Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Simple.

1. She … a student. She … a good student.

2. Where … you from? – I … from Moscow.

3. My mother … not a teacher.

4. … your brother at school? – Yes, he … .

5. My friend … an engineer. He … at work.

6. Nick … not a coolege student. He … a school boy. He … at school now.

7. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the wall.

8. … this your book? – This book … not mine. My book … in my bag.

9. These … his newspapers.

10. My uncle … an office worker.

11. … your parents at home? – No, they … not.

12. Michael has a brother. His brother … 30. He … a worker. He … at home.

Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.

1. I visit my parents very often.

2. They live in Great Britain.

3. He goes to school by bus.

4. She lives in this house.

5. He wants to be a doctor.

6. They play tennis every Sunday.

7. We work every day.

8. My sister goes to bed at nine.

9. Usually I have dinner very late.

10. My brother watches TV every evening.

11. She likes classical music.

12. We go to the theatre once a month.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.

2. I (not to walk) to work every morning.

3. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.

4. He (to speak) German.

5. I (to visit) my friend every week.

6. Her first class (to start) at eight o’clock.

7. Ann (not to read) a lot.

8. He always (to invite) his friends to his birthday party.

9. I (to go) for a walk every day.

10. She (to wash) her car once a week.

Задание 1. Составьте утвердительные (+), отрицательные (–) или вопросительные (?) предложения в Present Simple.

Пример: She/read/a lot (+) – She reads a lot.

1. My sister/eat/meat (–)

2. They/study/Spanish (?)

3. I/usually/make dinner (–)

4. He/have/two cats (+)

5. Molly/go/to the gym (?)

Задание 2. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1. Rice grows in Britain.

2. I like listening to music.

3. Kate does her homework.

4. We have a big family.

5. He often rides a bike.

Задание 3. Задайте к данным предложениям общие вопросы.

Пример: He watches TV. – Does he watch TV?

1. He has a lot of friends.

2. My sister works in a bank.

3. We do a lot of things together.

4. She sometimes goes swimming.

Задание 4. Прочитайте предложения и исправьте их. С точки зрения грамматики все верно, однако информация ложная. Посмотрите на пример и напишите по 2 предложения к каждому пункту.

Пример: The sun goes round the earth.
The sun doesn't go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun.

1. Apple produces microwave ovens.

2. Sharks live in the trees.

3. The sun rises in the west.

4. Mice catch cats.

Задание 5. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.

1. What does he usually at the office?

2. Does they play tennis every week?

3. When does he comes home?

4. I goes to the park on Sundays.

5. We dont use that car.

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.
2. He (to work) at a factory.
3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
4. We (to work) part-time.
5. They (to drink) tea every day.
6. Mike (to be) a student.
7. Helen (to have) a car.
8. You (to be) a good friend.
9. You (to be) good friends.
10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o'clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock.
2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.
5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
8. Classes (to begin) at eight.
9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.
10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Упражнение 4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Present Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Упражнение 5. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Present Simple.

1. I ... a student.
2. My father ... not a shop-assistant, he ... a scientist.
3. ... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ... .
4. ... they at home? - No, they ... not. They ... at school.
5. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I....
6. ... your friend a photographer? No, she ... not a photographer, she ... a student.
7. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... .
8. ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... .
9. Max ... an office-worker.
10. We ... late, sorry!

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не занят.
3. Вы заняты?
4. Они дома? (to be at home)
5. Его нет дома.
6. Я не знаю.
7. Они знают?
8. Она не знает.
9. Кто знает?
10. Никто не знает.
11. Он читает английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не читают. (never / to read)
13. У неё есть квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего нет.
15. Это кто?

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