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О выставках ранга cacib, сас

I. ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ 1. Выставки собак РКФ проводятся в соответствии с требованиями FCI и настоящим Положением. 2. Сертификатные выставки проводятся: Ранг CACIB – Интернациональные, в соответствии с календарным планом РКФ. Ранг САС –

Российской кинологической федерации (ркф)

УТВЕРЖДЕНОРешением Президиума РКФ 07 декабря 2005 г. ВНЕСЕНЫ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ Решением Президиума РКФ от 15 октября 2009 года от 14 ноября 2010 года от 27 декабря 2011 года от 19 апреля 2012 года от 06 декабря 2012 года от 24 июля 2013 года от 19 ноября 2013 года

Вопрос 12 способы размножения беспозвоночных животных (простейшие, кишечнополостные, плоские черви, кольчатые черви, насекомые, моллюски)

Простейшие.Простейшие размножаются бесполым и половым способами. При бесполом размножении ядро, а затем и цитоплазма делятся на две части. У одних деление происходит вдоль, у других — поперек тела. У некоторых сначала несколько

Глава XIV. Это была настоящая победа

Мы воображали, что наши преследователи, человекообезьяны, не подозревают о существовании этого убежища в кустах, однако вскоре нам пришлось убедиться в своей ошибке. В лесу стояло полное безмолвие – ни звука, ни шелеста

Глава XIII. Этого зрелища мне никогда не забыть

В тот грустный день на закате солнца я увидел внизу уходившего индейца - нашу последнюю надежду на спасение – и до тех пор провожал глазами его одинокую крохотную фигурку, пока она не скрылась в розовом вечернем тумане, медленно

Глава IX. Я становлюсь героем дня

Опасения лорда Джона Рокстона оправдались: укусы напавших на нас чудовищ были ядовитыми. На следующее утро после нашего первого приключения на плато у меня и у Саммерли начались сильные боли и озноб, а у Челленджера так распухло

Chapter 14 - Those Were The Real Conquests

We had imagined that our pursuers, the ape-men, knew nothing of our brush-wood hiding-place, but we were soon to find out our mistake. There was no sound in the woods--not a leaf moved upon the trees, and all was peace around us--but we should have been warned by our first experience how cunningly and how patiently these creatures can watch and wait until their chance comes. Whatever fate may be mine through life, I

Chapter 13 - A Sight Which I Shall Never Forget

Just as the sun was setting upon that melancholy night I saw the lonely figure of the Indian upon the vast plain beneath me, and I watched him, our one faint hope of salvation, until he disappeared in the rising mists of evening which lay, rose-tinted from the setting sun, between the far-off river and me. It was quite dark when I at last turned back to our stricken camp, and my last vision as I went was the red

Chapter 12 - It Was Dreadful In The Forest

I have said--or perhaps I have not said, for my memory plays me sad tricks these days--that I glowed with pride when three such men as my comrades thanked me for having saved, or at least greatly helped, the situation. As the youngster of the party, not merely in years, but in experience, character, knowledge, and all that goes to make a man, I had been overshadowed from the first. And now I was coming into my own.

Chapter 11 - For Once I Was The Hero

Lord John Roxton was right when he thought that some specially toxic quality might lie in the bite of the horrible creatures which had attacked us. On the morning after our first adventure upon the plateau, both Summerlee and I were in great pain and fever, while Challenger's knee was so bruised that he could hardly limp. We kept to our camp all day, therefore, Lord John busying himself, with such help as we could

Chapter 10 - The Most Wonderful Things Have Happened

The most wonderful things have happened and are continually happening to us. All the paper that I possess consists of five old note-books and a lot of scraps, and I have only the one stylographic pencil; but so long as I can move my hand I will continue to set down our experiences and impressions, for, since we are the only men of the whole human race to see such things, it is of enormous importance that I should

Chapter 9 - Who Could Have Foreseen It?

A dreadful thing has happened to us. Who could have foreseen it? I cannot foresee any end to our troubles. It may be that we are condemned to spend our whole lives in this strange, inaccessible place. I am still so confused that I can hardly think clearly of the facts of the present or of the chances of the future. To my astounded senses the one seems most terrible and the other as black as night. No men have ever

Chapter 8 - The Outlying Pickets Of The New World

Our friends at home may well rejoice with us, for we are at our goal, and up to a point, at least, we have shown that the statement of Professor Challenger can be verified. We have not, it is true, ascended the plateau, but it lies before us, and even Professor Summerlee is in a more chastened mood. Not that he will for an instant admit that his rival could be right, but he is less persistent in his incessant

Chapter 7 - To-Morrow We Disappear Into The Unknown

I will not bore those whom this narrative may reach by an account of our luxurious voyage upon the Booth liner, nor will I tell of our week's stay at Para (save that I should wish to acknowledge the great kindness of the Pereira da Pinta Company in helping us to get together our equipment). I will also allude very briefly to our river journey, up a wide, slow-moving, clay-tinted stream, in a steamer which was little

Chapter 6 - I Was The Flail Of The Lord

Lord John Roxton and I turned down Vigo Street together and through the dingy portals of the famous aristocratic rookery. At the end of a long drab passage my new acquaintance pushed open a door and turned on an electric switch. A number of lamps shining through tinted shades bathed the whole great room before us in a ruddy radiance. Standing in the doorway and glancing round me, I had a general impression of

Chapter 4 - It's Just The Very Biggest Thing In The World

Hardly was it shut when Mrs. Challenger darted out from the dining-room. The small woman was in a furious temper. She barred her husband's way like an enraged chicken in front of a bulldog. It was evident that she had seen my exit, but had not observed my return. "You brute, George!" she screamed. "You've hurt that nice young man." He jerked backwards with his thumb. "Here he is, safe and

Chapter 3 - He Is A Perfectly Impossible Person

My friend's fear or hope was not destined to be realized. When I called on Wednesday there was a letter with the West Kensington postmark upon it, and my name scrawled across the envelope in a handwriting which looked like a barbed-wire railing. The contents were as follows: "ENMORE PARK, W. "SIR,--I have duly received your note, in which you claim to endorse my views, although I am not aware that they are

Chapter 2 - Try Your Luck With Professor Challenger

I always liked McArdle, the crabbed, old, round-backed, red-headed news editor, and I rather hoped that he liked me. Of course, Beaumont was the real boss; but he lived in the rarefied atmosphere of some Olympian height from which he could distinguish nothing smaller than an international crisis or a split in the Cabinet. Sometimes we saw him passing in lonely majesty to his inner sanctum, with his eyes staring

Вопрос 20 детальная характеристика типа членистоногие

Тело членистоногих состоит из члеников, или сегментов, часть из которых сливается. Сходные сегменты выделяются в особые отделы тела. Чаще всего различают два отдела тела - головогрудь и брюшко (у ракообразных и паукообразных)