Task 3. Match elements of a reference letter 1-6 with its parts a-f.

1. describing the applicant 4. giving more information on the applicant

2. conclusion 5. opening

3. summary of what has been written 6. describing the referees position

Task 4. Look through the letter of reference again. How do you know it is a positive letter? Find expressions that are used to do the following:

1. describe the professional skills of the applicant

2. describe the applicants personal qualities and character

3. recommend the applicant to someone else

Task 5. Match positive adjectives 1-4 (with examples) to definitions a-d.

1. mature (This position would suit a mature specialist with strong computer skills.)

2. observant (An observant student noticed the mistake.)

3. efficient (She is very efficient: she does everything quickly and well.)

4. reliable (You can trust her to take on the most difficult task: she is a reliable person.)

a) able to be trusted or believed

b) good or quick at noticing things

с) not wasting time or energy

d) completely grown or developed

Task 6. In the box below you will find more positive words to describe a person. Try to guess their meaning.

Describing personal qualities
self-confident competitive
flexible creative
diplomatic abletoshowempathy
imaginative knowledgeable
energetic willingtoacceptresponsibility

Task 7. Use adjectives to complete these sentences.

1. Julia is quite______ because she feels sure about herself and her abilities.

2. Marek is known as a very______ person because he is good at thinking of new ideas and making new and unusual things.

3. Olga clearly has a desire to become the best and the most successful member of staff, which is quite typical for her_____ personality.

4. Herbert has shown the ability to be _____and work in different ways, at different times or in different places when it is necessary, to suit new conditions or situations.

Writing a reference letter

Task 8. Imagine one of your students/colleagues asked you to provide a reference for him/ her. Think about their main characteristics. Write a reference letter.

Task 9.Work in pairs. Take turns to read each other's letters of reference. Check if allthenecessary elements are included.


Task 1. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. Have you ever written a summary?

2. Why do we write them?

3. How long should a summary be?

Organizing a summary

Task 2. In column tick the features you think a summary should have.

1. The author's name and the title of the article    
2. Graphs and tables    
3. Detailed explanations    
4. The author's main idea    
5. Details to support the idea    
6. Your own views on the problem    
7. As much of the original text as possible    
8. Quotations    
9. Formal expressions, linking words    

Task 3. Read the example summary below and say what kind of misunderstanding takes place in a college classroom.

In his article ' Allusions in the Classroom,' Jaime O'Neill emphasizes the existing misunderstanding between students and teachers in a college classroom. He claims that teachers assume their students have basic knowledge they do not really possess. Moreover, students do not ask questions because they do not want to show their ignorance. O'Neill supports his conclusions by the results of the general knowledge test he administered to his students, which they answered more incorrectly than correctly. The author adds that, according to recent polls, a large portion of adults in the US are ignorant about the history of the country and the planet they live on. Finally, O'Neill expresses his opinion that instructors should be responsible for giving general information to their students.

Task 4. In expressions a-h underline the reporting verbs. Circle the words and phrases that show the order of events.

a) At the beginning of the article the author points out/emphasises...

b) Next / Further on, the following problems/issues are raised...

с) In addition, the reader is informed about...

d) Then, the following points are examined/studied: ….

e) The author suggests/assumes/claims that...

f) Summing up the author's thoughts...

g) Finally, the author concludes/assumes that...

h) The research the author conducted demonstrated that...


Situations for discussion

Situation 1 .You are a guest at a party at the Consulate/Embassy. Greet the person (Learner B) standing next to you and introduce yourself.

Situation 2. You are sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for a tour bus. A stranger (Learner B) sits down next to you. Не/She seems to be waiting for the same bus. Не/She starts the conversation by greeting you. Respond to his/her greeting and then introduce yourself.

Situation 3. You have to go down to the welcome dinner organized by the international conference committee. The lift has just stopped on your floor. You walk into the lift and see a stranger (Learner B). Greet him/her, respond to his/her greeting and then introduce yourself.

Situation 4. You have come to a conference and met your old friend at the reception desk. You have not seen each other for two years. Greet him/her and ask about his/her family.

Situation 5. You are a professor from a British university. You have just arrived. Your Italian colleague is meeting you at the airport.

Situation 6. You watched the film your friend had recommended. You liked it very much. Give your reasons.

Situation 7. You have just returned from an international conference in Thailand, which was a great success. You presented your paper there.

Situation 8. You are a Russian university teacher. You are hosting a foreign guest. You organized an excursion to a Russian monastery for him/her. You want to know if he/she liked the excursion.

Situation 9. You recommended a new mobile application to a tablet/smartphone/iPad to your friend. You want to know if he/she liked the application.

Situation 10. Invite a visiting professor from Germany out for a coffee after the lecture.

Situation 11. You are an American lecturer visiting a foreign university. Your colleague invites you to a jazz club at the weekend. Thank him/her for the invitation and accept it.

Situation 12. You are at an international conference in Barcelona. The hotel has very good sports facilities. Invite one of the participants from Leeds University to play tennis Situation 4 You are the head of a group of Indian businesspersons visiting a foreign university. Your host invites your group out for a meal tonight. Thank him/her for the invitation and accept it.

Situation 13. You and your friend are from Italy. Learner В is your friend and he/she invites you to his/her country house for the weekend. Thank him/her for the invitation but decline it. Give your reasons.

Situation 14. You are British. Your foreign colleague invites you and your husband/wife to a performance at the local opera house tomorrow evening. Thank him/her for the invitation and accept it.

Situation 15. You want to show your friend from Vietnam round your city. Invite him/her to a walking tour.

Situation 16. You are in your Estonian colleagues country house. Pay compliments to him/ her on his/her house and especially the garden full of flowers.

Situation 17. You are attending an international conference in the University of Economics in Prague. You like the way the conference is organised. Compliment your Czech colleague and thank the organisers.

Situation 18. You have just got your PhD degree. Your friend congratulates you on your achievements. Respond to his/her compliments

Situation 19. You are showing your university facilities to a professor from Denmark. He/ She is impressed by a new well-equipped computer centre and a new library. Respond to his/her compliments.

Situation 20. You like the design of the smartphone your friend has just bought. Pay compliments and ask about its options (features and functionality).

Situation 21. Your son/daughter has just entered Cambridge University. You are very proud of him/her and want to share this news with your friend.

Situation 22. You liked your colleague's presentation. Comment on his/her interesting findings and ask about the prospect of further research.

Situation 23. Your friend is inviting you to go out for a coffee. You can't accept his/her invitation as you are meeting your wife/husband this evening.

Situation 24. The conference organiser reminds you about tonight's dinner for the conference participants. Thank him/her for the invitation and apologise for not coming. You have a train to catch.

Situation 25. You are on the phone to your colleague. You want to discuss the details of your joint presentation. Не/She can't talk right now as he/she has an appointment with a doctor. Agree on a time when you can discuss the presentation.

Situation 26. You are having a party for international guests at your house. During the party, one of your guests has to leave. Say goodbye and wish him/her a safe trip back home.

Situation 27.You are having lunch with your foreign colleague. Не/She has to leave as he/ she has a class. Agree to go out together in the evening.

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