Make commentary to these questions

1. In the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of missiles.

2. After the collapse of the USA, Kazakhstan has become, according to experts, the owner of the 4th largest nuclear arsenal.

3. The presence of Kazakhstan's nuclear missiles would sober any aggressor.

4. On 29th August, 1991 a decree to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site is issued.

Make commentary to these questions -
Make commentary to these questions -

Kazakhstan - nuclear non-proliferation

Policy of Kazakhstan in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is determined by the foreign policy of the Republic, based on commitment to strengthening international security cooperation between states and the role of international organizations in resolving global problems and conflicts.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has become, according to experts, the owner of the 4th largest nuclear arsenal. By this time, the world is already well aware of the destructive power of nuclear weapons and international status of countries possessing them. Of course, that the new state could be a strong temptation to get their hands on such a powerful tool to ensure its security.

First of all, the arsenal, and it is hard not to agree, would be an effective tool for deterring potential ambitions of potential enemy. The only presence of Kazakhstan's nuclear missiles would sober any aggressor. Secondly, the arsenal would compensate the imbalance of military capabilities in the field of conventional arms and number of armed forces - and this argument was also logical for a difficult period.

Thirdly, the idea that nuclear weapons by itself will give the Kazakhstan the status of a regional superpower was widely circulated. The importance of maintaining high nuclear complex for the development of scientific and technical potential, fundamental and applied science is stressed.

Nuclear-free choice of Kazakhstan after the collapse of the USSR was made in extremely difficult circumstances. On 29th August, 1991 a decree to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site is issued. Kazakhstan became the first country in the world to show the world that the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the norm.


Part 1

Ask your partner about his or her attitude to conditions, problems and the future of globalization and society of Kazakhstan and around the world.

Candidate A:

Questions that may be addressed to the partner:

1. Can you name the main features of strengthening of Kazakhstan?

2. Who makes investments to economy in our country?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the way of development the Republic?

4. What is about Strategy-2050: Kazakhstan should join the club of 30 most competitive countries of the world? Share your suggestions.

5. Are you satisfied with the current situation in global world?

Candidate B:

Questions that may be addressed to the partner:

1. Is it possible to make inventions on medicine?

2. What do you suggest to improve the industry?

3. What obstacles you might face working as an interpreter on military sphere?

4. How do you understand “historical layers” and “domestic policy” industries?

5. What makes special “multi-vector” and “interethnic consensus” politics? What are their characteristic features?

Part 2

Candidate A:

Give your points of view on the role of globalization for the improvement economic situation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. You may talk on:

- the role of economy, medicine, education, military spheres

- the possible problems, ways of solution on the given field

- the ways of investing this field of business

- the ways to attract foreign investors to the country

- the list of countries by alternative sources of energy production

- the development ways of innovations in Kazakhstan

Candidate B:

Give your points of view on globalization process in your country in comparison with other countriesners faceest sucessful ng processs. You may talk on:

- the level of economy in Kazakhstan

- the conditions and problems of medicine, education, military spheres in other countries

- the salary structure of employees on the given sphere

- the ways to develop worker’s skills on the given sphere

- the facilities to share experiences abroad and in home country

- the ways of contribution for the country’s economy

Part 3

Share your points of view on the following topic.


Discuss with your partner on the problems and prospects of Kazakhstan represent in world globalization. State out facing problems, and then suggest possible solutions on them.


Task 1. Debatethe issue in groups and share with class about"The ways of occurrence of Kazakhstan to the world community" .Prepare a written report.

Make commentary to these questions -

Task 3. Write the essay not less than 250 words about the “Culture and globalization" state about the impacts of the global world on these processes and express your point of views about its improvements.

1.Before writing your essay think of the following actual questions to arrange your thoughts to write.

1. Has globalization gone too far, not far enough, or has it been heading in the wrong direction?

2. Are globalization’s characteristic interactions and institutions exploitative, and, if so, does this generate moral duties?

3. Do well-off peoples have to give up advantages and luxuries for the benefit of the global poor?

4. What practical challenges and constraints do states and individuals face in responding to their global moral duties?

Use specific examples from your background knowledge and experience.


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