Make up sentences from the following notes using Present Perfect


(a) We/sell/components/to the private sector/before/(never).

We have never sold components to the private sector before.

(b) You/have/any experience/in electronics industry/(ever)?

Have you ever had any experience in the electronics industry?

1. Sykes Consultants/complete/the survey/on the use of/phones in cities (just).

2. Many companies/show/interest in/this market (already).

3. Since 1995/Smallcrown/renew/the patents (annually).

4. She/think of/changing/her job (ever)?

5. He/write/series of articles on/the communications means industry (just).

6. Murphy/not decide/to accept the offer of/a new job (yet).

7. The Directors/finished/discussing Davis’ report/on the BSM-3 project (almost).

8. There/be/any consumer demand in/electrically driven vehicles (never).

9. Davis/not tell/them/about Smallcrown’s development plans (yet)?

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite tense.

1. This is my house. - How long you (to live) here? - I (to live) here since 1995.

2. He (to lose) his job two months ago and since then he (to be) out of work. - Why he (to lose) his job? - He (to be) very rude to Mr Williams.

3. My daughter (not to start) to work yet. She’s still at High School. - How long she (to be) at school? - She (to be) at High School for three years; before that she (to spend) five years at Primary School in Blue Street.

4. I (to begin) to study English at Secondary School and (to do) it for five years. Then I (to drop) it for a couple of years and (to forget) most of it. Then I (to spend) three years at a Secretarial College, where I studied Business English, and for the last six months I (to study) English in London.

5. Hello, Nick! I (not to see) you for ages! Where you (to be)? - I (to be) to Sweden. I (to mean) to send you a postcard but I (not to have) your address with me. - Never rnind. You (to have) a good time in Sweden? How long you (to be) there? - I (to be) there for two weeks. I only just (to get) back.

6. Open the brackets. Explain the use of the tense forms:

1. He (buy) a new house last week, but he (not sell) his old house yet, so at the moment he is having two houses.

2. I (leave) home at 7.00 and (get) here at eleven.

3. Shakespeare (write) Romeo and Juliet.

4. By next August I (pay) $ 1,000 as income tax.

5. She (return) me the book, (thank) me for lending it to her and (say) that she (enjoy) it very much; but I (know) that she (not read) it because most of the pages (be) still uncut.

6. He (keep) looking at them, wondering where he (see) them before.

7. I’ll still be here next week but Mary (leave).

8. You (lock) the door before you (leave) the office?

9. The newspaper (come)? - Yes, Michael is reading it.

10. The film (begin) five minutes ago. Where you (be) all this time?

11. I never (drink) martini. - Well, try it now.

Translate into English using Present Perfect where required.

1. Я только что посмотрел фильм "Война и мир". Ты видел его? - Нет. Он такой же интересный, как и книга? - К сожалению, я не читал книгу. - А я читал, когда учился в школе. - Когда Толстой написал ее? - Он написал ее в 1868 году.

2. Как долго ты знаком со своим новым помощником? - Я знаю его около двух лет. - Чем он занимался до этого? - Он работал в государственном секторе.

3. Джон, где ты был? - Я был у зубного врача. - Он удалил твой больной зуб (to take out a bad tooth)? - О да... - Тебе больно? - Ужасно.

4. Ты уже завтракал? - Да, я позавтракал полчаса назад. - Почему ты не подождал меня? - Потому что ты копуша (a dawdler), а я тороплюсь.

5. У тебя были длинные волосы (to wear one’s hair long), когда ты училась в школе? - Да, моя мама настаивала на этом. Но с тех пор, как я закончила школу, я ношу короткую стрижку (а short cut).

Translate into English using the required tense forms.

1. Молли чувствовала себя усталой, так как усердно трудилась весь день.

2. Вы были сегодня в институте?

3. Я закончу эту работу к концу недели.

4. Я изменил свое мнение об этом государственном деятеле (а statesman), после того как прочитал несколько его публикаций.

5. Он никогда не вызывал у меня особых симпатий (to appeal).

6. Ты знаешь эту старую даму, которая только что вошла в магазин?

7. Ты за кого голосовал на последних выборах?

8. Поначалу мне нравилась моя работа, но однажды я поссорился со своим начальником и он меня уволил (to dismiss).

9. Если я буду продолжать диету, я похудею (to lose) на 10 килограммов к концу месяца.

10. Когда началась первая мировая война?

9. Complete the letter, opening the brackets:


Our ref: TB/0092

R. Davis, 15 th May 1997

Smallcrown Limited,


Dear Mr Davis,

Thank you for your letter of 7th May, 1997.

Mr Lynch (to come) to us last September on a year’s contract. During his time here he (to show) considerable ability in his work and (to become) a useful member of our team. He (to take) a degree in electronic engineering at London University seven years ago and (to join) the Ministry of Defence after he (to leave) the university. His experience in negotiating contracts for the Ministry (to be) very valuable during his work with us.

I (to know) Mr Lynch for six years and my experience of him leads me to believe that the work he (to do) at the Ministry after leaving the university and the excellent work he now (to do) for us during this year make him the first class candidate for a post such as Product Executive.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Falk,

Personnel Manager.

Continuous Forms

Времена группы Continuous употребляются для сообщения о действии (в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем), которое имеет, имело или будет иметь длительный характер; о таком действии, которое продолжалось, продолжается или будет продолжаться в тот период времени, о котором идет речь.

Present Continuous

Утвердительная фoрма
I am (I’m) Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Participle I) I am going/walking
She He is (‘s) She is going/walking He is going/walking
We You They are (‘re) We are going/walking You are going/walking They are going/walking
Отрицательная форма
I am not Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Раrticiple I) I am not going/walking
She He is not (isn’t) She is not going/walking He is not going/walking
We You They are not (aren’t) We are not going/walking You are not going/walking They are not going/walking
Вопросительная форма
Am I Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Раrticiple I) Am I going/walking?
Is she he Is she going/walking? Is he going/walking?
Are they Are we going/walking? Are you going/walking? Are they going/walking?

Past Continuous

Утвердительная форма
I She He was Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Participle I) I was going/walking She was going/walking He was going/walking
We You They were We were going/walking You were going/walking They were going/walking
Отрицательная форма
I She He was not (wasn’t) Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Participle I) I was not going/walking She was not going/walking He was not going/walking
We You They were not (weren’t) We were not going/walking You were not going/walking They were not going/walking
Вопросительная фoрма
Was I she he Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Participle I) Was I going/walking? Was she going/walking? Was he going/walking?
Were they Were we going/walking? Were you going/walking? Were they going/walking?

Future Continuous

Утвердительная фoрма
I We will (‘ll)/shall be Причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола (Participle I) I will/shall be going/walking We will/shall be going/walking
She He You They will (‘ll) be She will be going/walking He will be going/walking You will be going/walking They will be going/walking

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