In the text below pay attention to the use of conditionals, state their type and translate the text
When Charles Darwin published "On the origin of species" in 1859, the Bishop of Worcester's wife was very much distressed. "Let us hope it is not true," she said, "But if it is, let us pray that it does not become generally known!"
Supposing that we had been alive 150 years ago, would we have been repelled by the suggestion that humans and apes may have had a common ancestor? And had our ancestors been born in modern times, would they have been similarlyrepelled by the thought of "designer" babies? I suspect that the answer to both questions would be in the affirmative!
I have tried to rationalise my own response to genetic engineering. I personally feel that if we were supposed to be perfect, we would have been designed that way. Surely experimenting with genes is an invasion of the human self. On the other hand, can we honestly say that the human self is to be found in our genes?
From the medical point of view, genetic engineering has opened up exciting possibilities for the treatment of genetically related disorders. However, the real problem with this new science is that it threatens to undermine our world: our moral and social codes.
Yet if morality had originally been based on reason, our attitudes might have been justifiable. Unfortunately, morality has it origin in the prejudice ritual and habit, and, as a result, the possibilities afforded by scientific advance are increasingly constrained.
2.17. Change the sentences into the past:
1. He says he is a bachelor of the Institute of Biology.
2. He says he passed the exams with good marks.
3. The student says he will enter the post-graduate courses.
4. My sister thinks she will have finished her thesis by the end of September.
5. My supervisor asks what article I am writing.
6. I think you are cleverer.
7. Everybody knows the candidate exam will be taken in May.
8. It seems everything is clear.
9. I know what you are thinking about.
2.18. Put the following sentences into reported speech:
1. He said: " I'll teach you natural science; I like to collect different plants and watch the behaviour of these animals day and night; I have caught a tortoise today; I'm reading about different species of animals."
2. He asked: "Has he decided to publish the materials of his voyage? Does he like to go on a sea voyage? Did he explain the origin of different species in his book? What conclusion did you come to after reading this book? Will you return this book in time? Have you made a report about it?
3.1. Before you read the text, discuss the following questions in pairs, make use of the prompts in brackets:
1. What is the definition of biotechnology? (technology, research techniques, biological processes, societal needs; to control, to meet, to use)
2. What are the goals of genetic engineering? (products, human problems, genetic manipulation, gene transfer, DNA typing and cloning; to develop, to solve)
application – применение
bioinformatics - биоинформатика
biological entity- биологический объект
biological/ biotech process- биологический процесс
biorobotics - биороботехника
biotechnology - биотехнология
cell reprogramming - перепрограммирование клетки
cloning- клонирование, вегетативное размножение
derivative – дериват, производное
desired trait- требуемая черта, свойство
develop products - разрабатывать продукты
diet - диета, питание
DNA typing - типирование ДНК
DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)- ДНК (дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота)
embryonic stem cell- эмбриональная стволовая клетка
engineering- инженерия, технология, проектирование
establish identity- установить идентичность
gene - ген
genetic - генетический
genome- геном
genotype - генотип
HGH (human growth hormone)- гормон роста человека
make adult clones - создать клоны взрослого объекта
meet needs - отвечать (удовлетворять) потребностям
microorganism - микроорганизм
originate from- возникать из
plant in abundance- сажать, сеять в изобилии (в большом к-ве)
pluripotent stem cell- плюрипотенциальная стволовая клетка
range from …to - колебаться в пределах от …до
reproductive - половой, репродуктивный
research technique – метод исследований
simulate - имитировать, копировать
solve human problems - решать проблемы человека
splicing - сплайсинг, сращивание
tandem repeat pattern- тандемная повторяющаяся структура
technology- технология
transgenic - трансгенный
yield- производить