We use the Gerund after prepositions

verb + preposition

Exception: to
Here we use the phrase:
looking forward to + Gerund

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
accuse of They were accused of breaking into a shop.
agree with I agree with playing darts.
apologize for They apologize for being late.
believe in She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood.
blame for The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories.
complain about She complains about bullying.
concentrate on Do you concentrate on reading or writing?
congratulate sb. on I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech.
cope with He is not sure how to cope with getting older.
decide against They decided against stealing the car.
depend on Success may depend on becoming more patient.
dream about/of Sue dreams of being a pop star.
feel like They feel like going to bed.
get used to You must get used to working long hours.
insist on The girls insisted on going out with Mark.
look forward to I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
prevent sb. from sth. How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop?
rely on sth. He doesn't rely on winningin the casino.
succeed in How then can I succeed in learning chemistry?
specialize in The firm specialized in designing websites.
stop sb. from I stopped Andrew from smoking.
talk about/of They often talk about travelling to New Zealand.
think of Frank thinks of playing chess.
warn sb. against We warned them against usingthis computer.
worry about The patient worries about having the check-up.
Put in the correct preposition. Example: He concentrates __ physics. Answer: He concentrates on physics.
1) My friend is good playing volleyball.
2) She complains bullying.
3) They are afraid losing the match.
4) She doesn't feel working on the computer.
5) We are looking forward going out at the weekend.
6) Laura dreams living on a small island.
7) Andrew apologized being late.
8) Do you agree staying in a foreign country?
9) The girls insisted going out with Kerry.
10) Edward thinks climbing trees this afternoon.

Reported questions

If you put a question into Reported speech there are some steps which are the same like instatements: (changing of the person, backshift of tenses, changing of expressions of time).

In Reported speech there is no question anymore, the sentence becomes a statement.
That's why the word order is: subject - verb

Question without question words (yes/no questions):
Peter: "Do you play football?" - Peter asked me whether (if) I played football.

Question with question words:
Peter: "When do you play football?" - Peter asked me when I played football.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary. Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes?" Peter asked me _________________________________ Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes.
1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me .
2) Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know .
3) Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me .
4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me .
5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me .
6) Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know .
7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me .
8) Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me .
9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know .
10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked .

Мангазина Ж.Р., Молдабаева М.К., Минаева А.Ж.

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«Английский язык». Электроный учебник для обучающихся колледжа специальности «Дизайн» - Алматы: КазГАСА, 2012г.-45 с.

Редактор Есимханова А.

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