Biotechnologist’s favorite things

Studying of biotechnology is a very high priority with me, especially as I dreamt to study biology and

Biotechnologist’s favorite things - chemistry in complex from my childhood. So there’re times when I break my agenda, go absolutely crazy and escape to my laboratory and work for the whole day without food and sleep. I really enjoy re- searching of undiscovered things.

I’ve got a superb laboratory – over 200 various chemical devices as well as chemicals itself – so you can guess that I just adore making experiments. I really like the entire content of my laboratory – all these tubes, shakers, washers, automatic dispensers and photocol- orimeters. Ever since I was young I’ve loved looking at chemical reactions.

I’m very fond of rats and mice – I’ve got two white


*pet hates BrE /pet peeve AmE – something that you strongly dislike because it always annoys you.


mice at home, Arethna and Flossie. I like outstanding scientists and I read their works on brilliant biotechnol- ogy. I watch scientific programs on the television, as well. Some of them are wonderful. Also on my list of likes must be Jamaica. I love going on holiday and I go back there as often as I can. I can find many new inter- esting species of flora and fauna there.

I tend to wear white overall – maybe because I couldn’t afford it when I was a school pupil. I like wear- ing gloves and a mask, but I can’t stand gloves when they are torn! One of my pet hates* is when chemist’s shops don’t have gloves in my size. I think that’s really awful.

There’re lots of other things I don’t like. I detest vio- lence, and the idea of nuclear war is very frightening in- deed. I don’t mind being interviewed, but I get annoyed when I get too much attention to my personality. I abso-

agenda adore (v) attractive awful baggy suit be fond of be keen on

break the rules brilliant

can’t stand detest (v) mind (v) dispenser dreadful enjoy (v) entire content

fantastic great hate (v)

high priority make experiments outstanding overall

promote ignorance scientist

scientific species superb

tear (tore, torn) (v) tube


lutely hate when people say that biotechnology is a bor- ing thing – such people promote ignorance. I’m also not too keen on rude people and Australian soap operas – they are dreadful.

4. Read the first 3 paragraphs of the text and write down things that a biotechnologist likes. Then read the final two paragraphs and find things that he dislikes.

5. Which of biotechnologist’s likes and dislikes do you share with him? List five things that you really like and five that you dislike.

6. Find in the text eight verbs refer to likesand dislikes. Draw a line and write most positive above one end of the line and most negative above the other end. Position the verbs along the line according to how positive or how negative they are.


Biotechnologist’s favorite things -

Most positive Most negative

7. What famous person would you like to inter- view? Give reasons for your choice.

Make your own interview with the famous person you like.

8. Give all possible variants & translate them into Russian.

Great(elephant, aim, singer, lection, at painting, grandfather).

9. Paraphrase the following using the possessive


Example: The son of our manager — our man- ager's son.

1) the clinic of Mr. Smith; 2) a doll of the girls;

3) the works of Rembrandt; 4) a toy of the baby; 5) a meeting of the employees; 6) the bags of those women; 7) the orders of our boss; 8) the books of the

children; 9) the cottage of my parents; 10) a garage of her cousin. 11) the mother of Kate and Mary; 12) the children of my aunt Ann; 13) the paintings by Picasso and Dali; 14) the times of Ivan the Terrible; 15) oil wells of Saudi Arabia.

10. Replace the nouns in the possessive case by the prepositional groups where possible.

Example: He always takes his brothers' bocks. — He always takes books of his brothers.

1) The only thing she wanted was to see her par- ents' house again. 2) No one could explain the young girl's behavior at yesterday's supper. 3) Last Sunday's rugby match was disappointing. Our team lost. 4) The boy was looking through a children's magazine. 5) Af- ter an hour's break we resumed our work. 6) At that time he lived in a little flat for economy's sake. 7) It was four and a half hours' ride. 8) I don't like cow's milk. 9) He was puzzled by Ann and Peter's visit. 10) When Friday came, he was at his wit's ends. 11) She dropped in at the chemist's to buy some aspirin.

11. Remember verb tenses: Present Simpleand

Present Progressive.

*Не забывайте, что следующие глаголы не могут ис- пользоваться во всех длительных временах:

· глаголы, характеризующие умственную деятель- ность: know, realize, suppose, understand, believe, remember, forget, think, assume, consider, expect, agree, mean, doubt и др.;

· глаголы эмоций: like, dislike, love, hate, envy, prefer,

wish, want, care идр.;

· глаголы обладания: have, own, belong, contain и др.;

· глаголы чувств: see, hear, smell, taste и др.

12. Find a mistake:

1) Don’t speak. The student is working. The stu- dent is working for three hours every day.

2) Right now I’m in laboratory. I sit at my work- place. I usually sit at this place.

3) Ali is speaking Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right now he is speaking English about biopolymers.

13. Open the brackets and put the verb into the

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