Agency annum clean current curriculum driving earnings experience licence of on per per point sale target vitae week

Employers usually try to squeeze as much information into their job advertisements as possible. However, because advertising is expensive and space limited, they tend to use abbreviations to describe roles in as few words as possible. Write the full meanings of the following abbreviations using the word in the box.

1. CCDL current clean driving licence

2. CV __________________________

3. EXP _________________________

4. AGY _________________________

5. OTE _________________________

6. PA __________________________

7. PW __________________________

8. POS _________________________

21. Fill in the right word from the table:

entire, excellent, fully, in-depth, international, substantial, successful (x3), successfully, top, wide.

I assisted in organizing and managing 12 ___ events…

In September 2012 I ___ completed an eight-person expedition to Austral Andes in Argentina…

Three month of training and fundraising preparation resulted in the ___ crossing of the remote central part of the Southern Patagonian ice cap…

I devised a number of sporting tournaments for the summer school students and motivated the children and staff to get ___ involved, culminating in an ___ volleyball competition.

I handled a ___ variety of tasks and projects throughout the six-month project…

The ___ approach was adopted by the ___ team across the country.

I researched ___ international universities for my degree courses.

I am currently completing ___ research on reforestation techniques…

Research for my dissertation includes ___ use of the Internet…

I have an ___ command of Microsoft Office Suite.

Complete the phrases for demonstrating transferable skills using the correct verbs in brackets.

1. Analytical skills (analyse / conduct / identify)

a identify a mistake

b ____ data

c ____ a survey

2. Creativity (invent / solve / suggest)

a a machine

b ____ an alternative

c ____ a problem

3. Communication skills (explain / give / write)

a a report

b ____ an idea

c ____ a presentation

4. Interpersonal skills (listen / resolve / work)

a a dispute

b ____to a point of view

c ____ with difficult people

5. Leadership skills (chair / delegate / motivate)

a a meeting

b ____ a team

c ____ tasks

6. Organisational skills (decide / implement / meet)

a deadlines

b ____ on priorities

c ____ a plan

7. Teamworking skills (contribute / discuss / support)

a an issue

b ____ to a meeting

c ____ a colleague

8. Negotiation skills (change / convince / negotiate)

a someone’s mind

b ____ with someone

c ____ someone to do something

The perfect interview

1. Some pieces of advice will help you to bear your job interview successfully

Investigate: what company is like before you apply for the job. Are they really the kind of organization you want to work for?

Write an effective CV. Keep it brief arid simple - a badly written one will lose you the job before you get to the interview stage.

Discover as much as you can about the interview. This means finding out exactly who will be conducting the interview, what position they hold, and whether it's an informal chat or a formal interview, possibly in front of a whole panel of interviewers.

Dress the part. Even if the job is in a modern company where the code is casual, you should dress formally for the interview - a suit is always safe. Never keep your overcoat or mac on during the interview - this will make you an outsider from the start. If possible take it off outside the interview room.

Think positively and confidently about yourself. From the moment you decide to apply for the job think about (and write down) all qualities you have to offer the company as well as the reasons you would suit the job. Use the interview to discover as much about the job as possible. Even if they offer it to you on the spot ask for some time to consider their offer. Is it right for you and them?

Be aware of your body language. Most interviewers don't realize it but they are influenced by your body language the moment you walk into the room. Be assertive, smile, look the interviewer in the eye, and give a firm handshake. Don't lean too far over the desk or slump in the chair with your arms crossed. Practice your «entrance» at home with a friend so you feel comfortable.

Keep a balance of power throughout the interview. From a psychologist's point of view this is what interviews are all about! Don't be too timid or allow the interviewer to dominate you because an interview is a two-way process, and you are to decide whether you want the job. It's as important for you to ask questions about your potential job as it is for the interviewer to question you. But don't be over-confident and cheeky. No one likes a «difficult» candidate however good your qualifications are.

Keep calm before and during the interview. Three-quarters of people feel anxious about job interviewers and their nervousness often lets them down. The key is to learn interview skills which are important as job skills, and control your nerves. Remember the interviewer may be nervous as well.

Find out in the job interview. The exact title that you are applying for; the responsibilities you would have in the new job; the reporting structure - one boss or two; the salary for this position.


CV резюме
in brief кратко
to conduct проводить
chat беседа, болтовня
panel персонал, участники дискуссии
to dress a part одеваться должным образом, к месту
code устав, свод моральных правил
casual случайный, нерегулярный
confidently уверенно
on the spot на месте, сразу
to consider an offer рассмотреть предложение
assertive уверенный в себе
firm твердый
to lean наклоняться, склоняться
to slump тяжело опускаться (на стул)
point of you точка зрения
timid робкий
cheeky наглый
to feel anxious волноваться

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