School things Школьные принадлежности


Read and learn the words

Общая лексика

fresher — первокурсник
sophomore — второкурсник
junior — младшекурсник
senior — старшекурсник
graduator — выпускник
post-graduate — аспирант
graduate-school — аспирантура
to do research / to be engaged in — заниматься научными исследованиями
scientific advisor / supervisor — научный руководитель
science — наука
scientific research — научное исследование
to investigate — исследовать

scientist — ученый:
leading — ведущий
outstanding -выдающийся
well-known — хорошо известный
world- known — всемирно известный

semester — семестр
end-of- semester exam(ination)s — экзаменационная (семестровая) сессия
test — зачет
student’s record book — зачетка
preliminary exam — зачет в середине курса
exam — экзамен
degree exam — государственный экзамен
viva — защита квалифицированной работы (бакалавра или магистра)
vacation — каникулы
to take exams — сдавать экзамены
to pass exams — сдать экзамены
to fail exams — провалить экзамены
to make up exams — пересдавать экзамены

Expressions about education

to be on time — быть во-время
to be late for the lesson — опаздывать на урок
to be present at the lesson — присутствовать на уроке
to be absent — отсутствовать
to ready for the lesson — быть готовым к уроку
to use cribs — пользоваться шпаргалками
to pass exam with distinction — сдать экзамен на отлично
to fail an exam — провалить экзамен
to teach — обучать
to educate — давать образование
to learn — учиться
to learn by heart — учить наизусть
to study — изучать
top pupil — лучший ученик
repeater — второгодник
bright — способный
ignorant — неуч, невежественный
to be quick at… — иметь большие способности к…
to lag behind — отставать
to be at the top of the class — быть в числе лучших
to be at the foot (bottom) of the class — быть в числе худших
well-disciplined — дисциплинированный
ill-behaved — недисциплинированный
to be at school — быть на занятиях
to cut a lesson — удрать с урока
to miss lesson — пропускать уроки
to play truant — прогуливать уроки

Pre-School Education Дошкольное образование

nursery (school) — ясли
kindergarten — садик
play group (playschool) — дошкольная группа в садике

School Education Школьное образование

school — школа
primary school — начальная школа
secondary school — средняя школа
gymnasium — гимназия
lyceum — лицей
an English language school — школа с углубленным изучением английского языка
boarding school — школа-интернат
state (maintained) school — государственная школа (финансируется с государственного бюджета)
private school частная школа — (финансируется частными лицами или организациями)
headmaster (headmistress) — (так говорят британцы) директор школы
Principal — (так говорят американцы) директор школы
(school) teacher — учитель (учительница)
class (form) teacher — классный руководитель
staff meeting — педагогическая рада
schoolchildren — школьники
school boy (girl) — школьник, школьница
pupil — ученик
grade — (все параллельные классы) класс
class, lesson — урок (занятие)
creche — продленка
10А form (class) — класс 10 «А»
to go to school — учится в школе
to leave school / graduate from — заканчивать школу
school-leaving certificate — аттестат зрелости
to attend school — посещать уроки
to miss school — прогуливать уроки
truant (from school) — пропуск
truancy — пропуск уроков
curriculum — программа обучения
eleven-plus — государственная аттестация после 4-го класса
GCSE (General Certificate ) — Аттестат о среднем образовании
of Secondary Education) school- leaving exams — выпускные экзамены
school- leaving party- выпускной вечер
to call the roll — вызывать по списку
to explain — объяснять
to ask — спрашивать
to make a mistake указать на ошибку
to correct a mistake — исправить ошибку
to test — контролировать
to give a mark — поставить оценку
to put down homework — записать домашнее задание
to respond — откликнуться
to understand — понимать
to answer — отвечать
to write a test — писать контрольную
to get / receive a mark — получить оценку
to do homework / task (assignment Am.) — выполнять домашнюю работу
student — студент
to write — писать
to copy — переписывать
to underline — подчеркивать
to illustrate — иллюстрировать
to describe — описывать
to read — читать
to retell — пересказывать
to recite — читать на память
to prepare — приготавливать
to calculate — считать
to do sums — решать задачи
to remember - помнить
to remind — помнить, вспомнить
to recall — помнить, припомнить
to decide — решать
to think — думать
to discuss — обсуждать

