Глагол to have (иметь, есть, обладать).

Present Simple

+ - ?
подлежащее + have (has) подлежащее + don`t (doesn`t) + have (подлежащее + haven`t (hasn`t) Do (Does) + подлежащее + have? (Have (has) + подлежащее?)
I have English classes two times a week, but my brother has classes every day. I don`t have English classes two times a week, but my brother doesn`t have classes every day. DoyouhaveEnglish classes two times a week? Doeshis brother haveclasses every day?

1. Глагол to have изменяется только в 3 л. ед.ч. и имеет форму has.

2. В разговорном варианте употребляется форма have got (has got) (I`ve got, he`s got и т.д.).

3. Запомните фразы: to have a cold – простудиться; to have a walk – погулять; to have tea – пить чай; to have lunch – обедать; to have a bath (shower) – принимать ванну (душ).

1.3.2. Past Simple (в прошедшем времени только одна форма had для всех лиц и чисел)

+ - ?
подлежащее + had подлежащее + didn`t + have (подлежащее + hadn`t) Did + подлежащее + have? (Had + подлежащее?)
I had English classes two times a week and my brother had classes every day last year I didn`t have English classes two times a week and my brother didn`t have classes every day last year. DidyouhaveEnglish classes two times a week?

1.3.3.Future Simple (в будущем времени только одна форма will have для всех лиц и чисел)

+ - ?
подлежащее + will have подлежащее + will not (won`t) + have Will + подлежащее + have?
I will have English classes two times a week and my brother will have classes every day next year I `ll not have English classes two times a week and my brother will not have classes every day next year. WillyouhaveEnglish classes two times a week next year?

2.Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы, подготовьте выступление (монолог или диалог) о важности изучения иностранного языка.

Good morning to our teachers and friends. I am the president of the English Society. I`m from China. Today I am very honoured to be given this opportunity to share with you ‘The Importance of English’. English is the most significant language in the world. English is used as the one and only tool to break down existing language barriers among people of different races, cultures and nationality. As an international language, English is spoken, read and written in many countries. Examinations in international universities are tested in English. The use of English can be seen on the Internet and in the business world. Business transactions are done in English. Corporations like ‘Google’ and ‘Wikipedia’ have the highest rate of streaming in its English version. We should stand hand in hand to weather out our problem in English. So, everyone here should start burning the candle to improve yourselves. Precious time should be wasted no more.

1) What country is the president of the English Society from?

2) What language is one the most significant in the world? Why?

3) What language is international in the world?

4) Where do we use English? Do you have opportunity to speak English?

5) Did you visit English classes or additional courses?

6) Where did you study English?

7) Are you ready to talk with English students?

8) Will you go to the UK?

Lesson 8.

1. Части речи: числительные.

2. Оборот there + to be.

3. Мой родной город: история и достопримечательности.

1.1. Количественные и порядковые числительные

Количественные Транскрипция Порядковые
1-10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten   [wʌn] [tuː] [θriː] [fɔː] [faɪv] [sɪks] [`sev(ə)n] [eɪt] [naɪn] [ten] первый – (1st) the first (2nd) the second (3rd) the third (4th) the fourth (5th) the fifth (6th) the sixth (7th) the seventh (8th) the eighth (9th) the ninth (10th) the tenth
11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty   [ɪ`lev(ə)n] [twelv] [θɜː`tiːn] [fɔː`tiːn] [fɪf`tiːn] [sɪk`stiːn] [sev(ə)n`tiːn] [eɪ`tiːn] [naɪn`tiːn] [`twentɪ]   (11th) the eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
21 и т.д. (пишутся через дефис) twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-nine     [twentɪ`wʌn]   twenty-first
30-100 thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred   [`θɜːtɪ] [`fɔːtɪ] [`fɪftɪ] [`sɪkstɪ] [`sev(ə)ntɪ] [`eɪtɪ] [`naɪntɪ] [wʌn`hʌndrəd], [-rɪd]   thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth one hundredth
101 и т.д. one (a) hundred and one …   (one) hundredth and first
200 и т.д. (слово hundred остается в единственном числе, независимо от цифры, стоящей перед ним) two hundred, three hundred   two hundredth and …
1000 и т.д. (слово thousand остается в единственном числе, независимо от цифры, стоящей перед ним) one thousand, two thousand [wʌn`θauz(ə)nd] one thousandth and ..
1,000,000 и т.д. (слово million остается в единственном числе, независимо от цифры, стоящей перед ним) one million, two million [wʌn `mɪljən] one millionth and …

2. Оборот there + to be в Present, Past и Future

There + is (are, was, were, will be) + подлежащее (что) + обстоятельство (где)
Present Past I Future
There is (are) a nice park (nice parks) in our town. There was (were) a big) factory (many factories) in our town. There will be a good new stadium in our city.

