Adjectives. Лексико-грамматический тест

Exercise 1.

a) thanb) as c) as d) much e) less f)as g) little h) harder i) does j) did

Exercise 2.

a) Peter can't run as fast as Jill (can).

b) This journey didn't last as long as I thought it would.

c) I arrived later than I expected.

d) You'll have to work harder/faster.

e) I have an elder/older brother.

f) Martin didn't think the first part of the film was as interesting

g) Paul has been working less carefully than before.

h) This is the earliest train.

i) This pub is the nearest.

j) Can't you offer a better price?

Exercise 3.

a) C; b) B; c) A; d) D; e) D; f) C; g) B; h) A; i) C; j) B

Exercise 4.

a) better b) most c) latest d) happier e) deeper f) hottest g) better h) further i) best j) worst

Exercise 5.

a) I've never eaten a better meal. b) Fish costs just as much as meat in some countries. c) Fve never had such a good time. d) The more you run, the fitter you will get. e) Wednesday is the earliest the doctor can see you, I'm afraid. f) I must have a rest, I can't go (on) any further. g) Home computers aren't as expensive as they used to be. h) Sue knows more Italian than I do. i) Learning to drive isn't as difficult as I thought it would be / is easier than I thought it would be. j) John isn't a better skater than Barbara.

Exercise 6.

a) cost less than mine b) are better at maths than c) is a little taller than d) was growing angrier and e) did her f) isn't/wasn't as good as g) driven along such a bumpy h) more you eat, the fatter i) was the best he could j) was just as difficult as

Exercise 7.

1) Ö- 2) the 3) Ö 4) so 5) more 6) the 7) the 8) Ö 9) than 10) of 11) Ö 12) it 13) and 14) the 15) Ö 16) Ö 17) that

Тема: Имя числительное

Exercise 1

1e, 2b, 3g, 4j, 5a, 6h, 7d, 8f, 9c, 10i

Exercise 2

two, eighteen, eighty, a (one) hundred, ninety, fourteen, five, ninety nine, seven hundred and five, three thousand six hundred and seventy nine, the twenty first, nineteen ninety two, one point o [ou] fifteen, the sixteenth, sixty, eighteen seventy six, January the fifth, four and a (one) half

Exercise 3

the twenty fifth, the hundredth, the twenty first, the fifth, the twelfth, the thirteenth, the twentieth, the three hundred and forty sixth, the thirty first

Exercise 4

five percent; the twenty second of September, nineteen fifty nine; one and a half hour; five thousand three hundred and forty seven kilometres; point thirty seven meter; the twenty third of June, nineteen forty three; three fifth ton; twenty four hours; the forty third president

Тема: Глагол to be

Exercise 1

Sample answers

1. The students hostel is in the centre of the city. 2. No, it isn't far from the Institute. 3. My friend is twenty years old. 4. Yes, he is. 5. Yes, the lesson was interesting. 6. Yes, my group is preparing for the winter session. 7. I'm reading now. 8. Yes, the students of my group were invited to the conference. 9. No, I am to finish this work by Wednesday. 10. Yes, I was to meet my friends at the station. 11. Yes, there are some mistakes in my grammar test. 12. There is an exercise book and some text books on my desk. 13. No, there won't be any new guests at my birthday party.

Exercise 2

1. I shan't be at home tonight. 2. My friend won't be a lawyer in two years. 3. My parents aren't teachers at the University. 4. At two o'clock our family isn't having dinner. 5. The decision won't be passed on Monday. 6. He isn't working in the library now. 7. They aren't to meet at 5. 8. There isn't a TV in this room. 9. There weren't many new words in the dictation. 10. There won't be a stadium near our school.

Exercise 3

1. Наша работа будет закончена на следующей неделе. 2. Он должен прочитать лекцию по международному праву. 3. Усердная работа – гарантия успеха. 4. У студентов группы № 4 сейчас семинар. 5. Поезд должен был прийти в 5, но он опоздал. 6. Зарубежная делегация должна была посетить выставку. 7. Его сейчас нет дома. 8. Какая партия сейчас у власти в Великобритании? 9. Моя цель - овладеть двумя иностранными языками. 10. Доклад был интересный.

Exercise 4

1. All the students are at the lecture now. 2. My friend is a first year student. 3. My dream is to study English. 4. My friend is preparing to enter the University. 5. The Dean will be waiting for you at 2 o'clock. 6. These books are translated into different languages of the world. 7. The Belarusian State University was founded in 1921. 8. I am to finish this work by Monday. 9. The students of our group are to prepare for the conference. 10. The delegation is to arrive tomorrow night. 11. Our task is to master a foreign language during the year. 12. Is there a University in your city? 13. There will be a cinema, cafe and some school next year.