School subjects Школьные дисциплины

Maths / mathematics — математика
Algebra — алгебра
Geometry — геометрия
Physics — физика
Chemistry — химия
Biology — биология
Botany — ботаника
Geography — география
History — история
Literature — литература
Native — родной
Foreign language — иностранный язык
English — английский
Russian — русский
Ukrainian — украинский
French — французский
German — немецкий
Linguistics — лингвистика
Art — изо
Technical drawing — черчение
Computering — иформатика
Sport — физкультура
Labour training — труд
classroom — класс
blackboard — школьная доска
desk — парта
visual aids — наглядные пособия
classmate — одноклассник
monitor — староста
teacher — учитель
teaching staff — преподавательский состав
entrance hall — вестибюль
assembly hall — актовый зал
gymnasium — гимнастический зал
stadium / sportground — стадион, спортплощадка
staff room — учительская
display room — выставочный зал
library — библиотека
cloak room — раздевалка
doctor — врач
dining room — столовая
wood work — столярные мастерские
metal work — слесарные мастерские
home/domestic science — кабинет домоводства
needle work — кабинет рукоделия
school garden — школьный сад
school plot — школьный участок
lesson — урок
to start/begin the lesson — начать урок
The lesson is over. — Урок окончен.
a demonstration lesson — открытый урок
lecture — лекция
classes — занятия

Examination Экзамены

grade, mark — оценка
(to) grade — ставить оценку, оценивать
A — оценка «отлично»
F — оценка «удовлетворительно»
performance (in tests) — результаты (выполнение тестов)
(to) participate in class discussions — выступать на уроках
(to) complete the assignment — выполнять задание
report card — школьный табель
transcript — выписка из школьного табеля ученика
(to) submit (documents) — подавать (документы)
(to) apply for admissions — подавать заявку на поступление ( в колледж и др.)
college-bound students — ученики, которые собираются поступать в колледж
college admission tests — вступительные экзамены (тесты) в колледж
(to) take a test — сдавать экзамен (тест)
(to) pass a test — сдать экзамен (тест)
(to)fail a test — провалить экзамен (тест)
(to) administer a test — проводить экзамен (тест)

Further (Specialized Secondary) Среднее специальное образование

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище
art school (college) - художественное училище
technical school - техникум
college of education - педагогическое училище

Higher Education. Высшее образование

audience [ 'ɔ:diəns ] – аудитория, слушающие
auditorium [ ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm ] – аудитория, зал
admission / enrollment – поступление
cafeteria [ kæfə'tiəriə ] – столовая
class – занятия
course – курс
dean – декан
dean's office - деканат
degree – ученая степень
department – отделение
diploma [ di'pləumə ] - диплом
exam [ ig'zæm ] / examination [ igzæmi'neiʃn ] - экзамен
faculty – факультет
finals – выпускные экзамены, государственные экзамены
freshman – первокурсник
graduation [ græʤu'eiʃn ] – окончание учебного заведения, выпуск
group / class - группа
higher education / higher learning – высшее образование
institute – институт
lecture [ 'lektʃə ] – лекция
lecturer [ 'lektʃərə ] - лектор
lodgings (BrE) / dormitory (AmE) – общежитие
mark / grade – отметка, оценка
notes – конспект
professor - профессор
sophomore (AmE) – студент-второкурсник
student - студент
teacher – преподаватель
test – тест, контрольная
term (BrE) / semester (AmE) - семестр
university / college (AmE) – университет

Higher Education. Position Высшее образование. Должности

Rector (President) — ректор
Vice-rector — проректор
Dean — Декан
Assistant dean — зам. декана
Full professor — профессор
Associate professor — доцент
Assistant professor — старший преподаватель
Instructor — преподаватель
Department secretary — ст. лаборант кафедры (секретарь)
Assistant secretary — лаборант кафедры (помощник секретаря)
Lab (oratory) assistant — лаборант (отвечает за оборудование в лаборатории)
Tutor — куратор (группы)

University Structure Структура университета

Senate — ученый совет университета
Department / school — факультет
School board — совет факультета
Department board — кафедра
head of (the) department — заведующий кафедры
department meeting — заседание кафедры
department — отделение
full-time department — дневное отделение (стационар)
part-time department — вечернее отделение
evening courses — вечерние курсы
correspondence department — заочное отделение
distant learning department — отделение дистанционного обучения
faculty — факультет, преподавательский состав
staff — штат
research institute — научно-исследовательский институт
researcher — исследователь
scientist — ученый в отрасли естественных наук
scholar -ученый в отрасли гуманитарных наук