3. Подготовьте рассказ о своем родном городе. Используйте слова и выражения:

My native city – мой родной город; I was born – я родился; It is a very small (big) town (city) in the north (south) of Russia – это очень маленький (большой) город на севере (юге) России; Rostov region – Ростовская область; It was founded in – он был основан в; The population is about … thousand people – население около … тысячи человек; It`s very cold (hot) in winter (summer) – очень холодно (жарко) зимой (летом); It`s located (situated) – он находится (располагается); on the river – на реке; In my opinion it is the most beautiful city in the world – по моему мнению, это самый красивый город в мире; Our city is very clean – наш город очень чистый; There are several (is one) schools (school) in our town – в нашем городе несколько (одна) школы (школа).

Lesson 9.

1. Части речи: числительные (чтение, произношение и презентация различных разрядов числительных).

2. Ростов: история, достопримечательности.

1. Употребление числительных в различных коммуникативных ситуациях:

1.1. Презентация числительного ноль и чтение (0).

Обозначение Ситуация Графическое оформление Чтение цифр
Oh after a dicimal point 5.03   five point ohthree  
  in telephone numbers in bus numbers in hotel room numbers in years 67-01-38 N 701 Room 206 six sevenoh one three eight seven ohone room two oh six nineteen oh five nineteen ninety nine the year two thousand two thousand and one two thousand and fifteen (or twenty fifteen)
zero for the number for temperature -5 C number zero five degrees below zero
nought before the decimal point 0.02 nought point oh two
nill in football scores 5-0 five nill
love in tennis 5-0 five love

1.2. Правила употребления точки (point) и запятой (comma) в числительных (figures):

1) in English points are used for decimals 10.001– ten point oh oh one. 2) Commas are used only when writing thousands 10,001 – ten thousand and one. 3) When accounts are prepared on computers commas are not used – 10001 ten thousand and one.

1.3. Дроби (Fractions)

Простые: Десятичные:
1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 1/6 – a half, a third (one third), a fifth, a six 3/4 – three-fourths 3 1/2 -- three and a half 2 3/4 – two and three quarters 5 1/2 – five and a half 0.3 – nought (zero) point three 4.5 – four point five 5.63 – five point six three 32.103 – three two (thirty two) point one zero three  

1.4. Hundreds, thousands, millions

1,000,000 – a million ( 10 в 6 степени - ten to the power six)

1,000,000,000 – a billion ( or 10 в 9 ст. Ten to the power nine)

123,456 – a hundred and twenty three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six (British) ; a hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-six (American)

1.5. Telephone and fax numbers, documents

0 1273 736344 – oh one two seven three, seven three six, three four four (344 – three double four); 44 26 77 – double four, two six, double seven; 666 – six double six ( six six six)

Contract N 73/ 12 C – Contract number seventy-three stroke twelve C.

Account number 32-26-42 – thirty-two dash twenty six dash forty two

1.6. Даты

British: on 5 April 2001 (1998) – on the fifth of April, two thousand and one (on April the fifth, nineteen ninety-eight), 5/4 2001.

American: on April 5th 2001 (1997) – on April fifth, two thousand and one, 4/5 2001 on April 5th 1997 - on April fifth, ninety-seven.

1.7. Вычисления (Calculating)

Adding: 10+6=16 – ten plus six is sixteen, ten and six equals sixteen

Deducting:10-4=6 – ten minus four is six, ten take away four equals six

Multiplying:10*6=60 – ten times six is (or equals) sixty

Dividing:10: 6=1.666 – ten divided by six is one point six recurring

The words: to add – прибавлять; to deduct, to subtract, to take away – вычитать; to multiply by smth – умножать на что-либо; to divide by smth – делить на что-либо.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Is Rostov your native city?

2) Where is Rostov located?

3) In what part of Russia is Rostov situated?

4) What river is in Rostov?

5) When was Rostov founded?

6) What well-known persons of Rostov do you know?

7) What places of interest are there in Rostov?

8) What industrial enterprises are there in Rostov?

Lesson 10-11

1. Типы вопросов.

2. Ростов-на-Дону: история, достопримечательности, движение по городу, экскурсия в городе, общение в городе.

3. Подготовка и обсуждение студенческих презентаций на темы: а) Город, в котором я учусь; б) Интересные места Ростова-на-Дону; в) Культурная жизнь Ростова-на-Дону; г) Спорт в городе; д) Ростов-на-Дону – крупный транспортный узел; е) Ростов-на-Дону – промышленный центр Юга России; ж) Знаменательные даты в истории города.

Типы вопросов

1) Общие вопросы, требующие ответа «да» или «нет»:

Do you go to school? Yes, I do. No, I don`t; Are you from The USA? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

2) Альтернативные вопросы, предполагающие выбор в ответе. Первая часть вопроса строится по типу общего вопроса, а вторая – альтернатива к одному из членов первой части и присоединяется с помощью союза or:

Do you want to go for a walk or to stay at home? Are you from the USA or Great Britain?

