The federal judiciary

1 By Article 3 of the Constitution, "the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain (предписывать) and establish".

2 The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review – the power to decide whether the actions of the President, Congress or state governments violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court judges – they are normally nine, but Congress may alter their number – are nominated for life by the President after being approved by the Senate.

3 In the federal court system, there are 90 district courts presided over by a district judge. They hear criminal cases involving breaches of federal law and civil cases on federal matters: disputes between states, non-payment of federal taxes, etc.

4 Appeals can be made to the United States Court of Appeals, where an appeal is heard by three judges, although in very controversial cases all nine appeal judges sit together. In the vast majority of cases, this court's decision is final and sets a precedent for future cases, although this precedent is not always binding on the Supreme Court.

5 The judicial systems of the states vary greatly in structure and procedure. Generally speaking, however, at the lowest level there are justices-of-the-peace courts presided over by elected lay magistrates, which deal with minor offences. Then come the county courts, which deal with the majority of civil and criminal cases. Appeals go to the District Courts of Appeals.

6 The most controversial aspect of state judiciaries is that in more than two-thirds of the states judges (including those in the Supreme Court) are elected.


41. The Supreme Court has the power to decide whether the actions of the President, Congress or state governments violate the Constitution.

A true Bfalse

42. The Supreme Court judges are normally 90.

A true Bfalse

43. The Supreme Court judges are nominated for life by the Senate after being approved by the President.

A true Bfalse

44. In the federal court system, there are 90 district courts presided over by a district judge.

A true Bfalse

45. District courts hear criminal cases and civil cases on federal matters.

A true Bfalse

46. Appeals can be made to the US Court of Appeals, where an appeal is heard by appeal judges.

A true Bfalse

47. The judicial systems of the states are quite similar in structure and procedure.

A true Bfalse

48. At the lowest level there are justices-of-the-peace courts presided over by elected lay magistrates, which deal with minor offences.

A true Bfalse

49. County courts deal with the majority of civil and criminal cases.

A true Bfalse

50. In more than two-thirds of the states, judges are elected.

A true Bfalse

Which paragraph is the following mentioned in?

51. На нижнем уровне находятся мировые суды.

A 4 B 1 C 5 D 6

52.Две трети судей штатов выбираются.

A 5 B 1 C 2 D 6

53.СудьиВерховного Суда США назначаются на пожизненный срок.

A 4 B 3 C 1 D 2

54.Прецедент не всегда обязателен для Верховного Суда.

A 1 B 4 C 6 D 3

55.Они слушают дела, связанные с нарушением федеральных законов.

A 3 B 1 C 5 D 4

What is the meaning of the following words in the text?

56. inferior

A высший B низший C внутренний D высокий

57. alter

A измена B смена C альтернативный D изменять

58. breach

A мост B промежуток C нарушение D нарушать

59. including

A исключая B включение C включая D исключать

60. majority

A большинство B мажорный C меньшинство D мало

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