Degrees Академическая и научная степени

Bachelor — бакалавр (4 года обучения)
Master — магистр (1 год обучения после получения степени бакалавра
Specialist — специалист (1 год обучения после получения степени бакалавра
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) — кандидат наук
DLitt — доктор наук (в отрасли гуманитарных наук)
DSc — доктор наук (в отрасли естественных наук)
University students — обучение в университете
to apple to university — поступать (пытаться поступить) в университет
to take competition entrance examinations — сдавать вступительные конкурсные экзамены
to pass competition entrance examinations — сдать вступительные конкурсные экзамены
to admit / accept to university — зачислить в университет
to have class (lectures, classes, seminars) — иметь занятия (лекции, практические, семинары) см. средняя школа
leave of absence — академический отпуск
tutorial — консультация
grade — оценка
grade point average (GPA) — средний балл успеваемости
graduate from university — заканчивать университет

Marking Выставление оценок

A (100%) — отлично
A- (90-99%) — очень хорошо
B+ (80-89%) — хорошо
B (70-79%) — довольно хорошо
B- (60-69%) — пристойно
C+ (50-59%) — удовлетворительно
C (40-49%) — довольно слабо
C- (30-39%) — слабо
D (<30%) — очень слабо

Find 13 school subjects


Guess the room

1. Books, newspapers, magazines are kept there. You go there to borrow or read books.

2. A room where you have lessons at school.

3. Meetings, performances, gatherings and parties are held in it.

4. A place where you can watch sports matches.

5. You can leave your coat or bag there.

6. A room where you do exercises for your body.

7. A room where you can eat sandwiches and drink tea or juice during the break.

8. A room for teachers and class registers.

    School things Школьные принадлежности -
    School things Школьные принадлежности -
    School things Школьные принадлежности -
  School things Школьные принадлежности -

Education in our country

Education plays a vital role in people's lives. It is aimed to prepare people physically, mentally and socially for the world of everyday life and work. The majority of schools in our country are free and they are financed by the state. Private schools are few in number. Parents pay for these schools. State schools provide the pupils with all the necessary books and equipment for their studies.

The system of secondary education includes primary forms and junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7. There are some pre-school institutions, like nursery schools or kindergartens, but they are not obligatory. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms. At primary school children get basic elementary knowledge in major sciences. After 4 years of primary school children go to secondary school and begin go study a range of subjects which will form the basis of their education. They study Algebra, Geometry, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, foreign languages and other subjects. All the subject are important and they all must be paid much attention to. There are also schools which are specializing in various subjects, for example, in Mathematics or in foreign languages. The school year begins in September and finishes in May. The school year is divided into four terms called quarters. Each quarter is followed by holidays. The scale of evaluation exists in the system of education. It helps to see the level of pupil's knowledge and consider the perspective of their future activity. Parents receive regular information about the progress in studying of their child.

Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms. After the 9-th form children can enter colleges or technical schools of different types. Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should complete 10-11 forms. Students can also enter higher educational institutions after graduating from specialized colleges or lyceums. They prepare students in different fields, whether the humanities or the sciences. Some of them are organized under the authorities of higher educational establishments. The system of higher education is presented by universities, polytechnic institutes or specialized institutes. Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently. Students are also offered post-graduate education and scientific research work. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in research work. But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and research papers. Some universities and institutes have refresher courses. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. Some institutions have fee-paying groups or faculties. There the students may get education at the same high level as in the state institutions.

1.6.Give the definition for the following:

– the process of teaching or leaning, usually in a school or college;

– to go to school ;

- a school for children between 3 and 6 years old that prepare them for school;

–a school for children between the ages 7 to 10;

– a school for children between the ages of 11 to 18 ;

– a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same;

– an organization for people who have the same interest or enjoy similar activities;

– one of the twelve years you are at school in the USA ;

- to get good results for exams

A. Education in Britain

Education in Britain reflects the country’s social system: it is class-divided and selective. The first division is between those who pay and those who do not pay. The majority of schools in Britain are supported by public funds and the education is free there. But there are also public schools and if parents send their children to such schools they must pay for the education.

Another important feature of schooling in Britain is a variety of opportunities offered to schoolchildren. Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland follows the National Curriculum.

