Present continuous passive


/. Listen and imitate:

1. The film is being much talked about. 2. The road is still being repaired. 3. An office block is being built near our school. 4. Some building work is being done in Park Avenue. 5. A new machine is being tested in the lab. 6. This question is still being discussed. 7. This material is still being used, isn't it? 8. Do you know that your voice is being recorded? 9. Is the floor in the sitting-room still being polished? 10. The talks are still being held.

//. Respond to the following:

e.g. — Don't enter the room.

— Why? (paint the floor)

— The floor is being painted there.

1. Don't enter the work-shop, (carry out an experiment)

2. Don't enter the assembly-hall, (hold a scientific conference)

3. Don't ride this way. (widen the road) 4. Don't enter the kitchen, (install a gas-stove) 5. Don't switch on the light, (fix a lamp) 6. You can't take the taperecorder. (repair) 7. Don't go to the libra­ry today, (remove the furniture)

e.g. — What's going on in that room? (pack the things)

— The things are being packed there.

1. What's going on in the sitting-room? (lay the table) 2. What's going on in the park? (cut the grass) 3. What's going on in the laboratory? (test a new device) 4. What's going on in the, garage? (repair the car) 5. What's going on in the lecture hall? (discuss the production plan) 6. What's going on in the office? (polish the floor) e.g. — Can I have a look at the letter? (type)

— I'm afraid you can't. It is still being typed.

1. Can I take the documents? (sign) 2. Can I see the visitors? (show round the plant) 3. Can I take the book? (read) 4. Can I use

the taperecorder? (repair) 5. Can I study here? (wash the floor) e.g. — Have they settled the problem yet?

— No, it's still being settled.

1. Have they built the school yet? 2. Have they written the article yet? 3. Have they started the test yet? 4. Has he translated the text yet? 5. Have they repaired the device? 6. Have they packed the suitcases? 7. Have they cooked supper? e.g. — They are widening our road.

— Oh, our road is being widened too.

1. They are repainting our bridge. 2. They are repairing our road. 3. They are widening our pavements. 4. They are changing our house numbers. 5. They are rebuilding our town hall. 6. They are re-opening our theatre. 7. They are closing down our local hospital. 8. They are moving our library. 9. They are replacing our street lights. 10. They are making our street one-way. 11. They are restoring our old church.

///. Ask your partner where the meeting is being held; what problems are being discussed at the meeting; if the documents are still being typed; what film is being spoken about; what texts are being recorded; if the lamp is still being fixed; who is being examined at the moment; what the student is being asked about.

IV. Translate into English (self check):

i. Что происходит в гостиной? — Там чинят телевизор. 2. В вестибюле никого нет. Гостям показывают институт. 3. Могу ли я взглянуть на контрольную работу? — Нет, ее еще печатают. 4. Комната в беспорядке. Вещи все еще упаковывают. 5. В нашем городе строится новый стадион. 6. Ваше предложение все еще обсуждается. 7.«Почему здесь так холодно? — Зал проветривают. 8. Не входите в эту комнату. Там красят пол.



/. Listen and imitate:

1. Huge blocks of flats were being built all last year. 2. When we came the pool was being filled with water. 3. I was told that my article was still being typed. 4. The car was being repaired the whole day yesterday. 5. When I left the meeting the problem was still being discussed. 6. When I entered the hall the young speci­alists were being instructed what to do. 7. At 6 o'clock the floor was still being polished.

//. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice'

e.g. — When I entered the hall they were holding a meeting


When I entered the hall a meeting was being held there 1. When I joined the visitors the foreman was showing them round the machine shop. 2. When I entered the room they were still discussing the article. 3. At 5 o'clock the professor was still examining the students. 4. When we arrived in Kiev they were still building the underground. 5. When I left the laboratory the} were still testing the device.

///. Complete the situations:

e.g. None of the actors were free then, (rehearse the play) The play was being rehearsed.

1. It was very noisy upstairs, (polish the floor) 2. We couldn't enter the library, (remove the furniture) 3. An appetizing smell was coming from the kitchen, (roast a goose) 4. The guests were upstairs, (show the laboratories) 5. We didn't see the museum that time, (repair the building)

IV. Make complex sentences:

e.g. enter the kitchen, cook my favourite dish

When I entered the kitchen my favourite dish was being


1. arrive in Minsk, build the Underground 2. switch on TV, show an interesting film 3. arrive at the airport, see off the dele­gation 4. enter the Personnel Department, interview a new eco­nomist 5. leave the meeting, discuss the resolution

V. Respond to the following phrases using the Present and Past Continuous Passive.

e.g. What's going on in the yard?

