Read and translate the dialogue. Rewrite it in the Indirect Speech.

Ann: What are you going to do when you leave school?

Bob: Oh, I plan to go to the University. And you?

Ann: I hope to enter the University too. Well ... pro­viding I pass my exams, of course.

Bob: But I thought you said you were going to get a job?

Ann: Yes, I had planned to, but I changed my mind.

Bob: Oh, why's that?

Ann: Because there aren't any jobs going at the moment — at least, unskilled ones.

Bob: Yes, it's a problem. But supposing you could have any job in the world. Which one would you choose?

Ann: Well, if that were possible, I think I'd like to be a famous writer.

Bob: Oh! Any particular reason you'd choose that?

Ann: Not really, except that it must be nice seeing your name in print.

Read and translate the dialogue. Use some phrases from it to tell about your future profession.

Choosing a profession

Nick: Pete, have you already made up your mind what profession to choose?

Pete: Yes, I am going to apply to the Law Faculty of Moscow State University as I want to be a lawyer. I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state which we are creating now. Lawyers have to solve many problems that still exist in our society. The duty of the lawyers is not only to punish people for various crimes: hooliganism, stealing, traffic violation and so on but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. They should help those people who committed an error to find the right road in their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organiza­tions. As for me, I want to be a defence counsel. And where are you going to study?

Nick: I decided to apply to the faculty of journalism at Saint-Petersburg State University. I'd like to be a journalist. The press and journalists play a very important role in the life of any country and in the process of democratization of our society in particular. The duty of the journalists is to tell people the truth about success and shortcomings in all spheres of life in our country. In their publications they should truth­fully depict the life and aspirations of the people, political and economic problems facing our country and other countries of the world. The truthful information about our home and world events help to create the atmosphere of confidence, justice, compassion, mutual support and understanding in the society.

Nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career of a journalist are. But it is clear that those who have decided to take up journalism as a career should have genuine interest in people. A journalist should have the qualities of sympa­thy, open-mindedness and inquiring mind. He must be in­terested in many subjects but not just in one because he deals with many different people and various problems.

Read and translate the dialogue. Rewrite it in the Indirect Speech. - The journalist must be a well-educated man with broad outlook to be successful in his profession. He must be able to write in clear, simple and direct language. The right to know is one of the citizens' rights and that's why it won't be an exaggeration to say that the moral health of any so­ciety depends upon honest and sincere attitude of jour­nalists to their work.

Fred: There are two aspects I'd like to deal with in fu­ture: marketing and advertising which require applied linguistics. Marketing research, communication, planning and ad­vertising are simply impossible without a foreign lan­guage. Besides, marketing involves meeting both companies and customers' needs. Here is where the knowledge of English could help.

Further, marketing provides information about fore­word demand for the company's products and services, and it helps identify and stimulate this demand for such products and services. In order to get this information you should read foreign literature, it is impossible with­out proper language knowledge.

Advertising is a part of the marketing strategy; it's a complex of activities and a comprehensive one. Advertising, public relations, direct mail and special events such as product shows, conferences and exhibitions comprise the communication mix where again people from different countries speak mostly English.

I presume that this will be my primary occupation in future. I want to devote my life to it as the role of adver­tising is a very important and powerful tool. It formulates demand, promotes sales, helps create a market, informs the buyer of the company's products and services and cre­ates the company's image.

Such are my plans for the future. As you can see they are rather complicated and far-reaching.

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