The English school curriculum is divided into Arts (or Humanities) and Sciences. That’s why secondary school pupils study in groups: a Science pupil will study Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (Maths), Economics, Technical Drawing, Biology, Geography; an Art pupil will do the English language and Literature, History, foreign languages, Music, Art, Drama. Besides these subjects they must do some general education subjects like Physical Education (PE), Home Economics for girls, and Technical subjects for boys, General Science.

In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

B. Oxford and Cambridge

Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Britain. Only very rich families can send their children to these universities. Many people think they are the best universities in Britain. Many prime ministers and politicians graduated from these universities. Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Oxford and Cambridge different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of arms. Oxford and Cambridge is governed by a master. Students study for 3 years and after it they take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. Some courses, such as languages or medicine may be one or two years longer.

Answer the questions

1. When does compulsory school begin?
2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?
3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?
4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?
5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?
6. How do private schools differ from the regular ones?
7. How many universities are there in England?
8. What is the Open University?
9. What kinds of degrees do universities award?

Fill in the missing words

Free, compulsory, National curriculum, optional, national exams, pass 11+exams, private schools, SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), entrance exams, a certificate of complete secondary education

1. State schools provide _______education in Great Britain.

2. There are no ________ in comprehensive schools in Great Britain.

3. At the end of each stage pupils in Great Britain have _______.

4. Secondary education in Great Britain and in Russia is _______.

5. If pupils wants to study at a grammar school, they have to _______.

6. Kindergartens, nursery classes are ______ in many countries.

7. Parents pay for education in ______.

8. All schools in Great Britain follow the same ______.

9. After finishing school in Russia pupils get ______.

10. To enter the University in the USA students have to take ________.


2.1. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to acquire   получать, приобретать
approximately   приблизительно
assignment   задание
to attend   посещать (лекции и т.п.)
background   подготовка, образование; задний план
competition   конкурс, конкуренция
competitive   конкурсный
completion   завершение, окончание
construction site   строительная площадка
credit test   зачет
to make a decision   принимать решение
decision   решение
to earn   зарабатывать
to engage   заниматься чем-либо
to engage in practical training   проходить практику
to enjoy   пользоваться, наслаждаться
to enjoy rights   пользоваться правами
equal   равный, одинаковый
to evaluate   оценивать
to express   выражать
extent   степень
free of charge   бесплатный
to fulfill   выполнять
grants   стипендия
habit   привычка
to manage   справляться, мочь
to master   овладевать
to meet the requirements   удовлетворять требования
to obtain   получать, приобретать
to participate in   принимать участие
to pass examinations   сдать экзамены
to prove   доказывать, защищать
recreation   отдых, развлечение
to relate   со/относить/ся, связывать
student identification card   студенческий билет
student’s record book   зачетная книжка
to submit   представлять
to take classes   учиться, изучать
term paper   курсовая работа
thoroughly   основательно, глубоко
tuition   обучение
variety   разнообразие, эстрада
various   различный, разносторонний
works   предприятие, мастерские

Read and translate the text

To have the privilege to study at the technical school you are to pass entrance examinations. The examinations are held on a competitive basis and those who have passed them successfully are enrolled and become students. The tuition for them is free of charge. But there also exists a paid form of education for those who haven’t managed to meet the competition requirements. After the enrolment you get your identification card and record book and may fully enjoy all the rights of a student.

The training course for full-time students lasts 4 years. The semester system divides the academic year into two almost equal terms. During a semester students must attend lectures and practical classes and prepare for them regularly, participate actively in seminars, fulfill written assignments, do laboratory work. At the end of each semester students take examinations. The examination period lasts approximately 2 weeks.

The first two years of studies are to give students a sound background for obtaining their professional knowledge. So first and second-year students take classes in a number of general and basic subjects: physics, higher mathematics, chemistry, technical drawing, computer engineering etc. They also study social sciences and foreign language.

Later, usually beginning with the third year, students take classes in their special subjects and engage in practical training in the field of their specialization. Professional skills are acquired at the laboratories and the experimental works of the University, technical schools and other educational establishments of our republic.

Students’ progress is evaluated through oral or written tests, through participation in class discussions, through term papers, credit tests and a final examination in each course. If students do well and receive good and excellent marks they are given state grants.

Upon completion of the academic program and practical training students are to submit their graduation papers (diploma) and prove them in the State Examining Board. They are to show that they have not only mastered thoroughly a lot of useful theories and data, but also learnt to think analytically and independently, to interrelate various facts and phenomena, to make decisions and to express their ideas clearly.