3) Разделительные вопросы, состоящие из утвердительного или отрицательного предложения с присоединённым к нему кратким общим вопросом:

They usually get up at 7 o`clock, don`t they? This is her house, isn`t it?.

4) Специальные вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова:

Who – кто

What – что, какой

Where– где, куда, откуда

Why- почему

When – когда

Whose -чей

Which –который из …

How many (much)– сколько).

В специальных вопросах всегда определённый порядок слов:

а) вопросительное слово (What? Why? When? Where? How many (much) и т.д.?);

б) вспомогательный глагол (do, does, did, will, модальные глаголы) или глагол to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be);

в) подлежащее;

г) сказуемое (смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива);

д) все другие члены предложения.


Whatdo you want?

Wheredid you go?

Whywill you go to Moscow?

Where have you been?

Whereare you going?

What can you do?

Whatare you?

How many books do you have?).

Запомните: в вопросах к подлежащему и его определению сохраняется прямой порядок слов и не используется do, does, did в Present и Past Simple:

Whowants to take the ticket?

What bookattracted your attention?

What sportsmanwon?

Whose friend wrote this song?


Задание: Озаглавьте каждый абзац. Напишите перевод выделенных слов и выражений.

1) Rostov-on-Don is a port city and the administrative center of Rostov Region and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies to the southeast of the East European Plain, on the Don River, 32 kilometers (20 mi) from the Sea of Azov. The populationof Rostov is more than one million people.

2) The winter is moderately cold, with an average February temperature of −3.1 °C (26.4 °F). The lowest recorded temperature of −31.9 °C (−25.4 °F) occurred in January 1940. The summers are long, warm, and sunny. July temperatures average +23.3 °C (73.9 °F). The city's highest recorded temperature of +40.1 °C (104.2 °F) was reported on 1 August 2010. The mean annual precipitation is 643 millimeters (25.3 in), the average wind speedis 2.7 m/s, and the average air humidity is 72%.

3) Since ancient times, the area around the mouth of the Don River has held cultural and commercial importance. On December 15, 1749, a custom house was established on the Temernik River by the order of Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great to control trade with Turkey. It was co-located with a fortress named for Dimitry of Rostov, a metropolitan bishop of the old northern town of Rostov the Great. Towards the end of the eighteenth century the settlement lost much of its militarily strategic importance as a frontier post. In 1806 our city was named Rostov and then Rostov-on-Don. During the 19th century Rostov developed into a major trade center and communications hub. A railway connection with Kharkiv was competed in 1870 with further links following in 1871 to Voronezh and in 1875 to Vladikavkaz.

4) Coal from the Donets Basin and iron ore from Krivoy Rog supported the establishment of an iron foundry in 1846. In 1859, the production of pumps and steam boilers began. Industrial growth was accompanied by a rapid increase in population, with 119,500 residentsregistered in Rostov by the end of the nineteenth century along with approximately 140 industrial businesses. The harbor was one of the largest trade hubs in southern Russia, especially for the export of wheat, timber, and iron ore.

5) During World War II German forces occupied Rostov-on-Don (for seven days from November 21, 1941 after attacks by the German first panzer army in the battle of Rostov and for seven months from July 24, 1942 to February 14, 1943). The town was of strategic importance as a railway junctionand a river port accessing the Caucasus, a region rich in oil and minerals. It took ten years to restore the city from the ruins of World War II.

6) The Don River is a major shipping lane connecting southwestern Russia with the north. Rostov-on-Don is a trading port for Russian, Italian, Greek and Turkish merchants selling, for example, wool, wheat and oil. It is also an important river port for passengers. The Rostov-on-Don agricultural region produces one-third of Russia's vegetable oil from sunflowers. With the construction of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal in 1952, Rostov-on-Don became a port of five seas: the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea, the White Sea, and the Baltic Sea.

7) In modern times Rostov-on-Don has experienced economic growth. Numerous companies have headquartersin the city and now the city is a modern, industrial and technology-rich hub. For instance, Rostov-on-Don is a center for helicopter and farm machinery manufacturing.

8) Rostov-on-Don is a major transport center. It`s called the "gateway to the Caucasus". Public transport in Rostov-on-Don includes buses, trolleybuses, trams, and marshrutkas (routed cabs). The Rostov Metro is under development. The Rostov-on-Don Airport caters for domestic travel, as well as flights to and from the former C.I.S., Europe, Africa and Asia. Its IATA code is "ROV". Donavia airlines (formerly "Aeroflot Don") has its head office in Rostov-on-Don. The international river port specializes in the packaging and freightingof minerals and timber.