Trees and bushes are being planted there.

The flowers are being watered there, etc. 1. Where is the noise coming from? 2. We couldn't use the telephone. 3. Don't enter the lab. 4. The boy looked proud. 5. The children were very excited. 6. What is going on in the lecture hall? 7. Can I study here? 8. Why did she look so worried? 9. We can't use the taperecorder. 10. I had to wait for half an hour.

VI. Translate into English (self check):

1. Лекция была очень интересной, и оратора слушали с боль­шим вниманием. 2. Когда я вернулся в Минск, Дворец Спорта все еще строился. 3. Когда вошел профессор Браун, обсужда­лось его предложение. 4. Вчера в 5 часов передавали интересный

концерт. 5. Когда я присоединился к группе туристов, им как раз рассказывали об истории города. 6. Когда я вернулся, мою статью все еще печатали. 7. На улице было много народа. Встре­чали правительственную делегацию.



/. Listen and imitate:

1. Mary is proud. Her work has been praised. 2. —What's happened? — The window has been broken. 3. Jane hasn't been told about it. 4. Many new buildings have been built in our town lately. 5. His report has been much spoken about. 6. Dick is happy. His dog has been found. 7. There isn't any food left. All of it has been eaten. 8. I can't find my car anywhere. I think it has been stolen. 9. The house looks quite new. It has been painted. 10. Have those letters been typed yet? 11. Have you ever been interviewed on television? 12. Today's post hasn't been brought up yet, has it?

//. Respond to the following:

e.g. — Shall I type the letters for you?

— They've already been typed. Thank you.

1. Shall I help you unload the car? 2. Shall I introduce you to him? 2. Shall I show you Dick's drawings? 3. Shall I translate the article for you? 4. Shall I test the device? 5. Shall I fix the lamp? 6. Shall I repair the car? 6. Shall I buy the book for you?, e.g. — I think I ought to help you find your raincoat.

— Don't worry about it. It has already been found.

1. I think I ought to help you wash the dishes. 2. I think we ought to post that letter to Dr Davis. 3. I think I ought to give him some money. 4. I think I ought to repair the typewriter. 5. I think we ought to clear out the garage. 6. I think I ought to clean the flat. e.g. — Can I see today's paper? (receive)

— I'm afraid you can't. It hasn't been received yet.

1. Can I read the telegram? (not to deliver) 2. Can you give me the book? (not to bring) 3. Can I have dinner? (not to cook) 4. Can I take the documents? (not to sign) 5. Can I look through your report? (not to finish) 6. Can I use your phone? (not to fix) e.g. — Will you please send the documents?

— As a matter of fact they have already been sent.

1. Will you please fix the tent? 2. Will you inform them about the meeting? 3. Will you instruct him how to do it? 4. Will you repair the TV set? 5. Will you please iron the suit? 6. Will you please translate the letters?

e.g. — I think we must repair our house.

— Oh, yes. It hasn't been repaired for years.

1. We must paint the doors. 2. We must clean the windows. 3. We must wash the curtains. 4. We must change the wall papers in the sitting-room. 5. We must clear up the dining-room table. 6. We must polish the floor, e.g. — Let's go to Peter's birthday, (invite)

— How can we? We haven't been invited.

1. Let's look through today's newspapers, (not to deliver) 2. Let's listen to Text 10. (not to record) 3. Let's unpack the lugga­ge, (not to bring) 4. Let's play the piano, (not to tune) 5. Let's have dinner, (not to cook) 6. Let's watch TV. (the TV set, not to repair) e.g. — Why does Lucy look so upset?

— Don't you know? She has been given a bad mark.

1. Why hasn't your friend come? (send to Moscow) 2. Why doesn't Uncle George smoke any more? (advise to give up smo­king) 3. Why is it so cold in the room? (break the window) 4. Why does Dick look so pale? (operate on) 5. Why is the child crying? (damage his new toy) 6. Why is Mary so sad? (scold by the tea­cher)

///. Ask if the following actions have really taken place:

e.g. — They say the document has been used.

— Has it really been used?

1. They say the luggage has been marked. 2. They say the mail has been delivered. 3. They say the car has been parked. 4. They say the letter has been signed. 5. They say the books have already been sold.

IV. Ask your secretary if the documents have been typed; if they have been photo-copied; why the letters haven't been posted yet; if the journals have been received; how many copies have been received; if a table at the restaurant has been reserved; if all the people have been invited.

