Real and financial investments

Financial investment is the investment of capital in financial instruments, for example, in securities, foreign currencies, bank deposits. Such deposits are long-term oriented, they, as a rule, pursue the investor's strategic goals. For example, it can be the management of the object in which the funds are invested.

Real investment is the investment of real assets in the creation of real assets (tangible and intangible) that are associated with the implementation of the operating activities of economic entities. In statistical accounting, real investments are also called capital formation, they include the following elements: acquisition of land plots, replenishment of stocks, licenses, patents and much more.


KASE was founded November 17, 1993 under the name ‘kazakh interbank currency exchange two days after the introduction of the national currency of Kazakhstan – Tenge. Now on this day is observed annually as a professional holiday “Day of national currency.” Technology kase: kase uses its own trading platform: electronic trading system “server-client”, remote access, electronic signature and electronic document, cryptographic protection of data

Validity of contract

Constituent documents

in relation to juristic persons, the constitutional documents (sometimes referred to as the charter documents) of the entity are the documents which define the existence of the entity and regulate the structure and control of the entity and its members. The precise form of the constitutional documents depends upon the type of entity. A legal entity carries out its activities on the basis of the charter or foundation agreement and the charter. The foundation agreement of the legal entity is concluded, and the charter is approved by its founders.


Subjects of small, medium and large enterprises

So, subjects of small business are individual entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity and legal entities that carry out private business, with an average number of employees not exceeding 50 people and an average annual income of not more than 60,000-fold Mrp.

The subjects of medium-sized business are individual entrepreneurs the formation of a legal entity, legal entities and legal entities that carry out private business that are not related to small and large enterprises.

The subjects of large business are individual entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity and legal entities that carry out private business and meet one or two of the following criteria: the average number of employees is more than 250 people and (or) the average annual income is over 3,000,000 times Mrp.

Types of investments in the securities market

Investment activity in the securities market can be of the following character:

Speculative (profit from such activities is obtained as a result of the rapid purchase of a sale based on the exchange rate difference of any asset)

Cumulative (investments in financial assets, which in time are converted into real capital)

Portfolio (investment in a whole set of securities.

The subject of legal regulation of entrepreneurial law

Traditionally, the composition of the subject of entrepreneurial (economic) law distinguishes three groups of relationships: 1) entrepreneurial property (horizontal relations); 2) entrepreneurial managerial (vertical relations); 3) entrepreneurial intra-firm (corporate relations) [1]. The first group of relations includes relations arising in the course of carrying out entrepreneurial (economic) activities, not only commercial relations, but also non-commercial relations, including organizational and property relations for the creation and termination of legal entities; The second group of relations are relations on the organization (regulation) of business (economic) activities, which are formed between the subjects of this activity and state or other authorized bodies. Such relations are public-legal. The third group of relations includes the so-called, intraeconomic or intra-firm or corporate relations. Such relations arise within the limits of one enterprise between its divisions.

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