Тема: Оборот there is (there are)

Exercise 1

Sample Answers

1. There are thirty one in January. 2. There are sixty minutes in an hour. 3. There are three rooms in my flat. 4. There are 20 students in my group. 5. There is a little money in the box. 6. There is no water in the kettle. 7. There is a plate on the table. 7. There are two windows in my parents' room. 8. Yes, there will be many people in the park on Sunday.

Exercise 2

1. What is the park in the centre of the city like? 2. How many armchairs are there in the room? 3. How many months are there in a year? 4. Was there a school near your house before the war? / What was there near your house before the war? 5. How much money was there in your bag? 6. Will there be no wars in future? 7. What will there be tomorrow? / When will there be a party?

Exercise 3

1. There are traffic lights at every corner of the street.

2. There are a few books in our library.

3. There are a lot of parks and gardens there.

4. There is no time to visit the museum.

5. Some years ago there were only a few new houses in our street.

6. Is there any time to do this work tomorrow?

7. Was there an institute in your town five years ago?

8. Will there be a theatre near house in three years?

Exercise 4

1. There are a lot of schools and institutes in our school. 2. Are there many magazines and newspapers on the table? – No, there are few magazines and newspapers. 3. Last year there were 14 students in our group. 4. Are there many railway stations in Minsk? 5. There was no school near our house ten years ago. 6. There are a lot of historic monuments in this city. 7. Is there anybody in the room? – Nobody is there. / There is nobody. 8. There will be a film in some minutes. 9. You can go home. There won' be more classes today.

Exercise 5.

1. There was 2. It is 3. Is there ... there is/there's 4. there was ... It was 5. It was 6. There was 7. is it 8. It was 9. It is/It's 10. there wasn't 11. Is it... it's 12. there was ... There was 13. It was 14. There wasn't 15. There was ... it wasn't

Exercise 6.

1 There were a lot of cars on the roads. 2 There is a lot of salt in the soup. 3 There was nothing in the box. 4 There was a lot of violence in the film. 5 There were a lot of people in the shops. 6 Example answers: There is / There's a lot to do in this town. / ...a lot of life in this town. / ...a lot happening in this town.

Exercise 7.

1 There would be 2 There might be or There should be 3 there will be or there should be 4 There's going to be or There might be 5 There used to be 6 there should be 7 there wouldn't be

Exercise 8.

1 There must be a lot of noise. 2 There was a lot of snow. 3 right 4 There used to be a church here 5 right 7 right 8 There's sure to be a car park somewhere. 9 there will be an opportunity 10 right 11 There would be somebody to meet me at the station but there wasn't anybody.

Тема: Глагол to have

Exercise 1.

Sample Answers

1. Yes, it has a lot of industrial cities. 2. Yes, you've got some books by foreign writers. 3. Yes, I always have light supper. 4. I have some influence on my friends. 5. After classes I have dinner in the canteen. 6. No, I don't have to rewrite this exercise. 7. Yes, I had to learn the poem for today.

Exercise 2.

1. He hasn't many books on history in his library. 2. He hadn't learnt to speak English by the end of the year. 3. He hasn't a lot of relatives in Kiev. 4. I don't often have a headache in the evening. 5. We haven't received any letters from you of late. 6. I shan't have much work to do next week.

Exercise 3.

1. Have you any questions to ask me? 2. Have you discussed this problem yet? 3. Has father got many technical books in his study? 4. Do our students have dinner in the canteen? 5. Had he finished reading the book by last Sunday? 6. Do the students have to work hard? 7. Does he have to finish his experiment in 2 hours? 8. Will you have to stay here for 10 days?

Exercise 4.

1. Я ужасно хочу есть. Я не обедал. 2. Они еще не заплатили за билеты. 3. Я должен закончить эту работу сегодня, потому что у меня не будет времени на нее завтра. 4. Ей пришлось посмотреть слова в словаре. 5. Я не видел тебя уже сто лет. Где ты был? 6. Делегация уже прибыла. 7. У нее нет родственников в Минске. 8. У вас нет прав это делать.

Exercise 5.

1. I have a lot of friends among the University students. 2. My sister has a lot of free time. 3. He has an interesting stamp collection. 4. He has to meet his younger sister after school. 5. We had to stop our work. 6. Have you ever heard anything like that? 7. Nowadays chemistry and physics have become the leading sciences. 8. Some countries achieved great success in the development of agriculture.

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