V. Your mother is talking to you over the telephone. She's asking you not to forget:

1. to clear the table; 2. to wash the dishes; 3. to sweep the floor; 4. to make the bed; 5. to air the room; 6. to put the books in order; 7. to cook supper Tell her that all this has already been done.

VI. Respond to the following using the Present Perfect Pas­sive:

e.g. — Where's my old umbrella?

— I am afraid it has been thrown away.

(It has been given to the old man next door, etc.) 1. Why don't you take part in the conference? 2. Will you book the tickets? 3. What has become of your bicycle? 4. Can I work in the study? 4. Where's my grey suit? 5. Shall I fix the lamp? 6. I think we ought to tell him about it. 6. The room looks untidy. 7. You can't take the documents. 8. Why doesn't he join us? 9. Where are the papers? 10. She looks upset. 11. I think we must clean the windows.

VII. Translate into English (self check):

1. Письмо еще не отправили. 2. За доктором уже послали. 3. Газеты уже принесли? — Нет еще. 4. Ваш дом когда-нибудь ремонтировали? — Да, его ремонтировали пять лет назад. 5. Можно взять документы? — Боюсь, что нет. Их еще не отпе­чатали. 6. Будьте осторожны. Двери только что покрасили. 7. Ни на очень довольна. Ей предложили интересную работу. 8. Теле­грамму только что получили. Она на столе. 9. Аня уезжает в Италию. Ей уже прислали визу.



/. Listen and imitate:

1. All the tickets had already been sold out by the time John and Mary arrived. 2. When I returned home my wife told me that all the things had already been packed and they were ready to start. 3. The room had been prepared for the Hunts but they didn't come. 4. I had a letter from my sister some days ago. She wrote she had been accepted to college. 5. By 5 o'clock the experiment had already been completed. 6. They realized that the telegram hadn't been received.

//. Respond to the following using the prompts:

e.g. She was angry, (lose the tickets)

The tickets had been lost.

1. He came too late, (discuss the question) 2. She looked happy, (praise for good work) 3. He was surprised, (not, invite) 4. He was worried, (not, send a visa) 5. I had to wait a little, (not, sign the papers) 6. Mr Smith was angry, (damage his car)

///. Make up sentences using the prompts:

e.g. He returned to the city, (build the stadium)

When he returned to the city the stadium had already been built. 1. She came to the Institute, (show the new film) 2. I got up.

(cook breakfast) 3. She came home, (put the child to bed) 4. arrived at the airport, (announce the flight) 5. He returned to the lab. (finish the test) 6. 1 rang up the secretary, (sign the docu­ments) e.g. All the books were sold, (by 5 o'clock)

All the books had been sold by 5 o'clock. 1. He was not sent a visa, (by July) 2. The letters were posted (by the evening) 3. The tests were checked, (by the end of the lesson) 4. The articles were translated, (by Friday) 5. The sink was fixed, (by the time I returned home) 6. The letters were typed, (by the end of the working day) e.g. Everything has been arranged. (I didn't know)

I didn't know everything had been arranged. 1. The article has been published. (I didn't know). 2. The books haven't been delivered yet. (the librarian said) 3. The journal was lost a few days ago. (we didn't know) 4. The contract has already been signed, (the boss said) 5. The key was not found, (she told me) 6. He was forbidden to drive the car. (we didn't know) 7. The bi­cycle was broken. (I didn't know) 8. The picture was brought back some days ago. (I learned) 9. He has been told about it several times, (she said) 10. Jane wasn't allowed to take part in the expe­dition. (I knew) 11. Everything was prepared for the party. (I thought) 12. The letters were posted. (I was sure) 13. The text wasn't recorded. (I was told) 14. The chief engineer was sent for. (the secretary said) 15. The date of the conference has already been fixed, (they told me)

IV. Translate into English (self check):

1. Я была очень рада, когда узнала, что моего сына пригла­сили принять участие в международной конференции по элек­тронике в Женеве. 2. Мне пришлось подождать. Секретарь ска­зала, что документы еще не подписаны. 3 Вчера я встретила Аню. Она сказала, что ей прислали посылку, и она идет на почту, чтобы забрать ее. 4. К вечеру все вещи были упакованы. 5. Ма­ленькая Катя была счастлива. Ей подарили коробку шоколада 6. Она была разочарована. Ей не прислали приглашение на ве­чер. 7. Когда я вернулся, статью уже перевели.



/. Listen and imitate:

1. The factory will have been completed by the end of the month. 2. The car will have been repaired by Saturday. 3. The work will

have been tinished before you come back. 4. The documents will have been typed by the time the boss returns.

