Express your own point of view on the problem discussed.

a) I find/found the article topical=urgent (interesting, important, dull, of no value, too hard to understand) because ...

b) In my opinion the article is worth reading because ....

c) The article is of great interest (help) to…

Союзы и коннекторы:

1. according to - в согласии с, по, согласно чему-либо

2. accordingly - соответственно

3. and - вследствие

4. and - итак, и так как

5. and so - и потому

6. as a result - в результате

7. as - так как; потому что

8. consequently - в соответствии с, следовательно

9. due to the fact (that) - из-за, в результате

10. hence - следовательно, отсюда

11. in accordance with - согласно, в соответствии с

12. now that - в силу того что, теперь, когда

13. or else - а иначе

14. otherwise - в противном случае

15. owing to the fact (that) - из-за, в результате

16. seeing that - принимая во внимание

17. so - и поэтому

18. so that, so…that,

19. such that - из-за этого, так что, так…что

20. thanks to the fact (that) - благодаря (тому что)

21. that’s why - вот почему

22. then - в таком случае, тогда

23. thereby - вследствие этого, в результате, и таким образом

24. thereupon - в результате

25. thus - таким образом

26. whereby - и поэтому


Russian Scientists Discover

How to Treat Cardiac Problems With Laser

19 April 2016 “Sputnik News”

Russian scientists developed a new technology that can change the work of heart cells using laser rays, according to a press release from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) obtained by Sputnik.

The study will help scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology to better understand how the heart works and provide a method to treat people with irregular heartbeat issues.

"Right now this result may be very useful for clinical studies of the mechanisms of the heart, and in the future we could potentially stop attacks of arrhythmia in patients at the touch of a button," MIPT scientists Professor Konstantin Agladze said, according to the press release.

To activate heart cells, Russian scientists used azobenzene trimethylammonium bromide (azoTAB) molecules.

Each azoTAB molecule consists of two parts connected by nitrogen atoms. Now the fun part is that when the molecule is heated by UV light, the two parts "fold" with each other; however, when the light is removed, the molecule returns to its original condition with two parts.

In other words, using radiation scientists can make an azoTAB molecule exist in two different states.

After finding this out, Agladze and his team switched a lamp, which produces UV light, with a laser. Using a laser, scientists could manually control cardiac muscle cells in each specific point of the heart, the study said.
The study shows that Russian scientists are working on finding new ways of controlling heart cells. In the future, the discovery could assist in treating heart arrhythmia.

Arrhythmia or an irregular heartbeat is among the most common cardiac diseases. One in eight deaths in the world happens as a result of severe arrhythmia, according to Science Daily.


Advanced Chemistry Projects – Corrosion

18 February 2016 “Telegraph”

Corrosion is important to the economy of every country as also to the world. It is widely studied as bridges and buildings uses iron supports. Untreated iron would collapse and lead to loss of both, life and economy. At the K-11or K-12 grades the study of corrosion is dealt using electrochemical principles. A project based on quantitation of oxygen in the formation of ferric oxide is suggested.

Corrosion is the process wherein a metal is oxidized by loss of electrons to more electronegative elements like oxygen, sulfur etc. With the formation of metal sulfides and oxides. Corrosion of iron occurs primarily in the presence of moisture and oxygen. It is an electrochemical phenomena where iron acts as an anode and oxygen as cathode.

In the process of corrosion, iron gets oxidized to ferric oxide. Hence an informative study would entail, tracking the consumption of oxygen. Weigh a known amount of iron filings or iron wire and place it in a netted bag. Place this in a measuring cylinder. In a beaker containing a known volume of water invert a measuring cylinder containing one third the volume of water. The height of the water in the empty measuring cylinder rises till the point where there is air trapped. Note this volume of air. Similarly, placing the netted bag containing iron filings in the measuring cylinder, filled one third with water and invert it into a beaker containing the same volume of water. Note the volume of air trapped. As rust begins to form and oxygen is utilized the water level in the measuring cylinder rises. The process of rusting may take a maximum of three to four days at 30oC. The experiment at the K-11 or K-12 grade can be made more quantitative by calculating the amount of oxygen that has combined with the iron filings. The rust formed is weighed. From the weight of the iron oxide formed, the amount of oxygen that has combined with the given amount of iron filings can be determined. From the volume change of the water level, the amount of oxygen utilized can be approximated.

Thus the first part of the project on corrosion would throw light on the oxygen consumption in the formation of rust. A further step ahead would be to determine the oxygen consumption and formation of rust under different pH conditions. Similarly, presence of electrolytes that would expedite the formation of rust can also be studied.

Hayley Birch

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