Topic vocabulary in contrast

1 Everyone said they had.......... themselves at the wedding.

A enjoyed С pleased

В impressed D excited

2 Mary seems to go out with a different .......of friends almost every night.

A group С company

В band D collection

3 People can become very...... when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

A nervous С stressful

В bad-tempered D pressed

4 More and more people are living into........ age and it's a serious social problem.

A high С far

В ancient D old

5 Stephanie seems to be very........with her classmates.

A likeable С known

В famous D popular

6 Most............people have no idea what it's like to be famous.

A usual С typical

В ordinary D medium

7 When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very...... and listened to all my problems.

A likeable С sympathetic

В amusing D enjoyable

8 Rita's very............and easily gets upset when people criticize her.

A level-headed С sensible

В sensitive D open-minded

9 Police were called in when the............of people began to get violent.

A crowd С audience

В company D herd

10 My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still.............

A unknown С infamous

В hidden D unrelated

Задание 18.Выберите нужное слово.Запомнитеразличные значения этих слов.

  1. These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.
  2. Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.
  3. My grandma doesn't have any close / near family her own age left.
  4. In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.
  5. Who was to blame / fault for the argument?
  6. Don't you know it's kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
  7. Nathan's parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.
  8. I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.

Задание 19.Напишите краткий биографический очерк и ответьте на вопросы b; c; d.

a) Personal profile (about yourself, your experience, interests, particular skills).

b) How do you think a friend and your professor who knows you would describe you?

c) What achievements are you most proud of?

d) What two or three things would you most like to achieve at the University?

Topic vocabulary in contrast -

Тема: Образование в России и за рубежом



Определённый артикль и абстрактные существительные.

Абстрактные существительные в английском языке не имеют артикля, если они используются в общем смысле, например:

She loves music. Она любит музыку (музыку вообще; любую музыку),

но употребляются с определённым артиклем, если их значение ограничивается конкретным случаем, например:

a) Health is more important than wealth.

Good health is the right of every man.

Public health in England is of a high standard.

но: The health of the community is of high importance.

The health he has enjoyed for the last three years is due to the climate.

b) Art is long, life is short.

Modern art is difficult to understand.

но: The art of Picasso.

The art of painting.

The art of the XVII century.

Задание 20. Ниже приведены пары предложений. Подставьте артикль там, где он необходим.

1) …Industry is the basis of our economy.

…Industry of Sheffield is steel-making.

2) She likes … modern literature.

She does not like … literature of the XVIII century.

3) …Beauty is only skin-deep.

We were admiring … beauty of the night.

4) … Intelligence of these students is very high.

It requires … high intelligence to understand the problem.

5) … Public education must be rapidly extended.

… Education of little children is very important.

6) In mathematics … accuracy is essential.

I cannot judge … accuracy of your calculations.

7) Water is necessary to … life.

… Life of these insects is very short.


Предлоги времени

after после; после того как
before до; раньше; перед
during в течение; во время; в продолжение
at в определённый момент времени (точное время)
for в течение; на определённую дату, срок
in в указанный год, месяц, время суток, промежуток времени; через указанный определённый промежуток времени
by к какому-л. моменту времени
from с определённого момента времени
since с определённого момента начала действия, которое всё ещё продолжается
on/upon по завершении предшествующего события; в такой-то день недели (название дня недели)
from…until с определённого момента до определённого момента
till/until до; до того как; пока не

Задание 21. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.

1. I will meet you there … six o’clock sharp.

2. The lesson will be over … five minutes.

3. He has been waiting there … five o’clock.

4. The swallows gather and leave England … the autumn.

5. The family are all gathering again … Christmas.

6. I can’t tell you … the moment but if you will wait I’ll let you know … a few minutes.

7. It has been the same old story ever … he was a little boy.

8. I’m sorry I can’t come as I have an appointment … Thursday … 2.30. He still comes to see me… time to time.

9. I wonder if you could get it done … tomorrow.

10. She called the police immediately, but … the time they arrived the thief was miles away.

11. The house should be finished … next month.

12. He is in bed … the last week.

13. He has been living in this new house … some two weeks.

14. Everybody buys his new hat … Easter.

15. They may arrive … any time now.

16. She always goes to visit her granny … Saturdays.

17. The contract expires … December 6th.

18. It always gets cool here … the evening.

19. I shall be at home from 6 p.m. … 9 p.m.

20. They come to visit us … time to time.

Задание 22. Запомните предлоги местоположения, а также движения и направления, используя их графическое представление; составьте короткие английские предложения с этими предлогами.

Предлоги местоположения

Topic vocabulary in contrast -

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