Reject or support the following claims. Which one(s) do you find most controversial? Why?

1. Environmental pollution is mainly a moral problem, not a scientific or industrial one.

2. Environmental campaigns make no difference to the world problems.

3. Big companies should provide specific information to the public on their use of chemical substances.

4. “The future will be either green or not at all.” Jonathan Porrit.

5. Technological progress is a blessing (curse) for the mankind.

6. People cannot go on consuming nature with no thought for tomorrow.

7. Animals should not be kept in captivity.

8. Modern people are too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.

9. It’s not enough to make small changes in the way we live – what’s needed is a major change in lifestyle if we are to protect the planet.

10. Generally, the future for the planet looks bright. Those who argue otherwise are only being pessimistic about the state of environment.

11. Nature has its own language.

12. People who are caught littering should be made to pay a big fine.

Reject or support the following claims. Which one(s) do you find most controversial? Why? - DISCUSSION POINTS

1.Many of the Earth's resources are nonrenewable and will eventually run out. In order to make valuable natural resources last longer, we need to conserve materials and recycle them as much as possible. What solutions can you think of to cope with the problem of depletion of natural resources?

2.The number of private cars has increased enormously, and this is a key factor in global warming. The main problem with cars is that they cause a lot of pollution and carry only one person. Public transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains can carry large numbers of people at the same time. What alternative forms of transport can you think of? What is the most effective measure to reduce air pollution in big cities: using electric cars, reduction of car use, buying smaller cars or bicycles? Then discuss how easy or difficult it is to bring these ideas into life.

3.The WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and Greenpeace are well-known environmental campaign groups in the U.K. The WWF was established in 1961 to raise funds from the public for conservation of plant and animal species. Greenpeace is an international environmental pressure group supported by scientific research. Are you familiar with the activity of any environmental group in your region? What kind of activities are they involved in? What are their aims? Would you agree to become a member of one of the environmental groups? Why? Why not?

4. Which of the following do you think –air, water, land pollution -deforestation - depletion of water resources - genetic engineering - acid rains - changes in climate – littering – poor sanitation – smog - radiation - is a major environmental issue in your region? Discuss what is being done to improve the matter. What may happen if nothing is done?

5.Many big cities nowadays face the same problems: deterioration of air quality, congestion, overpopulation, high level of pollution, etc. What should be done to make our citizens more environmentally friendly? What should be done by individuals, local authorities? Discuss if the following measures are effective in helping the environment:recycling the household waste; fining people who drop litter; greening of the streets in big cities; restrictions on car use in cities;using natural ventilation instead of air conditioning.

6.Now the so-called 'green, or eco-tourism' is very popular all over the world. Unfortunately, the success of a place as a tourist destination may lead to its losing the features that first attracted tourists there - its unspoiled landscape and welcoming people. Do you think tourism is beneficial or harmful to the region where you live? What are the advantages and disadvantages of 'eco-tourism' for a) the environment; b) the inhabitants of the place; c) the tourists?

7.A lot of animals on our planet are dying out.Themajor cause of the 'great extinction' is the surroundings change. At the same time people use animals for testing cosmetics, shoot animals for sport, keep them in the zoo, train them to perform in the circus. Do animals have rights? What should be done to prevent them from dying out?

  Reject or support the following claims. Which one(s) do you find most controversial? Why? -


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