Г. Суффиксы наречия

-ly bad ® badly (плохо)
-ward(s) in ® inward (внутрь)
  up ® upward(s) (вверх)

3. Словосложение

bed + room ® bedroom (спальня)
father + in + law ® father-in-law (тесть, свекр)
well + known ® well-known (известный)

4. Конверсия

act (действие) ® to act (действовать)
clean (чистый) ® to clean (чистить)
place (место) ® to place (помещать)


UNIT 1 Plural nouns, personal and possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, to be and to have in indefinite tenses, the possessive case, the article Reading: Mr. Snow; Elizabeth II
UNIT 2 Interrogative sentences, indefinite tenses, there is /are Reading: The Study of Law at Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy; Three Kinds of Lawyer
UNIT 3 Continuous tenses, numerals, word order, prepositions of time Reading: The Party System of the UK; State Organization of the UK
UNIT 4 Degrees of comparison, quantitative adjectives, perfect tenses Reading: The United States Government; Congress
UNIT 5 Perfect continuous tenses, relative pronouns, indefinite and negative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, the imperative mood, the pronoun one Reading: The US Constitution; The Legislature
UNIT 6 The passive voice Reading: The law; Nature and Sources of the Law
UNIT 7 If and when clauses Reading: Statutory Law; Written Laws and Records
UNIT 8 Indirect speech Reading: Constitutional Law; Due Process and Individual Rights
UNIT 9 The infinitive, prepositions (direction and place) Reading: Common Law and Civil Law Systems; Common Law v. Civil Law
UNIT 10 Participle I, II. The Independent Participle Construction Reading: International Law; Maintenance of International Peace and Security
UNIT 11 The gerund Reading: Criminal law; Crime and Punishment
UNIT 12 Modal verbs Reading: Criminal Procedure; Juvenile Justice
UNIT 13 Complex Object Reading: Crimes against the Person; Assault
UNIT 14 Complex Subject Reading: Crimes against Real Property; Receiving Stolen Property
UNIT 15 Unreal conditional sentences Reading: "White-Collar" Crime; Obtaining Property by False Pretenses
Reading Supplement Legal texts
Tests Take-Home test 1; Take-Home test 2
Grammar Supplement Tense, voice, aspect, the modals, irregular verbs, word-building


Балишин Сергей Иванович,

Свешникова Ирина Александровна


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