III. Поставьте глаголы в соответствующем времени

It (to be) summer time. The sun (to shine) brightly and lots of people (to swim) in the river. Two men (to be) in the water. One of them (to wear) evening dress. The other man (to look) at the man in evening dress. He (to be surprised) to see the man. He (to ask) the man why he (to wear) evening dress while he (to swim), «I (not to swim)», said the man. «I (to drown).»

IV. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вчера в 5 часов вечера я читал газету. 2. В воскресенье с 2-х до 4-х мы работали в саду. 3. Мы занимались английским весь день. 4. Когда я позвонил ему, он готовился к урокам. 5. Мы шли в кино, когда она нас встретила. 6. Что вы делали в прошлую субботу вечером? 7. Когда я писал письмо, он делал упражнения по английскому языку. 8. Мы смотрели телевизор, а они слушали радио. 9. Во время обеда, он читал газету. 10. Было уже темно, когда они выходили из леса. 11. Где вы работали сегодня в 9 часов утра? 12. Я ждал вас с 3-х до 4-х, а затем ушел. 13. Мы сели на скамейку. Рядом с нами два мальчика о чем-то громко разговаривали. Один из них задавал вопросы, а другой отвечал. Под деревом играли две девочки. Несколько студентов гуляли по дорожкам парка. На деревьях пели птицы. Становилось жарко, и мы решили искупаться

V. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What were you doing at 5 o'clock yesterday? 2. Who was waiting for you when classes were over? 3. Whom did you meet when you were walking along the corridor? 4. Were you washing at that time? 5. What was your friend doing five minutes ago? 6. Where were you going at 6 o'clock? 7. Where was your father working at that moment? 8. What was your mother doing when you left home? 9. Were you sleeping when your father came home yesterday? 10. Were you watching TV yesterday from 7 to 9 in the evening? 11. What were you carrying when I saw you?

I. Прочтите и переведите тексты, перескажите их содержание.

a) «All tickets, please», - said the inspector coming into the compartment. While the inspector was asking for the tickets, one of the passengers was searching his pockets. The inspector looked at him, smiled and said: «You are holding it in your teeth, sir». Then he left.

«What an absent-minded man you are», another passenger said.

«Oh, no, not at all. I was just chewing off the wrong date».

compartment – купе

to search – искать, обыскивать

to chew – жевать

the wrong date – (зд.) старая дата

absent-minded – рассеянный

b) An old lady was sitting next to an American soldier in the station waiting-room. The soldier was chewing a piece of gum. The old lady smiled at him and said; «It is very kind of you to talk to me, young man, but I am stone deaf.»

gum – жевательная резинка

stone deaf – совершенно глухой

c) A certain English gentleman thought too much about his health. He was always taking medicine and sending for the doctor when it was not necessary. One morning the nervous gentleman cut himself slightly while he was shaving. He phoned for the doctor. The doctor was tired after a busy night. Nevertheless he came at once and looked at the cut. He got very angry when he saw that it was only a very slight cut. He did not even put anything on it, turned to go away seeing there was nothing for a doctor to do.

«Tell me please», said the gentleman in great horror, «can't you do anything for me?»

«Oh, yes, I think I can», said the doctor, «but I must first go home and get some plaster.»

«Oh, dear», cried the gentleman with increasing trouble in his voice, «I hope there is no danger!» «Yes, there is, indeed», said the doctor. «The cut may heal before I come back.»

to heal – затянуться, заживать

cut – порез

neverthelless – тем не менее

Lesson 6

Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

New York

New York is not a very old city. It was founded some three hundred years ago. New York, the largest city in the U. S., is situated in the mouth of the Hudson River. The centre of New York is Manhattan Island, which at the same time is the oldest part of the city.

New York, one of the leading U. S. manufacturing cities1, is the home of great firms and banks. The most important branches of industry are those producing vehicles, paper and paper products, glass, chemicals and all kinds of machinery. The city has very busy traffic, its streets and highways are full of cars and buses.

The mouth of the Hudson River makes an excellent harbour with different kinds of ships not only for passengers but also for much of the materials by which the city lives. Numerous bridges link Manhattan Island with the opposite shores. The sea encircles many of the city's areas.

Many of sky-scrapers of fifty and more storeys reaching high into the sky house the banks and offices of America's money kings, the richest men in the country. Yet most of the population are working people who carry on a bitter struggle for existence and live in constant fear of misery and unemployment.

Comparatively few of New York's inhabitants live in Manhattan, although the majority spend a considerable part of the day in this centre of business life. Here Broadway begins, here is Wall Street and the Stock Exchange2 filled from ten to three with a crowd of businessmen.

Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities who came here during the immigration in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.

Another feature of New York population is the vast number of Negroes living in Harlem, which is the most densely populated section of the city.


1 manufacturing city – промышленный город
2 the Stock Exchange – биржа

Vocabulary Exercises

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