//. Change the sentences into the Future Perfect Passive:

e.g. The office will be built in a few months, (by September) The office will have been built by September. 1. The tests will be checked in an hour, (by the end of the les­son) 2. The book will be published soon, (by the end of the year) 3. The suitcases will be packed after dinner, (by the time the taxi comes) 4. The invitation cards will be sent on Sunday, (by Sunday) 5. The telephone will be repaired on Tuesday, (by Tuesday) 6. The work will be done tomorrow, (by tomorrow) 7. The papers will be signed at 5 o'clock, (by 5 o'clock) 8. The computer will be tested in a few days, (by the end of the work day) 9. The letters will be typed today, (before you come back) 10. The problem will be dis­cussed on Wednesday, (by Wednesday) 11. The roof will be pain­ted in the evening, (by the evening) 12. Everything will be arran­ged in time, (before he comes) 13. The newspapers will be delivered at 9. (by 9)

///. Translate into English (self check).

1. Работа будет закончена к концу месяца. 2. Письма будут напечатаны до того, как вы вернетесь. 3. К тому времени как вы вернетесь, эксперимент будет завершен. 4. Приходите в 5 часов. К тому времени документы будут подписаны. 5. Все приглаше­ния будут разосланы к концу недели. 6. Телеграмма будет достав­лена к 11 часам.


/. Listen to the following texts. Ask and answer questions on the texts:

1. We have an old musical instrument It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Re­cently it was damaged by a visitor She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.

My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.

2. There has been another rail crash in Scotland. The crash occurred last night in freezing fog outside Glasgow. Four people

were killed and at least ten people were injured. The railway lines have not yet been cleared and a number of trains have been delayed.

3. Heavy snow has fallen in the North of England. Many roads

have been blocked arid traffic has been brought to a standstill One town, Castlepool in Yorkshire, has been completely cut off Supplies will be dropped into the town by air this afternoon.

4 The office of Mr Arthur Tigers, the prominent industrialist, was broken into during the weekend. A small amount of money was taken and the office itself was left in what the cleaning woman described as "a terrible mess". The burglary was discovered b\ cleaners early this morning. Mr Tigers is away on holiday in South America and has not yet been located.

5. Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not wor­ried any more. At the station he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by tram. Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, be­cause he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen!

6 The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years' time. As many people will be visiting the country, the go­vernment will be building new hotels, a large stadium, and a fine new swimming pool. They will also be building new roads and a special railway-line. The Games will be held just outside the capi­tal and the whole area will be called "Olympic City". Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. By the end of next year they will have finished work on the new stadium. The fine modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. Every­body will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up. We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.

7. The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet had been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in a newspa­per and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: "A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!" Two months later, some money was sent to Sam with another note: "Only 25 per cent a thief now!" In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: "I am 100 per cent honest now'"

8. An American in London was taken sightseeing by a guide and was shown many beautiful buildings. "Did it take you long to

build that house?" he asked when they were, passing a hotel. "About six months", said the guide. "A building like that is built during a month in New York", the American said. Then he was shown a new office building. "Did it take you long to build that?" he asked. "About a month", said the guide. "Such a place can be built in a couple of days in New York". Some minutes later they came to the Houses of Parliament. "That's not a bad place. When was it built?" asked the American. "You may not believe me but that building was not there when I crossed the street last night", said the guide smiling.

9. During a sea trip on board a steamer a young girl was courted by five young men. The poor thing was at a loss whom she should choose. She was advised to jump overboard and then marry the one who would jump in after her. The girl did as she was told. Next morning when all the five admirers were on deck she jumped into the sea. She was immediately followed by four of the men. When the girl and her admirers were fished out of the water she found herself even more at a loss than before. "What should I do with these four wet men?" she asked the captain. "Take the dry one", was his advice. This time again the girl did as she was told.

//. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions: Mr Palmer is looking for a new house. He's tired of living in the city and he wants to live in a quiet village. He's with the estate agent now. Estate Agent: Well, Mr Palmer. This is the house that

I told you about... Number 26, Richmond Road The

owners are away, but I've got a key. Mr Palmer: Hmm... when was it built? Agent: It was built in 1950.

Mr Palmer: Who built it?

Agent: I'm not really sure Is it important?

Mr Palmer: No, not really. Is that a new roof? It looks nev Agent: It is nearly new. It was put on last year.

Agent: You can see that it's in very good condition The

previous owner was a builder. Mr Palmer: It's quite an old house. I'm worried about the elecu'-

cal wiring. Has it been rewired? Agent: Yes, it has.

