Name: Sarah Lamb

Course: BEng (Hons) Medical Engineering

Home town: Leeds

What inspires you?

Money! And accomplishing goals.

Why did you want to study the subject you're doing?

I wanted to work in Medicine but because of competition and working hours in the field, I combined a hobby with my career choice and went for engineering.

What's the best thing about university?

The social events and getting to meet different people from different backgrounds who share a common interest. And coming out with a degree.

What advice would you give to someone considering university now?

Check out what you really want to do and don't be worried about stereotypes. Engineering can be male dominated and a lot of girls don't see it as a career option but women are actually excelling in the subject and if nothing else it is a great way to meet blokes.

What's the most remarkable thing that's happened to you since starting?

I found out that I have dyslexia as I was screened when I came to the University. They couldn't believe that it hadn't been picked up through my school education and suddenly a lot of things fell into place. I've had loads of practical support and advice to help me get through the course and I almost see it as a blessing now as I'm sure I'm more creative because of it.

What's your big dream?

To become a multi-millionaire and own an Aston Martin.

What gets you up in the morning?

Getting up to do what I have to do on weekdays so that I can party on weekends.

What makes you happy?

Being successful, earning lots of money, going out and having a laugh with mates, singing and FAIRER (the Women's Engineering Society of which I'm the co-ordinator).

Where is your favourite place in Bradford?

Salts Mills and Haworth. I like walking in the countryside and being so close to the Dales is handy.

What is Bradford's best-kept secret?

A lot of people just see it as the city centre and Photography Museum but there are lots of beautiful places on the outskirts such as Saltaire and Haworth.


Name: Neil Turner

Course: BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems

Hometown: York

What inspires you?

The University is full of interesting and helpful people, both staff and students, and I think this inspires me.

Why did you want to study the subject you're doing?

I've been using computers for some time and wanted to go further, but could never get a foot on the ladder. I thought doing a taught course like this would help.

What's the best thing about university?

It s a mature environment where you're treated as an adult, and there are plenty of things to do, whether they're academic or not. I also like being away from my parents and being more responsible for my own decisions.

What advice would you give to someone considering university now?

Go for it! I’ve really enjoyed it so far. Make sure you get involved in the Student Union too as that's how you'll get to meet people.

What's the most remarkable thing that's happened to you since starting?

I was really surprised when I went home at the end of my first year and realised how much I had matured over just one year. University is more than just learning to be good at studying; there are a lot of life skills that you can pick up too.

Bradford has students from 110 different countries - what new things have you found out about different cultures?

A lot! I came from a city where there were very few people from other cultures so it's been a real eye-opener for me. I've learnt about a whole variety of religious festivals that I'd never even heard of, and even got involved in some of them.

Have you made any friends for life at University?

Yes, loads of them! Everyone is really friendly here.

What would be the one thing you saved if your house was on fire?

It sounds sad but it would have to be my computer. It has all my work and music on it. It recently died on me and I was suffering withdrawal symptoms until it got fixed.

What is the most interesting fact you've learnt this week?

That the University has one of the largest collections of excavated skeletons in the world – bigger than places like York where you' d expect there to be a lot of archaeology.

What's your big dream?

Probably to work in a high-paid job for a big IT company in a relatively senior position, and have a big house somewhere. But at the moment I'm just concentrating on my degree.

Задание 27. Совершенствуем навыки презентации

Для начала вы должны знать следующее:

1. Что такое презентация?

2. Какие цели преследует презентация?

3. Что делает презентацию эффективной? (От чего зависит эффективность презентации?)

4. Перечислите основные части презентации.

Ниже приведена информация из рекламного проспекта. Вам нужно сделать презентацию, чтобы привлечь новых клиентов. Вы очень заинтересованы в продаже своих услуг. Убедите потенциального клиента в том, что ваша кампания — лучшая на рынке. Добавьте любую информацию, какую посчитаете нужной, например историю компании, настоящую деятельность, перспективы развития, и т.д.

SCHOONER SAILS: Schooner Thomas E.Lannon. Gloucester, Massachusetts (978) 286-6634,

A vacation story: Our sail on the Schooner Thomas E.Lannon was more than a boat ride; it was relaxing and enjoyable history lesson. In addition to the capable captain and the crew, The Lannon brought a master storyteller and historian onboard.

A journey back in time. The historian told us a story about fishermen who had lived in Gloucester, the oldest fishing port in America. He also told us the history of The Lannon. Eleventh generation American boat builder Harold Burnham built her in Essex in 1997 and called her after his grandfather. Her design came from a schooner called Nocomis, built there in 1903.

Group Charters. – Group rates for 30 or more people. – Private, corporate and school group charters available. – Birthdays, graduations, weddings, company outings and meetings. – Book a trip on The Lannon for your next family or office get-together. It’s a great place for a party. – Reservations are strongly advised. – Gloucester Coast Guard certified to carry 49 passengers.

В своей презентации используйте следующие «сигнальные средства»:

Introducing the topic Let me start by... First of all, I’ll... I’d like to begin by... Giving an example A good example of this is... To illustrate this point...  
Reaching the end of the point I’ve told you about... We’ve looked at... That’s all I have to say about... Dealing with questions I’ll deal with this later, if I may... I’ll come back to this question later in my talk... I won’t comment on this now...
Moving on to another point Let me turn now to... Let's move onto... Let's look now at... Summarizing/conclusion I'dlike to sum up now... Let me summarize briefly what I've said... If I can just sum up the main points...
Developing/ analyzing Let's look at this in more detail... What does that mean for us? Sequencing Firstly.. .secondly.. .thirdly.. .lastly... First of all.. .after that.. .finally... To start with ... finish up...

Письмо: Оформление конверта


Выучите, как пишется адрес на конверте.

Оформите конверты:

а) другу,

б) своим родителям,

в) родственникам,

г) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Напишите почтовую открытку:

а) своим родителям,

б) родственникам,

в) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Изучите оформление делового письма. Сравните с письмом другу. Чем они отличаются?

Потренируйтесь в написании деловых и неофициальных писем.

Почтовая открытка


Прочитайте отрывки из писем и скажите, кому они адресованы и по какому поводу.

а) You will see from the enclosed copy of the statement that, on 3 November, ₤43.00 was debited from my account under the description ‘Direct Debit’. I did not and have never authorized such a direct debit.

б) I try to tell you how much you mean to me when I’m with you, but, somehow, we’re enjoying ourselves so much just doing things and being together that I never actually get round to stating the obvious — I love you.

в) Thank you so much for your assistance in obtaining the library card. I am now getting on with the book as fast as I can and will make sure to send you a copy once it is published.

г) Thank you so much for the delicious dinner. The haddock was incredible. I hope the stain came out of the tablecloth!

д) On 20 August I received my Visa bill, including the figure of 93.65 but not including any of the refund. I must now pay this full amount or I will be charged interest. This is clearly an unsatisfactory state of affairs.

е) Would it be possible to establish a zebra crossing just in front of the school? Or, if not, would it be possible to place a traffic inspector at the junction at that time in the morning in order to supervise the traffic? This would surely be a sensible precaution given the circumstances.

ж) Hey, I’m writing to tell you how I miss you. Hope we’ll see during the vacation.

з) All right then. You get the booze, I get the snack. See you on picnic on the lawn.

А. Деловое письмо


Б. Письмо другу

Dear Jim, How are you? Thanks for the letter. I’d be glad to have your new books but it won’t be easy getting them here. I think the best thing will be to send them over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is they can’t carry too many. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love, Julie

Openings and Closings

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