A thick blinding fog is spreading

A downpour / a shower / rain

Sudden / unexpected — внезапный

Torrential / heavy / driving / pouring / soaking — проливной

A torrential rain fallshard and fast.

Torrents of water run along the road.

Brief / intermittent — короткий

Steady — затяжной

Light rain - дождик

Rain falls — дождь идет

Rain lets up — дождь ослабевает, прекращается

it's pouring down – льет как из ведра
it's drizzling - моросит

Rain pours — дождь льется

It is raining and the raindrops are falling softly on the ground.

Гром гремит. — It thunders, it is thundering.

Thunder booms / reverberates / roars / rolls. — Гром гремит, отдаётся, раскатывается.

A storm with thunder and lightning

A thunder shower

Clap/crack/roll/crash/rumble/roar of thunder

- Suddenly there was a great crash of thunder.

- We could hear the rumble of distant thunder.

There are tremendous claps of thunder and flashes of lightning.

Дождь стучит в окно. — The rain is beating against the window.

The rain patters (against the windows) — дождь барабанит, стучит (по стёклам)

The rain drummed upon the roof of the car. — Дождь барабанил по крыше автомобиля.

дождь хлещет в окно — the rain is beating down (on) the window panes

Дождь хлещет нам в лицо — the rain is beating in our faces

Дождь так и хлещет — the rain is lashing down

We can hear thunder rumbling in the distance. — Мы слышим, как вдали грохочет гром.

Lightning flashed and thunder pealed. — Сверкнула молния, и прогремел гром.

To be caught in a shower — попасть под ливень

Keep the rain out – укрыться от дождя

Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs. — Гроза уже давно кончилась, а с крыш всё ещё текло.

There must be a hole in the roof, it's raining in. — Наверное, в крыше дырка: капает.

Rain swept in through the broken windows. — Сквозь разбитые окна в дом ворвался дождь.

the shrill squeal of the wind — пронзительные завывание ветра

The breeze murmured in the pines. — Ветер шелестел в соснах.

The cold wind nipped at his face. — Холодный ветер щипал ему лицо

A window rattled in the wind. — Окно дребезжало на ветру.

ветер воет — the wind is howling

The hurricane swept in from the sea. — Ураган примчался с моря.

Strong winds regularly sweep the islands. — Над островами регулярно проносятся сильные ветры.

A terrible storm swept down on the village. — На селение обрушился ураган

ветер бушевал всю ночь — the wind raged all night

a heavy / severe / violent storm — дикая, сильная буря

a storm hits / strikes — буря разражается

a storm rages — буря бушует

a storm blows itself out / blows over / subsides — буря стихает

A storm was gathering. — Собиралась буря.

ветер дует — the wind blows

The wind blew from the northeast.

A sudden gust of wind (=a short strong wind) blew the door shut.

blowing/flapping/swaying in the wind - branches swaying in the wind

flowers waving in the breeze

strong/high winds - The forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain.

gale/hurricane force winds (=strong enough to cause a lot of damage) - a 70-mile-an-hour wind

The light wind ruffled the water.

a cold/an icy/a chill/a biting wind

the wind picks/gets up (=blows more strongly) - The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy.

здесь дует — there is a draught [drɑːft] брит. / draft амер. here, it is draughty here

A cold breeze was blowing hard. — Дул сильный, холодный ветер.

gentle / light / soft wind / breeze — лёгкий ветерок

cold / icy wind — холодный / ледяной ветер

biting / cutting wind — пронизывающий, обжигающий ветер

brisk wind — свежий ветер

heavy / high / stiff wind — сильный ветер

gale-force wind — штормовой, шквальный ветер

gusty wind — порывистый ветер

The wind blows in gusts.

a blast / gust of wind — порыв ветра

It is blustery. – очень ветрено

breeze blows / comes up — дует лёгкий ветерок

The dry leaf rustles in the brake. — В кустах шуршит сухая листва.

листья шуршат под ногами — the leaves rustle underfoot

We could just see the outline of the house through the mist.

Next morning, the whole town was shrouded in mist (=covered in mist).

We got lost in the thick fog.

It will be a cold night, and there may be fog patches.

A blanket of fog covered the fields.

The fog lifted (=disappeared) in the afternoon.

Hazy - not clear, especially because there is a slight mist caused by heat or smoke

A thick blinding fog is spreading.

boiling/scorching/sizzling/blazing/burning/baking/broiling (hot) - extremely hot
sweltering - very hot, душный, жаркий, знойный Syn : sultry
balmy - pleasantly warm, with a gentle wind blowing
a heatwave - a period of unusually hot weather
freezing (cold) - extremely cold
arctic - extremely cold, usually with a lot of ice and snow
wintry - cold and snowy or rainy, like the weather in winter
crisp - if the air is crisp, it feels cold but pleasantly fresh and clear
chilly - a little too cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
cool - a little cold, in a way that is pleasant
a cold snap/cold spell - a period of unusually cold weather

sunny/fine - used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of sunshine
nice/lovely/glorious - very sunny and good
bright - if the weather is bright, the sun shines strongly
there isn't a cloud in the sky - the sky is completely clear
dry - if the weather is dry, it does not rain
fair - sunny and not windy or rainy - used especially in weather forecasts
wet/rainy/damp - used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of rain

humid – влажный

grey/dull - cloudy and not bright

The trees are dressed in green.

Everything around is in full bloom.

Tiny leaves are beginning to appear.

The forest is penetrated with sun rays.

The water is moonlit.

The sunrise and sunset look spectacular and glorious.

The sea is calm and the water is crystal clear.

The sea is rough.

волны плещут о скалы — waves are lapping / swashing against / on the rocks

море плещется у скал — the sea laps on / against the rocks

The sky is overcast.

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