9) The main railway stations in Rostov-on-Don are "Rostov-Glavny" and "Rostov-Prigorodny". The "St. Petersburg-Rostov-Caucasus" railway crosses the territory of Rostov-on-Don. The North Caucasus Railway offices are in Rostov-on-Don.

10) Several highways of federal and regional significance cross Rostov. The M-4 “Don” route passes Rostov to the east and crosses the Don river in the Aksay city area.

11) There are many higher educational establishments including universities, academies, secondary schools of vocational training including colleges, technical schools, specialized schools, and elementary schools of vocational training including lyceums, professional colleges and schools of general education. The largest educational establishments of the city are Southern Federal University, Rostov State Transport University, Rostov State Medical University, Don State Technical University, Rostov State Conservatory named after Sergei Rachmaninoff and others.

12) Cultural life of our city is very rich. In the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky works Mikhail Bushnov, who is the national artist of the USSR and an honorary citizen of Rostov-on-Don. The small collections of the Art Gallery and the Museum of Arts include some works by Repin, Surikov, Perov, Levitan, Aivazovsky as well as of modern Rostov artists. Many well-known persons live and work in our city and in Rostov region: Chekhov, Sholohov, Zakrutkin, Kalinin, Maxim Gorky, Modest Musorgsky, Yuri Bashmet.

13) There many places of interest in our city: Don embankment, Pushkinskay street, Rostov Musical Theater, Museum of Local Lore, Pioneer and Railway Museum and Children's Railway, Palace of Sports, the Circus, the Zoo, Botanical garden.

Lesson 12.

1. Части речи: имя прилагательное (степени сравнения).

2. Повторение видо-временной системы английского языка (действительный и страдательный залог) (Приложение 1).


1. Имя прилагательное:

а) Не изменяются по родам, числам и падежам. ЗАПОМНИТЕ: goods – не хорошие, а ТОВАРЫ;

б) Образует три степени сравнения: положительная (easy, interesting), сравнительная (easier, more interesting), превосходная (the easiest, the most interesting).

1.1. Образование степеней сравнения.

1.1.1. Образование односложных и двусложных прилагательных

Положительная степень сравнительная степень превосходная степень
short hot happy short+er hott+er happi+er short+est hott+est happi+est

1.1.2. Образование большинства двусложных и многосложных прилагательных

Положительная степень сравнительная степень превосходная степень
difficult more difficult most difficult

1.1.3. Особые случаи образования степеней сравнения.

Положительная степень сравнительная степень превосходная степень
bad far good little many, much worse farher, further better less more worst farthest best least most

Запомните: Имя существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, употребляется с определённым артиклем (the biggest room, the most beautiful woman).

2. Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)

1) Формы глагола в страдательном залоге образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и Participle II. В страдательном залоге нет времён Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous и Future Continuous in the Past.

2) Отрицательная, вопросительная и вопросительно-отрицательная формы страдательного залога образуются по тем же правилам, что и соответствующие формы действительного залога:

The house is built by workers. Is the house built by workers? The house is not built by the workers. The house is not built by the workers, isn`t it? What house was built by the workers?

Глагол to have (иметь, есть, обладать). - student2.ru To be + III Verb + by (with)

Present Simple (Indefinite) The students are examined by the examining board
Past Simple The University was established in 1929
Future Simple The concert will be held in October.

Задание: Переведите на русский язык.

1 On the 1-st of October 1929 the Rostov Mechanical Institute of Transport Communication Engineers was opened.

2 292 students were accepted to its three departments.

3 When transformation into the specialized industrial railway institution was completed it got the name of the Rostov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

4 During the years of the Great Patriotic War the Institute was evacuated to Tbilisi.

5 The status of the university was given to it in 1993.

6 In 2009 it was included into the list of 500 best universities of the world.

7 Our University is headed by professor Vladimir D. Vereskun.

8 Many popular conquests are conducted in the students’ club.

Lesson 13

1. Части речи: наречие (степени сравнения).

2. Повторение пассивного залога (Приложение 1).

3. Из истории железнодорожного образования в России. РГУПС.

1. Степени сравнения наречий.

1.1. Наречия (как и прилагательные) образовывают степени сравнения при помощи добавления суффиксов -er и –est: fast, faster, fastest.

1.2. Для многосложных наречий и тех наречий, которые были образованы при помощи суффикса -ly, степени сравнения образуются при помощи слов more и most: wise – more wisely – most wisely.

1.3. Степени сравнения наречий early и loudly образуются при помощи суффиксов: earlier-earliest, louder-loudest.. Степени сравнения quickly и slowly могут образовываться обоими способами: quicker/more quickly – quickest/most quickly, slower/more slowly – slowest/more slowly.

1.4. Особые случаи образования степеней сравнения:

Наши рекомендации