If students work hard from the beginning and develop good study habits, they will certainly be successful in their studies – and still have time for relaxation, for social and other activities. As to cultural and recreational activities at the technical school, they are quite various, and to a great extent arranged by students themselves. They participate in concerts, parties, discos, in the variety of folk orchestras, in the choreographic ensembles, in the vocal music group, etc.

A good many students do sports: volley-ball, basket-ball, skiing, skating and others.

Say it in English

Зачетка, студенческий билет, вступительные экзамены, сдавать/ сдать зачет, бесплатное/ платное обучение, общеобразовательные/ специальные предметы, участвовать в практических занятиях, посещать лекции, ходить на занятия, выполнять разные задания, первокурсник, получать стипендию, удовлетворительные оценки, зачислить многих студентов, учебный курс длится 4 года, каждый учебный год делится на 2 семестра, сессия длится 2 недели, приобретать профессиональные навыки, овладеть теоретическим и практическим материалом, научиться думать аналитически, научиться делать выводы, досуг студента, выразить свою мысль ясно.

Read and translate the text

My technical school.

I study at Donetsk Technical School of Industrial Automatics. Our technical school was established in 1929. Then it was the Mining Technical School where 120 students studied. The technical school occupied a small two-storied building.

By 1946 it was completely reconstructed by the teachers and the students. Now the Technical School of Industrial Automatics is regarded as one of the best schools in Donetsk. It occupies two buildings (a four-storied building and a five-storied one). About 1000 students are trained in our technical school. There are both full-time and correspondence departments in it. Numerous laboratories, workshops classrooms are provided with modern equipment. A large library, a canteen, a gymnasium and comfortable hostel are at students’ disposal.

The course of training in our technical school lasts for four years. At the end of each term students must get tests before they can take exams.

Answer the questions

1) What is the full name of our technical school?

2) What is the date of its foundation?

3) How many students are there in your technical school?

4) Whom does your technical school train?

5) What departments are there in your technical school?

6) Are you a student of the full-time department?

7) How long does your course of studies at the technical school last?

8) Do the students get any stipend?

9) What laboratories have you got at your technical school?

10) What workshops are there at your technical school?

11) Is there a hostel for students from other towns in your technical school?

12) Is there a library at your technical school?

13) How many examination sessions have you got every year?

14) When was your technical school established?

15) When was it reconstructed?

16) By whom was the technical school reconstructed?


- Hi, …! Glad to see you!

- Hi, …! I haven’t seen you for ages. You were going to enter the technical school, weren’t you? Has your dream come true?

- Yes, it has. I’m a first-year student.

- My congratulations! So in four years you’ll have a profession. How lucky you are! Is it difficult to study at your technical school?

- Rather! We are taking a lot of subjects having three or four and even more lectures and classes a day. But still it’s interesting for me to study here. In short I like it.

- And they say, it’ll be more interesting when you begin taking your special subjects.

- I hope so.

Additional exercises

Дополнительная лексика

Математические термины

addition – сложение
common denominator – общий знаменатель
decimal fraction – десятичная дробь
denominator [ di'nɔmineitə ] – знаменатель
difference - разность
division – деление
equation [ i'kweiʒn ] - уравнение
fraction – дробь (математическая)
improper fraction – неправильная дробь
mixed fraction – смешанная дробь
multiplication - умножение
number – число
numerator [ 'nju:məreitə ] - числитель
problem – задача (математическая)
proper fraction – правильная дробь
quotient [ 'kwəuʃnt ] – частное (при делении)
remainder – остаток (при делении)
series of numbers – ряд чисел
subtraction - вычитание
sum – сумма
table – таблица

Математические знаки

angle - угол
approximately equals – приблизительно равняется
braces – фигурные скобки
brackets - скобки
cube root of – корень кубический из
decimal point – точка в десятичных дробях
divided by - деленное на; знак деления
division - деление
equality [i'kwɔləti ] - равенство
equal or greater than – больше чем или равно
equal or less than – меньше чем или равно
equals – равняется; знак равно
greater than – больше чем
inequality [ini'kwɔləti ] – неравенство

infinity – бесконечность
length of line from A to B – длина линии от A до B
less than – меньше чем
mathematical sign – математический знак
minus – минус
multiplication - умножение
multiplication table - таблица умножения
negative sign - знак отрицания
not equal – не равно
nth root of – корень n-й степени из
parallel – параллельный; параллель
parentheses / round brackets – круглые или овальные скобки
percent / per cent - процент
perpendicular – перпендикулярный; перпендикуляр
plus – плюс
plus or minus – плюс или минус
right angle – прямой угол
square brackets – квадратные скобки
square root of – корень квадратный из
times by – умноженное на; знак умножения

Read and translate the text

At my technical school

Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he must start thinking about further education right now, because it is essential to read for exams well beforehand. So he asks his brother to tell him about his technical school and advise.

