Add Energy - Consulting Services
The Completion Engineer integrates the requirements of a number of other disciplines (Reservoir, Drilling, Production, etc) to maximize the value of a hydrocarbon resource. This almost always requires evaluating competing and conflicting factors to determine the 'best' option for a particular problem. This talk will demonstrate a decision making process that allows the stakeholders to compare various options in a fair and roboust way. Two real onshore or offshore examples will be reviewed depending on SPE chapter interest.
Members will take away a new methodology on how to compare competing factors that influence a completion or well design.
Mr. Dan Gibson is a Senior Completions & Well Integrity engineer with over 35 years of experience. He has worked his way through the oil and gas production stream from Facilities and Production engineering to Completions in assignments across the USA and around the world (Gabon, Congo, Egypt, Scotland, Russia, and Australia). This breadth of expereince comes across in the presentation and his ability to deal with different audiences with a wide range of challenges.
He has authored or co-authored a number of papers ranging from polymer flood management to ice mechanics and most recently an innovative ICD system. He is one of the most active members of SPE Connect where members can readily contact him with questions.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Distinguished Lecturer 2016-17 Lecture Season
Operational Geochemistry at Work: Integrate or Perish!
Daniel McKinney
Sarawak Shell Berhad
Fluid properties have a profound impact on the exploration and production business; everything from acreage positioning, subsurface evaluation, reservoir performance, top sides design, flow assurance, metallurgy, etc. relies heavily on fluid properties. Yet many times, projects go through decision gates with a general lack of appreciation or awareness of the intricacies and interdependencies that exist within the petroleum system. In addition, one may not even have the proper datasets to realize missed opportunities that could impact significantly on CAPEX and OPEX. Operational Geochemistry is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between the various disciplines, both subsurface and surface, to make sure that during exploration and appraisal campaigns reliable, complete and consistent datasets are obtained, quality assured and integrated right from the start. It is not a spectator sport where plans are designed only to be handed off to someone else to execute. Involvement from beginning to end is crucial. To do this, the objectives need to be clear and an action plan formulated with sufficient flexibility to react to surprises; and buy-in needs to be sought from all parties far in advance of well delivery. All the while, technologies should be identified and earmarked for deployment where warranted. Last but not least, once data gathering commences, the Operations Geochemist needs to reflect upon the fluid data and properties and identify outliers. In this presentation, a number of case studies are presented illustrating the workflow and describing both the prize and the potential lost opportunities.
I graduated in 1992 and 1998 with a B.S. in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. I joined Shell shortly thereafter and have spent 17 years in Houston, New Orleans, and, now, Malaysia providing Geochemistry and formation testing solutions. I am Shell’s Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Operations Geochemistry, and I was one of the founding members of Shell’s Fluid Evaluation and Sampling Technologies (FEAST) team. I have contributed to a number of manuscripts, oral presentations, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), as well as posters at SPE, SPWLA, and Organic Geochemistry Conferences.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Distinguished Lecturer 2016-17 Lecture Season
The Value and the Danger of Complex Reservoir Simulations
Daniel Yang
Shell Canada Ltd.
The weakness of reservoir simulations is the lack of quantity and quality of the required input; their strength is the ability to vary one parameter at a time. Therefore, reservoir simulations are an appropriate tool to evaluate relative uncertainty but absolute forecasts can be misleading, leading to poor business decisions. As recovery processes increase in complexity, the impact of such decisions may have a major impact on the project viability. A responsible use of reservoir simulations is discussed, addressing both technical users and decision makers. The danger of creating a false confidence in forecasts and the value of simulating complex processes are demonstrated with examples. This is a call for the return of the reservoir engineer who is in control of the simulations and not controlled by them, and the decision maker who appreciates a black & white graph of a forecast with realistic uncertainties over a 3-D hologram in colour.
Daniel Yang is Petroleum Advisor at Shell Canada. Holding a PhD in Geophysics from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, he dedicated 15 years of his oil-industry career to Enhanced Oil Recovery methods, focussing on thermal recovery and originating from 10 years of research in geothermal energy. Daniel worked at Shell International, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. and Laricina Energy Ltd. He holds two patents, was recognized as Subject Matter Expert in Shell, has over 20 publications, recently received a SPE Best Paper Award, and was a guest lecturer at universities in Germany, U.S.A. and Canada.