Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences using the verbs in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

Тема: В готелі. Резервація, реєстрація, виписка.

Study how to write the Reservation Letter. Compose your own letter.
Once you have done your key research and are ready to make a booking, then make sure you write to your home-stay, hostel or hotel detailing everything you have been assured (by them) is in writing for their final confirmation.

A reservation letter for your accommodation booking:

Your Street Name
Your Town
Your County
Your Zip Code / Area Code / Post Code
Your Country (if applicable)

Your Best Contact Phone Number
Your Best Personal or Business Contact Email Address

Today’s Date In Full – For Example: September 4th, 2012

To: [ - Name Of The Hotel You Are Reserving - ]

RE: Room Reservation for [ - Your Contact Name - ] – [ - First Night's Date to Last Night's Date - ]

I am writing to confirm the details of a reservation I would like to make at [ - The Name Of The Hotel You Are Booking With - ] after speaking with / telephoning / emailing [ - The Persons Name - ] on the [ - The Date Of Contact (if applicable) - ].

As a result of that conversation, I / We would like to reserve [ - total number of separate rooms required - ] double / single / family rooms at your hotel, with a sea view / balcony / garden view / cot / disabled access (or whatever was discussed as important to you) for the following dates:

For Short Stays:
Day: Date of the Month [ - the date of the first night of your stay to the last night - ]

For Example:
Monday: September 23rd
Tuesday: September 24th
Wednesday: September 25th

And Longer Stays:
Date of First Night – Date of Last Night – (total number of nights)

For Example:
September 13th – 25th inclusive (13 nights total)

I would also like to confirm the following amenities are included in the cost of the stay / are available at the Hotel but at an extra cost:

1) Breakfast / Lunch / Evening Meal / All Meals
2) A Safe in the Room / a Safe at Reception
3) (Free) Internet Access / WiFi in room or Reception
4) Transfers to / from the Airport / Train Station / Bus Station
5) Air Conditioning / Bath or Shower / TV / Other

(As discussed previously) I understand that the total cost will be [ - Sum Total for all Nights Plus Extras Selected - ] and is to be paid in advance / on arrival / on departure by credit card / check / cash. (Some Hotels may ask for a small deposit in advance as well).

I / We look forward to arriving at your hotel around [ - The Approximate Time - ] on [ - Your Arrival Day - ] .

Please could you confirm this reservation in writing using the above address, or contact me / us regarding any queries or advice.

Thank you for your time, and look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

[ - Your Signature - ]

[ - Your Informal Name- ] for smaller, more personal accomodations.
[ - Your Formal name or Company Title - ] for company bookings and larger establishments.

Actual Letter:

10 Vacation Street Holiday Town Destinationsville Florida 33462 USA 01234 567 899 [email protected] April 4th, 2009     To: Costa Rica Cabinas RE: Room Reservation for Travel Kate – 09/13/2012 to 09/25/2012   I am writing to confirm the details of a reservation I would like to make at the Costa Rica Cabinas after speaking with Maria on April 1st last week. As a result of that conversation, I would like to reserve 2 double rooms at your hotel, with a sea view and a balcony, for the following dates: September 13th – 25th inclusive (13 nights total). I would also like to confirm the following amenities are included in the cost of the stay: 1) Breakfast and Lunch 2) A Safe in the Room 3) Free Internet Access in Reception 4) Air Conditioning & DVD Player As discussed previously, I understand that the total cost will be $1560 and is to be paid in advance. We look forward to arriving at your hotel around 16:00 on September 13th. Please could you confirm this reservation in writing using the above address, or contact me regarding any queries or advice. Thank you for your time, and look forward to your reply. Kind regards, Miss Travel Kate  

Grammar: повторення.

Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences using the verbs in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

1. На кого ти чекаєш? — Я чекаю на свою подругу. Я стою тут вже п'ятнадцять хвилин, але вона ще не прийшла. 2. Міжнародний семінар щойно завершився. Він тривав майже тиждень. 3. Сьогодні дуже холодно. Небо вкрито хмарами, іде сніг. З ранку дме лютий вітер. 4. Вона вже пошила собі нову сукню? — Ні. Вона все ще шиє її. Вона шиє її вже кілька тижнів, але сукня ще не готова. 5. Ти вже півгодини переписуєш цю вправу. Перестань писати і відпочинь трохи. 6. Я тільки зараз зрозумів, що його немає вдома. Де він? — Він на роботі. Він працює уже чотири години. 7. Вже сорок хвилин ми доводимо тобі, що ти неправий, але ти все ще не зважаєш на наші доводи. 8. Де лікар? — Він оглядає пацієнта в своєму кабінеті. Він там уже п'ять хвилин. 9. Чому ти така схвильована? — Цілий день я намагаюсь додзвонитись до своїх батьків, але ніхто не відповідає. Де вони можуть бути? 10. Вони дуже виснажені. Чому? — Весь день вони важко працювали, а тепер вони хочуть відпочити. 11. Де ваш собака? Він розірвав мою книжку! 12. Вони завжди були відданими друзями. Вони знали один одного з дитинства. 13. Чому ти так розчарована? — Мені не подобається сук­ня, яку я сьогодні купила. Я вже тричі приміряла її. 14. Де Пітер? — Він пішов кататися на ковзанах. — Скіль­ки він катається? — Він тільки що пішов на ковзан­ку. 15. Ти можеш наздогнати його, якщо поквапишся. Бабуся всюди шукає свої окуляри. Куди вона їх поклала?

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