Alexei: Vlad, I want to ask you about technical school life. Is it different from school life?

Vlad: Well, it depends on what you are interested in. We, too, in technical school have lessons, and marks; teachers give us homework, and there are examinations and tests.

Alexei: Well, I see. But, then, is there any difference between a school and a technical school?

Vlad: Why, of course. First, at technical school we have special subjects in our curriculum. For example, if one is going to become an economist, he or she will study economics, accounting, taxation and a lot of other things. It's really very interesting. Second, if you work regu­larly, attend all the lectures and seminars, and get good marks, you will be given a scholarship. If you are at the top of the group, and have excellent marks, the scholarship will be higher.

Alexei: It sounds very nice, I must say. Now, please, describe your usual day at technical school.

Vlad: Well, our day starts in the hall, where we all gather together. Then the classes begin. We have several lectures and seminars every day, and work in workshops. Students also can stay at technical school after classes to do research.

Alexei: How are students assessed?

Vlad: We have exams and credit tests twice a year. But of course, it is important how you work during the year.

Alexei: What is the difference between an exam and a credit test?

Vlad: Well, you get marks for an exam, and when you take a credit test, you'll get a "pass". Exams are usually taken at the end of the course of a subject. For example, if you take chemistry for a year and a half, you will have credit tests in chemistry at the end of two terms, and at the end of the third term you will take an exam.

Alexei: Is an exam more difficult, than a credit test?

Vlad: Not really. In fact, you have more time to read for an exam: you are given from two to five days to get ready, and you are not given a lot of time to get ready for a credit test. In general, it depends on the subject.

Alexei: Well, I see. Now, what about holidays? They are not the same as at school, are they?

Vlad: We have holidays only two times a year: two weeks in winter and two and a half months in summer.

Alexei: Vlad, what are you going to do after you graduate?

Vlad: There is a good opportunity for those who get only excellent marks while they study. When we graduate, we can enter a university without taking entrance exams and continue our education there. That's why I study hard and try to work regularly, and not by fits and starts. And hard work gives good results, as I am at the top of the group now.

Alexei: The prospect is very nice. I wish you good luck, then. Do you advise me to enter this technical school, too?

Vlad: You know it's up to you to decide. But I like my studies there, and I think I have made the right choice. Besides, I've got many friends in the technical school, and friendship is the best thing in the world!

Education in the USA

Education is not mentioned in the Constitution, nor is there any federal department of education, so the matter is left to individual states. Education is free and compulsory in all states, however, from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18).

At 6 years of age children go to elementary school, or first grade (the second year is "grade 2" etc.). At elementary school the emphasis is placed on the basic skills (speaking, reading, writing, and arithmetic), though the general principle throughout the American school system is that children should be helped to develop their own interests.

Children move on to high school in the ninth grade, where they continue until the twelfth grade. There are two basic types of high school: one with a more academic curriculum, preparing students for admission to college, and the other offering primarily vocational education (training in a skill or trade).

The local school board decides which courses are compulsory There is great freedom of choice, however, and an important figure in high schools is the guidance counsellor, who advises the students on what courses to take on the basis of their career choices and the frequent tests defining abilities and propensities.

In order to receive the high school diploma necessary in most states to get into college, students must accumulate a minimum number of credits, which are awarded for the successful completion of each one- or half-year course. Students hoping to be admitted to the more famous universities require far more than the minimum number of credits and must also have good grades (the mark given on the basis of course work and a written examination).

Extracurricular activity (such as playing for one of the school’s sports teams) is also very important in the American school system and is taken into consideration by colleges and employers.

Higher Education in the USA

There are about 3,000 colleges and universities, both private and public, in the United States. They are all independent, offering their own choice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding which students meet those standards. The greater the prestige of the university, the higher the grades required.