Mr Palmer. Oh, when was it done? Agent: Five years ago. It has also been redecorated. Central

heating has been put in, and a new garage has been


Mr Palmerr Oh, when was that done?

Agent: Last year . I think.

It's a very solid house. It's built of brick with a tiled roof...

Mr Palmer: It's a long way from a big town. What are the ser­vices like?

Agent: Hold on .. I've got the details here. Yes ..let me see.,

the dustbins are emptied every Thursday.

Mr Palmer: It's important for rne to see the post before I go to work. When is it delivered?

Agent: It's usually delivered at about 7.30. The milk is de-

livered about six o'clock . . so you'll have fresh milk for breakfast.

Mr Palmer: It's certainly very cheap. I've seen a lot of similar houses... and they're more expensive.

Agent: Ah, yes. . it's a real bargain.

Mr Palmer: Are there any plans for the area?

Agent: Pardon? Plans... well, a new school is going to be

built in the village next year ..

Mr Palmer: Anything else?

Agent: .. and a new road, a motorway actually, will be

built next year, too. You'll be able to get to London easily.

Mr Palmer: Where exacth will the motorway be built?

Agent: Well, actually, it'll be built behind the house. A bridge

will be constructed over the house. It'll be very inte­resting. You'll be able to watch the traffic. Questions: What is Mr Palmer looking for? Who is he talking

to at the moment? Is the house old or new? Is it in good condition'

The house isn't very expensive, is it? Why?

///. Listen to the conversation again and reproduce the phrases used in the Passive Voice.

IV. Tell about the house, the services and the plans for the area

V. Role-play the conversation.

Self check

/. Use the verbs in the proper tense and voice:

1 Where (be) the contract? — It (type) now. It (bring) in a few minutes. 2. When we returned the door already (lock). 3. Trucks and tractors (produce) at this plant. 4. Not a word (say) by the newcomer. 5. Susan is upset. Her favourite record (break) 6 The house (paint) and looks quite new. 7. I want to call the police — Why? — Because my watch (steal).— I hope it (find)

soon. 8. What's going on in the lab? — The results of the experiment (discuss) there. 9. The secretary told us that the documents (not, sign) yet. 10. He looked very excited when I saw him.— No wonder, his device (test). 11. I just (offer) a ticket for the cup game. I'm sure it will be very interesting. 12. How much money you (send) yesterday?—300 pounds. 13. Where the conference (hold)? — In London.—How long it (last)? —For a week.— You (hear) any interesting reports? — Quite a lot. 14. This typewriter is quite new. It never (use). 15. The school (build) by September. 16. The article (translate) by the time you return. 17. John (live) in Man­chester. His girl-friend Mary (study) French in Paris. She (stay) there for 5 weeks. The week before last John (go) to Paris to visit his girl-friend. He (be) back in Manchester now. He just (receive) this reply from her.

Dear John,

It (be) nice to see you last week. After you (go) I (feel) so lonely. I really (enjoy) seeing you again.

Two days ago I (take) my final exam and it (be) pretty dif­ficult. The papers (mark) now. If 1 (pass) I (get) a certificate. I (be able) to get a better job. You (not, tell) me much about your new job last time. You (say) you (work) hard.

Last night we (have) a farewell party. We (go) to a new res­taurant that (open) last month. Everyone (be) in high spirits because the course (complete). I (be going) to miss all the new friends I (make) here. See you next week. I hope you (meet) me at the airport.

All my love,


//. Translate into English:

1. He беспокойтесь. За вашими детьми присмотрят, если вы вернетесь поздно. 2. Журналы уже принесли? — Да, их принесли два часа назад. 3. Когда я пришел, гостям показывали лаборато­рии института. 4. К концу недели все книги были распроданы. 5. Нас ожидали в среду, а мы приехали в понедельник 6. В этом зале проводятся собрания. 7. Какой вопрос обсуждался, когда ты пришел? 8. Около вокзала строится новый мост. 9. Как только до­кументы будут подписаны, мы отошлем их в Москву. 10. Пол в этой комнате никогда не красили. 11. Я буду рад, если моя статья будет напечатана в вашем журнале. 12. Он был доволен, так как ему пообещали помощь. 13. Когда и где состоится конференция? 14. Я был уверен, что он не придет, пока его не пригласят 15 Мне предложили билет на концерт, но я отказался. 16. Студентам медицинских институтов преподают латинский язык. 17. Нам показывали слайды, когда вошел декан.

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