


5.Computer science




Free – time during the lessons is quite boring. I think breaks are too long in our school. They should by really shorter.

So, I come home at five o’clock and start to do my homework. Today is a hard day for me because I do my homework about three hours and I get a five in English. My parents are mad at me and I am nervous. Later I go to have a bath and I go to sleep because it is late and I have to go to school tomorrow.

Think of what you do during the week-end and make up a plan for talking about it.

Unit 2 Eating

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs.

Read the following text and choose the best title for it. -

Dialogue 1

Peter Hi, honey, how are you doing today?

Kerry Hi, I am OK. How are you?

Peter I am very well, thank you. What will you have?

Kerry I’d like to try the pork chop and shrimp cocktail.

Peter That’s a good choice! I’ll take roast beef. Shall we drink red wine?

Kerry I prefer white wine: Chardonnay will be good.

Peter OK. Waiter!

Dialogue 2

Alice Mike, what is a usual American breakfast?

Mike Mmm, we usually have cereals with milk or toasts with peanut butter.

Alice What do you usually drink? Tea or coffee?

Mike We prefer coffee to tea.

Alice What’s your lunch time?

Mike Between noon and 2 p.m. It is soup or chicken salad or some wrap or sandwich.

Alice Do you have any other meals during the day?

Mike Yes, at about 6 p.m. we take dinner: some meat dish and tea followed by dessert.

Read the following text and choose the best title for it. -


beef говядина
biscuit (AmE cookie) ['biskit] печенье
bread хлеб
breakfast завтрак
butter масло сливочное
cake кекс, пирожное
cereal ['siəriəl] крупа, злаки, хлопья
chicken курица
chop отбивная
cocktail коктейль
coffee кофе
dessert [di'zə:t] десерт
dinner обед, ужин
dish блюдо
food еда
fruit фрукт
lamb [læm] баранина
lunch второй завтрак; обед
meal трапеза
meat мясо
milk молоко
oatmeal овсянка
peanut ['pi:nÙt] арахис
pork свинина
salad салат
sandwich сэндвич
shrimp креветка
soft drink безалкогольный газированный напиток
soup [su:p] суп
supper ужин
sweets (AmE candy) конфета
tea чай
to drink – drank – drunk пить
to eat – ate – eaten есть, кушать
turkey ['tə:ki] индейка
veal телятина
vegetable ['vedʒtəbl] овощ
water вода
wine [wain] вино
AmE wrap [ræp] лепешка с начинкой


2 Listen and repeat the words, add other “food” words to the appropriate sounds.

Read the following text and choose the best title for it. - [o:] pork, prawn, water,

[æ] salad, candy, sandwich, wrap,


[i:] eat, beef, sweets, cereal, veal, tea,

meal, meat

[ai] wine,

[u:] soup, cookie

[ə:] turkey, dessert

[e] bread, breakfast, vegetable

Oral exercises

3 Find some “cooking” verbs in the dictionary. Make up ten phrases for potatoes, vegetables, cookies, bread.

Example: to boil potatoes, to bake bread.

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