The terms "college" and "university" are often used interchangeably, as "college" is used to refer to all undergraduate education and the four-year undergraduate programme, leading to a bachelor's degree, can be followed at either college or university.

Universities is larger than colleges and also have graduate schools where students can receive post-graduate education.

During the first two years students usually follow general courses in the arts or sciences and then choose a major (the subject or area of studies in which they concentrate — the other subjects are called minors).

Credits (with grades) are awarded for the successful completion of each course. These credits are often transferable, so students who have not done well in high school can choose a junior college (or community college), which offers a two-year "transfer" programme, preparing students for degree-granting institutions.

Community colleges also offer two-year courses of a vocational nature, leading to technical and semi-professional occupations, such as journalism.

Education in Australia

Education in Australia is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15. Most children (about 70 %) study at state schools where education is free. Most Australians live in cities along the eastern and south–eastern coasts. But there are also many remote inland towns on the continent. So in several states of Australia there are “Schools of the Air”. These schools are situated in the areas far away from the big cities and towns. How do students attend the Schools of the Air? The easiest thing to get a classroom experience is to use a two-way radio or other means of communication. By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students learn about the world around them though they stay in their own homes. There is also “Schools Through the Mailbox” for children who live far away from any school in the area. Subjects are divided into one-or two-week units. Each unit including new material, illustrations, exercises and tests can be sent to pupils any time.


Read and learn the words

Общая лексика

fresher — первокурсник
sophomore — второкурсник
junior — младшекурсник
senior — старшекурсник
graduator — выпускник
post-graduate — аспирант
graduate-school — аспирантура
to do research / to be engaged in — заниматься научными исследованиями
scientific advisor / supervisor — научный руководитель
science — наука
scientific research — научное исследование
to investigate — исследовать

scientist — ученый:
leading — ведущий
outstanding -выдающийся
well-known — хорошо известный
world- known — всемирно известный

semester — семестр
end-of- semester exam(ination)s — экзаменационная (семестровая) сессия
test — зачет
student’s record book — зачетка
preliminary exam — зачет в середине курса
exam — экзамен
degree exam — государственный экзамен
viva — защита квалифицированной работы (бакалавра или магистра)
vacation — каникулы
to take exams — сдавать экзамены
to pass exams — сдать экзамены
to fail exams — провалить экзамены
to make up exams — пересдавать экзамены

Expressions about education

to be on time — быть во-время
to be late for the lesson — опаздывать на урок
to be present at the lesson — присутствовать на уроке
to be absent — отсутствовать
to ready for the lesson — быть готовым к уроку
to use cribs — пользоваться шпаргалками
to pass exam with distinction — сдать экзамен на отлично
to fail an exam — провалить экзамен
to teach — обучать
to educate — давать образование
to learn — учиться
to learn by heart — учить наизусть
to study — изучать
top pupil — лучший ученик
repeater — второгодник
bright — способный
ignorant — неуч, невежественный
to be quick at… — иметь большие способности к…
to lag behind — отставать
to be at the top of the class — быть в числе лучших
to be at the foot (bottom) of the class — быть в числе худших
well-disciplined — дисциплинированный
ill-behaved — недисциплинированный
to be at school — быть на занятиях
to cut a lesson — удрать с урока
to miss lesson — пропускать уроки
to play truant — прогуливать уроки

Pre-School Education Дошкольное образование

nursery (school) — ясли
kindergarten — садик
play group (playschool) — дошкольная группа в садике

