Контрольная работа № 2 по английскому языку

для студентов 3 курса заочного отделения

Вариант 1

1. Put the verb in the correct form of the Passive Voice

1. The contract (sign) last week.

2. The firm prices (quite) for these goods.

3. The terms of delivery (alter) by the company a week ago.

4. The price and payment terms (confirm neхt week.

5. The document (make out) in a week.

6. The obligations for delivery of these goods (fulfill) yesterday.

Make the sentences negative

1The contract was canceled.

2. The check is paid.

3. The contract will be signed.

4. The pumps were delivered yesterday.

5. The claims are settled amicably.

Translate into Russian

1. Subject of the contact, price, delivery and payment terms are usually written in the contract.

2. A sight draft is paid immediately on presentation.

3. A 5 % discount is usually offered by this firm for regular buyers.

4. Sliding prices are altered.

5. The payment documents will be sent to the bank tomorrow.

Translate into English

1.Заказ был послан на прошлой неделе.

2. Фиксированные цены назначены на это оборудование.

3.Условия платежа и поставки будут подтверждены в их письме.

4.Качество этих товаров определяется по образцу.

5.Оборудование будет поставлено через неделю.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1) If you were a teacher and the kids in your class wouldn’t listen to you, what would you do?

2) If you had to pick a new first name for yourself, what would you choose?

3) If this Saturday you could do absolutely anything you wanted, what would you do?

6. Напишите словами имена числительные:

Пример: 5 - five

1. 28, 354

2. 7269

3. сорок второй, триста двадцать пятый

4. пять целых одна шестая

5. 6,91

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

School Boys

Jerome turned off the TV. He had just watched a couple of "South Park" cartoons. "South Park" is an amusing series about elementary school kids living in a small town in Colorado.

The first cartoon was about Herman, who wanted to become strong and muscular. He asked his mother to buy a supplement that was advertised on TV. The supplement was actually nothing but sugar, but the TV ad promised that it would make you strong and muscular.

Instead, it made Herman very fat. Worse, Herman refused to believe that he had become fat. Even though all his friends were calling him Super Fat Boy, he told them that he was Super Muscle Boy. Finally, when Herman walked onto the stage to receive an award in the school auditorium, the stage collapsed. Then he realized that maybe he WAS super fat.

The second cartoon was about a dog that followed Lenny home. Lenny loved the dog until he found out it was gay. Then he hated the dog. But Big Al took Lenny to the city's Home for Gay Animals. While there, Lenny decided that it was okay to be gay. When he got home, he hugged his dog and took it for a walk. He didn't even mind when it sniffed other male dogs.

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Контрольная работа № 2 по английскому языку

для студентов 3 курса заочного отделения

Вариант 2

Put the verb in the correct form of the Passive Voice

1. The contract (sign) next week.

2. The firm prices (quite) for these goods a week ago.

3. The terms of delivery (alter) by the company.

4. The price and payment terms (confirm last week.

5. The document (make out) in a week.

6. The obligations for delivery of these goods (fulfill).

Make the sentences negative

1. The contract will be canceled.

2. The check was paid.

3.The contract is signed.

4. The pumps will be delivered next week.

5. The claims were settled amicably.

Translate into Russian

1. Subject of the contact, price, delivery and payment terms will be written in the contract.

2. A sight draft was paid immediately on presentation.

3. Discounts are usually offered for regular buyers.

4. Firm prices are not altered.

5. The payment documents was sent to the bank yesterday.

Translate into English

1.Запросз будет послан на следующей неделе.

2.Твердые цены назначены на это оборудование.

3.Условия платежа и поставки были подтверждены в их письме.

4.Качество этих товаров определяется по образцу

5.Оборудование будет поставлено через неделю.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1) If you were a teacher and the kids in your class wouldn’t listen to you, what would you do?

2) If you had to pick a new first name for yourself, what would you choose?

3) If this Saturday you could do absolutely anything you wanted, what would you do?

6. Напишите словами имена числительные:

Пример: 5 - five

1. 19, 356

2. 7456

3. сорок второй, триста двадцать пятый

4. пять целых одна шестая

5. 6,65

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