A) Read the mini-dialogues in pairs

At a hotel

A: Have you got a single room for two nights?

B: Yes, but only on the top floor.

A: What price is it?

B: 34 pounds with service and TV.

A: Fair enough. Can you show me the room, please?

B: Of course. Would you like to follow me?

Finding a room

A: I believe you take in foreign students.

B: Yes, if you don’t mind sharing.

A: How much is it?

B: 39 pounds per week including heating.

A: Could I have a look at the room, please?

B: Come in by all means, but it’s in a terrible mess.

b) Read and translate the following sentences. What lines of the mini-dialogues can they replace?

At a hotel – Can I book a double room from now until Friday? – Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night? – Yes, I can offer you Room 24 on the first floor. – You can have Room 33, overlooking the sea. – How much is it? – What’s the price? – What does it cost? – 25 pounds a night excluding service. – Can I see it, please? – Can I have a look at it, please? – Can you show me something a little cheaper? – Certainly. Would you take a seat for a moment? – Yes, of course. Come this way.   Finding a room – A friend told me I might find some accommodation here. – I wonder if you can help me – I’m looking for a room. – Yes, I’ve got a spare single. – Yes, I’ll have a room free after the weekend. – What’s the price of the room? – 37 pounds for bed and breakfast. – Do you mind if I come in? – Would it be convenient to see the room? – We’re having it decorated at the moment. Will Friday do? – Can you call back later? We’re right in the middle of lunch.  

C) Work in pairs. Make up your own mini-dialogues, then role-play them in front of the class.


The following are typical expressions found in different forms. Match expressions and questions.

First name   Surname   Date of Birth   Place of Birth   Permanent Address   Marital Status   Occupation   Qualifications     Hobbies/ Interests   Tel. no. Are you married or single?   What do you do in your free time?   What’s your phone number?   What’s your first name?   What do you do?   Where were you born?   What’s your family name?   What degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc. do you have?   Where do you live?   When were you born?

Work with a partner. Ask the questions from Exercise 1 and fill out a form about your partner.

Do the following in your notebook.

a. Write your name in capital letters.

b. Write your signature.

c. Write your zip code.

Fill out the following form.

MARINA HOTEL Registration form   Surname …………………………… First name(s) …………………… Nationality ………………………… Passport number …………………… Date and place of issue …………. Address ……………………………………………………………………………... Date of arrival ……………………… Date of departure ………………... Signature ……………………………


Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Use the Active Vocabulary.

1) Каждый год мы с другом едем куда-нибудь на юг на каникулы. В прошлом году, например, мы съездили на Черное море. Там довольно дешевое проживание и неплохой сервис.

2) Мы хотим снять комнату или даже дом на пару недель. Иногда мы можем размещаться в палатке на берегу моря, чтобы наслаждаться свежим воздухом и солнцем целый день.

3) Как правило, на отдыхе я знакомлюсь с новыми друзьями. Днем мы играем в волейбол, теннис, плаваем и загораем. Вечером мы идем в ресторан и пробуем разные блюда местной кухни (cuisine).

4) Моя мечта – поехать на сафари в Африку. В Кении есть огромный природный заповедник, где организуются экскурсии для туристов. Я думаю, это будет самое незабываемое приключение.

5) Сейчас очень популярно ездить на выходные в какой-нибудь европейский город. В Европе очень легко найти недорогой отель за 40-50 евро за ночь. Такая поездка – замечательная возможность отвлечься.

Work in small groups. Discuss the following questions. Report to the whole class.

· How do you usually arrange a holiday?

· What do you like to do on a holiday?

· What countries have you been to?

· What was the best/worst holiday in your life? Why?

· What is an ideal place for a holiday for you?

3. Write an essay entitled “My Ideal Holiday”. Use the Active Vocabulary.


Types of holidays sightseeing holiday package holiday beach holiday walking holiday camping holiday coach tour skiing holiday city break working holiday   Preparation accommodation book a holiday/ a room/ a flight family room/ double room/ room with a sea view chalet arrange a trip all-inclusive expensive/cheap/ reasonably priced stay in a hotel $50 a night/ a week beach hut  
On holiday eat in restaurants stay on a campsite go for walks swim in the sea go shopping lie/ laze around on the beach try local food go to cafes stay in a hotel make new friends go mountain biking/ scuba diving/ wind-surfing have a hiking trip visit a painting class go to a concert/ dance show entertainment get away from it all paradise unforgettable experience go back-packing do watersports visit museums/ galleries go sightseeing/ do the sights enjoy nightlife   Additional vocabulary holiday-maker travel on a budget adventure rent a cottage go on a cruise take a safari trip learning holiday shopping tour sunbathe

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