School Education Школьное образование

school — школа
primary school — начальная школа
secondary school — средняя школа
gymnasium — гимназия
lyceum — лицей
an English language school — школа с углубленным изучением английского языка
boarding school — школа-интернат
state (maintained) school — государственная школа (финансируется с государственного бюджета)
private school частная школа — (финансируется частными лицами или организациями)
headmaster (headmistress) — (так говорят британцы) директор школы
Principal — (так говорят американцы) директор школы
(school) teacher — учитель (учительница)
class (form) teacher — классный руководитель
staff meeting — педагогическая рада
schoolchildren — школьники
school boy (girl) — школьник, школьница
pupil — ученик
grade — (все параллельные классы) класс
class, lesson — урок (занятие)
creche — продленка
10А form (class) — класс 10 «А»
to go to school — учится в школе
to leave school / graduate from — заканчивать школу
school-leaving certificate — аттестат зрелости
to attend school — посещать уроки
to miss school — прогуливать уроки
truant (from school) — пропуск
truancy — пропуск уроков
curriculum — программа обучения
eleven-plus — государственная аттестация после 4-го класса
GCSE (General Certificate ) — Аттестат о среднем образовании
of Secondary Education) school- leaving exams — выпускные экзамены
school- leaving party- выпускной вечер
to call the roll — вызывать по списку
to explain — объяснять
to ask — спрашивать
to make a mistake указать на ошибку
to correct a mistake — исправить ошибку
to test — контролировать
to give a mark — поставить оценку
to put down homework — записать домашнее задание
to respond — откликнуться
to understand — понимать
to answer — отвечать
to write a test — писать контрольную
to get / receive a mark — получить оценку
to do homework / task (assignment Am.) — выполнять домашнюю работу
student — студент
to write — писать
to copy — переписывать
to underline — подчеркивать
to illustrate — иллюстрировать
to describe — описывать
to read — читать
to retell — пересказывать
to recite — читать на память
to prepare — приготавливать
to calculate — считать
to do sums — решать задачи
to remember - помнить
to remind — помнить, вспомнить
to recall — помнить, припомнить
to decide — решать
to think — думать
to discuss — обсуждать

School subjects Школьные дисциплины

Maths / mathematics — математика
Algebra — алгебра
Geometry — геометрия
Physics — физика
Chemistry — химия
Biology — биология
Botany — ботаника
Geography — география
History — история
Literature — литература
Native — родной
Foreign language — иностранный язык
English — английский
Russian — русский
Ukrainian — украинский
French — французский
German — немецкий
Linguistics — лингвистика
Art — изо
Technical drawing — черчение
Computering — иформатика
Sport — физкультура
Labour training — труд
classroom — класс
blackboard — школьная доска
desk — парта
visual aids — наглядные пособия
classmate — одноклассник
monitor — староста
teacher — учитель
teaching staff — преподавательский состав
entrance hall — вестибюль
assembly hall — актовый зал
gymnasium — гимнастический зал
stadium / sportground — стадион, спортплощадка
staff room — учительская
display room — выставочный зал
library — библиотека
cloak room — раздевалка
doctor — врач
dining room — столовая
wood work — столярные мастерские
metal work — слесарные мастерские
home/domestic science — кабинет домоводства
needle work — кабинет рукоделия
school garden — школьный сад
school plot — школьный участок
lesson — урок
to start/begin the lesson — начать урок
The lesson is over. — Урок окончен.
a demonstration lesson — открытый урок
lecture — лекция
classes — занятия

School things Школьные принадлежности

abc-book — букварь
book — книга
text book — учебник
to read — читать
book mark — закладка
exercise-book / copy-book — тетрадь
a squared exercise-book — тетрадь в клетку
lined exercise-book — тетрадь в линейку
writing-pad / note-pad — блокнот
a rough copy / a scribble copy — черновик
ruler — линейка
a clean (neat) copy — чистовик
slide-ruler — логарифмическая линейка
diary / daybook — дневник
satchel — ранец
margin — поля в тетради
register — журнал
computer — компьютер
calculator — счетная машинка
school bag — портфель
to calculate — считать
to glue/paste — клей, клеить
to cut out — вырезать
bell — звонок
to ring — звонить
school — школа
terrestrial globe — глобус (земного шара)
paper-clips — скрепка
pin — кнопка
paper — бумага
paste-board — картон
sheet — лист
album — альбом
to draw — рисовать
drawing — рисунок
palette — палитра
(to) paint — краска, рисовать красками
brush — кисточка
pencil — карандаш
pen — ручка
fountain-pen — чернильная ручка
ball-point-pen — шариковая ручка
to write — писать
coloured pencils — цветные карандаши
felt-tip-pen — фломастер
ink — чернила
piece of chalk — кусочек мела
pencil sharpener — точилка
pencil case / pencil box — пенал
an eraser / rubber — резинка
to rub out — стирать

Examination Экзамены

grade, mark — оценка
(to) grade — ставить оценку, оценивать
A — оценка «отлично»
F — оценка «удовлетворительно»
performance (in tests) — результаты (выполнение тестов)
(to) participate in class discussions — выступать на уроках
(to) complete the assignment — выполнять задание
report card — школьный табель
transcript — выписка из школьного табеля ученика
(to) submit (documents) — подавать (документы)
(to) apply for admissions — подават<

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