IX. Are these sentences true or false?

Число: 2057


Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для работы в группах студентов 1 курса учетно-финансового факультета. Пособие включает в себя тексты по специальности, поурочный словарь специальной лексики, предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения с учетом основных разделов грамматики.
Курс состоит из 10 уроков и комплекса упражнений направленных на совершенствование навыков чтения и расширение терминологического словаря, а также приложение – грамматический справочник.
Целью данного учебно-методического пособия является расширение активного словарного запаса по специальности, повторение основных разделов грамматики английского языка и совершенствование навыков чтения.
Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с учебным планом и программой по курсу «Английский язык».


1. The First Bankers in Britain

2. English Banknotes and Coins

3. American Money

4. Glimpses of History of Money

5. History of Russian Money

6. Moscow Narodny Bank

7. Bookkeepers, Accountants and Controllers

8. Accounting

9. Accounting and Auditing

10. Borrowing and Lending

11. Appendix

Unit I

The First bankers in Britain

Pretext Tasks

I.Vocabulary list:

1. banker 2. Italian 3. Lombardy 4. independent 5. Lombard 6. league 7. the Lombards 8. to settle down 9. part 10. after 11. ...or so 12. to leave (left) 13. bankrupt 14. tohappen 15. mostly   16. toloan 17. torepay   18. so 19. alive 20. banking 21. tolocate 22. tobelocated банкир итальянец; итальянский Ломбардия независимый ломбардский лига ломбардцы обосноваться, осесть часть в честь, по имени или около того уезжать, покидать, оставлять обанкротившийся случаться, происходить главным образом, большей частью давать взаймы, заем, кредит выплачивать, возвращать (деньги) таким образом живой, в живых банковское дело разместить, поместить быть расположенным

II. Translate the following words and word combinations without dictionary:

banker, business, in the City of London, a few centuries ago, region, northern Italy, independent cities, group, Italians, to settle down, bankrupt, Lombard street, British banking, head offices, foreign banks, to locate.

III. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

обосноваться (осесть), обанкротиться, давать взаймы, возвращать-выплачивать (деньги), банковское дело, разместить-поместить, независимый, итальянец, банкир, Ломбардия, случаться-происходить, таким образом, независимые города, первые банкиры, регион в северной Италии, оставаться не надолго.

IV Match English words with the Russian equivalents:

1. independent 2. to settle down 3. to loan 4. to locate 5. Lombardy 6. banking 7. bankrupt     a. Ломбардия b. давать взаймы c. независимый d. разместить, поместить e. обанкротится f. банковское дело g. обосноваться, осесть

V. The First Bankers in Britain

Read and translate the text.

Find in the text sentences that say:

а) Where did the first bankers come to City from?

б) Where did they settle down in London?

в) Why did the Lombards leave London?

г) What role does Lombard street play in our days?

The first bankers in Britain were Italians who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago. They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy where there was a group of independent cities. This group was called the Lombard League.

The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London which was later called after those Italians, Lombard Street.

The Lombards did not stay in London long. After a century or so they left London because they were made bankrupt. It happened mostly because they loaned money to kings who did not repay the loans.

So the Lombards left, but their name is still alive in London. Lombard Street is still the centre of British banking. This is the street where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks are located.

After text exercises

VI. Read the text attentively and put these sentences in right order in accordance to the text:

11) The Lombards did not stay in London long.

12) Lomhard Street is still the centre of British banking.

13) They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy.

4) The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London.

15) The first bankers in Britain were Italians who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago.

16) After a century or so they left London because they were made bankrupt.

7) The Lombards left, but their name is still alive in London.

VII. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. The first bankers in Britain were…….

2. The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London …….

3.This group was called …….

4. After a century or so they left London …….

5. They came from Lombardyа region …….

VIII Match the sentence halves:

1. The first bankers in Britain were Italians...   2. They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy...   3. The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London.. .   4. They loaned money to kings… 5. This is the street…   a)… after those Italians, Lombard Street.   b)… where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks are located.   c)… who did not repay the loans.   d)… where there was a group of independent cities.   e)… who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago.

IX. Are these sentences true or false?

1) The first bankers in Britain were Russians.

2) The first bankers settled down in the center of London.

3) Lombard Street is called after the first customers of British bankers in Lombardy.

4) The Lombards left London because they didn't do good business there.

5) The Lombards were made bankrupt because English kings did not repay their loans to them.

X. Define the number and case of nouns in underlined words.

(see appendix – reference section)

1) The Lombard’s name is still alive in London.

2)Italians came to do business in the City of London.

3) There was a group of independent cities in northern Italy.

4) This is the street where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks

are located.

5)The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London.

6) The Lombards’ banks later were made bankrupt.

XI. Translate the following sentences:

1) The Lomhards settled down in the part of the City of London.

2) They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy.

3) The first bankers in Britain were Italians.

4) The Lombards did not stay in London long.

5) The Lombards left London because they were bankrupt.

XII. Find answers to the following questions in the text:

1) Who were the first bankers in Britain?

2) Why did the Lombards come to London?

3) Whom did the Lombards loan money to?

4) Why did they leave London after a century or so... ?

5) What can you say about Lombard street in London?

Unit II

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