The use of the Present Continuous.

1.The Present Continuous is used to denote an action going on at the present moment.

It should be borne in mind that the term 'present moment' is not limited to the actual moment of speaking. The Present Continuous is used when in Russian we can say сейчас (теперь),which refers not only to the moment of speaking, but has a wider meaning.

"My dear," said Jolyon with gentle exasperation, "you are talkingnonsense."

Note.—The Present Indefinite, not the Present Continuous, is used to denote actions going on at the present moment when the fact is important and not the process.

Why doyou lookat me as if you had never seen me?

Why don'tyou answer?Good God, John, what has happened?

· The Present Continuous can be used to denote a certain state or quality peculiar to the person at a given moment. Для позначення певного стану або якості, властиві людині в даний момент.

You are beinga nuisance. "You are beingbitter," said Karen. (Heym)

· When there are 2 actions one of which is in progress and the other is a habitual action, the first is expressed by the Present Continuous and the second by the Present Indefinite.

I never talkwhile I am working.(Wilde)

· The Present Continuous is used to denote a future action mainly with such verbs as to go, to come, to leave. The future action is regarded as something fixed.

I'm leavingto-night. He is comingto us tomorrow to stop till next month. (Collins)

Note. — However, in Modern English there are many other verbs which can be used in the Present Continuous Tense to denote a future action.

Are we playingpoker tomorrow? (Williams)

· The Present Continuous is used to express a continual pro­cess. In this case the adverbs always, constantly, everare used.

The earth isalways moving.The sun isever shining.

· The Present Continuous is used to express an action thought of as a continual process (with the adverbs always, ever, constantly). The action is irepresented as going on without any interval.

Щоб висловити думку дій як безперервного процесу. Дія відбувається без будь-якого інтервалу.

She is always grumbling. "She is constantly thinking of you," I said. (Wells)

The difference between case 4 and case 5 is as follows:

what is said in No. 4 is literally true, whereas in No. 5 there is an element of exaggeration (перебільшення), because the action in this case cannot go on with­out intervals.
The exaggeration is generally called forth by emotion.

Перебільшення, як правило, викликали емоції.

11. The formation and use of the Present Perfect in the Active Voice.

The Present Perfect is formed by means of the Present Indefinite of the auxil­iary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb.

In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.

In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.

e.g. I have worked. Have I worked? I have not worked.

The use of the Present Continuous. -

The use:

1. The Present Perfect denotes a completed action closely connected with the present.

Позначає завершену дію тісно пов'язану з сучасністю.

The use of the Present Continuous. -

The Present Perfect is frequently used with the adverbs just, yet, already andof late.

I have just writtento him. (Dickens) He has donea great deal of work oflate. (Locke)

The Present Perfect can be rendered in Russian by the past perfective or imperfective.

How many pages haveyoutranslatedfor today?

Сколько страниц вы перевелик сегодняшнему дню?

2.The Present Perfect is used in adverbial clauses of time after the conjunctions when, till, until, before, after, as soon asto denote an action completed before a definite moment in the future. Для позначення завершеної дії до остаточного моменту в майбутньому.

Don't buy any more meat to-morrow until you have spokento the mistress about it. (Bennett)

I am not going till you have answered me. (Galsworthy)

N o t e. – Verbs of sense perception and motion such asto hear, to see, to come, I to arrive, to return in adverbial clauses of time are generally used in the Present Indefinite and not in the Present Perfect.

I am sure he will recognize the poem when he hearsthe first line.

Я уверен, что oн узнает стихотворение, когда услышит первую строчку.

We'll ask Mr. Franklin, my clear, ii you can wait till Mr. Franklin comes. (Collins)

· When the completion of the action is emphasized, the Present Perfect is used. Когда завершение действия подчеркивается.

He will know the poem by heart when he has heardit twice.

Он будет знать стихотворение наизусть, когда дважды прослу­шает его

3.The Present Perfect denotes an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still going on. In this case either the starting point of the action is indicated or the whole period of duration.

The preposition for is used to denote the whole period of duration.

Since is used to indicate the starting point of the action.

If the conjunction since introduces a clause, the verb in this clause is in the Past Indefinite.

Mr. Cowperwood, I have known you now for something like fourteen years.(Dreiser)

We have been engagedthese four years.(Austen)

Where have you been since last Thursday?(Wilde)

This use of the Present Perfect is called the Present Perfect Inclusive.

The Present Perfect Inclusive is used:

(a) with verbs not admitting of the Continuous form.

"There is nothing to be done. She's dead —has beendead for hours/ said the doctor.(Eliot)

(b) in negative sentences.

I have not sleptsince that night.(Bennett)

(c) with non-terminative verbs such as to live, to work, to study, to teach, to travel, etc.

I have workedupon the problem for a long time without reach­ing any conclusion.(Shaw)

The Present Perfect in this case is translated into Russian by the present or sometimes by the past imperfective.

I have knownhim for many years.

Я знаю его много лет.

I havealways been fondof music.

Я всегда любилмузыку.

The formation and use of the Present Perfect Continuous.

1.The Present Perfect Continuous is formed by means of the Present Perfect of the auxiliary verbto be and Participle I of the notional verb.

2.In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.

In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.

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