Ex. 2 Choose the correct form of the pronoun in each of the following sentences

1. Richard is expecting (us/our) to go to class tomorrow.

2. You shouldn’t rely on (him/his) calling you in the morning.

3. They don’t approve of (us/our) leaving early.

4. George asked (me/my) to call him last night.

5. We understand (him/his) having to leave early.

6. John resented (George/George’s) loosing the paper.

7. We object to (the defense attorney/ the defense attorney’s) calling the extra witness.

8. We are expecting (Henry/ Henry’s) to call us.

9. They are looking forward to (us/our) visiting them.

10. Susan regrets (John/ John’s) being in trouble.

Ex. 3 Complete the conversation. Put in a to-infinitive or an ing form.

e.g. A: I hear you sometimes sail to France in your boat.

B: That’s right. I really enjoy sailing.

1. A: Are you going to organize our trip?

B: yes, of course, I’ve agreed ….. it.

2. A: You wear a uniform at work, don’t you?

B: Yes, I have to, though I dislike ….. it.

3. A: Do you think they’ll approve the plan?

B: yes, I’m quite sure they’ll decide …. it.

4. A: What time will you be back?

B: Oh, I expect ….back some time around nine.

5. A: Did I remind you about the dinner tonight?

B: Yes, thank you. You keep …. me.

6. A: Was your decision the right one, do you think?

B: yes, luckily. In the end it proved…. the best thing for everyone.

7. A: Do you still work at the post-office?

B: No, I gave up … there last year.

8. A: have ICM bought the company?

B: Well, they offered …it.

9. A: I’m sorry you had to wait all that time.

B: Oh, It’s all right. I didn’t mind…

Ex.4 Make sentences from the notes.

e.g.: Tessa/want/ buy/ a new coat/soon.

Tessa wants to buy a new coat soon.

1. We/must/ avoid/waste/ as much time.

2. Sometimes/a country/refuse/take part/ in the Olympics.

3. I/like/see/the Rocky Mountains/ some day.

4. I/mean/give/Judy/a nice welcome/yesterday.

5. I/always/like/see/my doctor/once a year.

6. The buses/usually/stop/run/before midnight.

7. I/can/t/face/get up/at five/tomorrow.

8. Last year/we/make/an agreement/work together.

9. Yesterday/you/promise/ carry on/shoot/the film.

10. My father/seem/get better/now.

Ex.5 Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence.

e.g.: The man kept ask us for money. The man kept asking us for money.

1. We’ve finished to decorate the flat.

2. I regret say what I did.

3. Tessa decided go not to work.

4. Do you mind help me?

5. I’m beginning getting worried.

6. I can’t afford buy a new car.

7. I hope to avoid to make things worse.

8. Peter seems gone away already.

Ex. 6 Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

e.g.: I wish I hadn’t sold my bike.

I regret selling my bike.

1. The children were eager to see their presents. (want)

2. I hate to get up in the dark.(stand)

3. By chance I saw your brother yesterday. (happened)

4. The shop usually operates ten minutes late. (tends)

5. Would you like to go for a walk? (fancy)

6. The police continued to watch the house. (carried)

7. Seeing Nelson Mandela will always stay in my mind. (forget)


Making telephone calls.

1. Read and compare two dialogues. Which one is a private call and which is a business call. What difference is between them?

a)Sue: 7946 0008

Caller: Hello, could I speak to Jack Dawson, please

Sue: Yes, I’ll just get him for you. Who’s calling, please?

Caller: David Whitaker.

Sue: John! Phone!

Caller: Thanks.

Sue: He’s just coming.

Caller: Thank you.

b)Secretary: Acme manufacturing, may I help you?

Kunstler: Yes, please. This is Otto Kunstler from Swiss Trading Associates

calling for Tom Jones.

Secretary: Would you spell your name, please?

Kunstler: Yes: it is K-U-N-S-T-L-E-R.

Secretary: Thank you. Do you know which Department Mr.Jones is in?

Kunstler: I think he is in Marketing. Could you look it up for me?

Secretary: No trouble. Hmm, it looks like he is in Advertising.

Kunstler: Thank you. Could you put me through, please?

Secretary: One moment please. Oh, I'm afraid his line is busy. Would you like

to leave a message ?

Kunstler: Yes, please. Can you ask him to call? My telephone number is 7856


Secretary: Ok, I'll make sure that he receives your message.

Kunstler: Thank you very much. Good bye.

Secretary: Goodbye. Thank you for calling.


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