Прилагательные, образованные

1) от существительных:

Суффикс Исходная форма Перевод Образованное слово Перевод Значение
-ful   -у   -al   -en     -ic   -ly     -ish     -less   -ous     peace use dirt sun rain luck nation culture industry   centre gold wood wool history period economy   day friend week red old boy Pole Briton Dane Scott use help hope truth home   glory fame   courage danger мир польза грязь солнце дождь удача нация культура промышленность центр золото древесина шерсть история период экономия, экономика день друг неделя красный старый мальчик поляк британец датчанин шотландец польза помощь надежда правда дом   слава известность   смелость опасность peaceful useful dirty sunny rainy lucky national cultural industrial   central golden wooden wool(l)en historic periodic economic   daily friendly weekly reddish oldish boyish Polish British Danish Scottish useless helpless hopeless truthless homeless   glorious famous   courageous dangerous мирный полезный грязный солнечный дождливый удачливый национальный культурный промышленный центральный золотой деревянный шерстяной исторический периодический экономический   ежедневный дружеский еженедельный красноватый староватый мальчишеский польский британский датский шотландский бесполезный беспомощный безнадёжный ложный бездомный   славный знаменитый, известный смелый опасный Указывают на наличие качества и определенных свойств.     Указывает на наличие слабой степени качества; на принадлеж-ность к наци-ниональности Означает отсутствие качества (в противоположность суффик-су -ful). Указывает на наличие опре-деленных качеств и черт.

2) от глаголов:

Суффикс Исходная форма Перевод Образованное слово Перевод Значение
-able   -ible to move to eat to sense двигаться есть ощущать moveable eatable sensible подвижный съедобный ощутимый Выражает возможность подвергнуться действию.
-ant   -ent   -ive     -tive to resist   to depend to insist   to create   to express   to talk сопротивляться   зависеть настаивать   создавать   выражать   разговаривать resistant   dependent insistent   creative   expressive   talkative сопротивля- ющийся зависимый настойчивый созидатель-ный выразительный разговорчивый Выражает наличие качества или свойства.


Глаголы, образованные от существительных и прилагательных:

Суффикс Исходная форма Перевод Образованное слово Перевод Значение
-en   -ize   -ify length bright weak deep real   national   character   sympathy   false   simple длина яркий слабый глубокий настоящий   национальный   характер   сочувствие   фальшивый   простой to lengthen to brighten to weaken to deepen to realize   to nationalize   to characterize to sympathize   to falsify   to simplify удлинять просиять ослаблять углублять осуществлять национализировать характеризовать симпатизировать фальсифицировать упрощать Указывают на возможность произвести действие


Суффикс Исходная форма Перевод Образованное слово Перевод Значение
-fу   -ward   bad easy quick slow for   east up плохой лёгкий быстрый медленный (по направле-нию) к восток верх badly easily quickly slowly forward   eastward (s) upward(s) плохо легко быстро медленно вперед   на восток вверх Указывают на образ действия.   Указывает направление.    


Префикс Исходная форма Перевод Производное слово Перевод Значение
un-     comfortable official   known happy удобный официальный   известный счастливый uncomfortable unofficial   unknown unhappy неудобный неофициальный неизвестный несчастливый Выражает отрицательное значение.  
dis- to like to arm to appear to cover     honest любить вооружать появляться покрывать     честный to dislike to disarm to disappear to discover     dishonest не любить разоружать исчезать открывать, обнаружи-вать бесчестный Выражает отрицание и противопо-ложное действие.
de- to centralize   to mobilize централизовать   мобилизовать to decentralize   to demobilize децентрали- зовать демобилизо-вать Показывает на противо-положное действие.
non-   conductor   проводник   nonconductor   непроводник      
in-   il- capable correct literate legal способный верный грамотный легальный incapable incorrect illiterate illegal неспособный неверный неграмотный нелегальный незаконный Показывает на противоположное значение.
im- possible   patience возможный   терпение impossible   impatience невозможный нетерпение
ir- regular   responsible регулярный   ответствен-ный irregular   irresponsible нерегулярный безответст-венный
mis- to understand to pronounce to calculate понимать   произносить   вычислять to misunder-stand to mis-pronounce to miscalculate неправильно понимать неправильно произносить ошибаться в (ра)счёте Придает значение неправильности, неточности.
under- ground to pay to value земля платить оценивать underground to underpay to undervalue подземный недоплачивать недооценивать Имеет значение "недостаточно" "ниже", "под".
anti- fascist aircraft фашист самолет antifascist anti-aircraft антифашист противо-воздушный Имеет значение "анти-", "противо-".
counter- action   attack действие   атака counteraction   counterattack противодей-ствие контратака Имеет значение "контр-", "противо-".
co- to operate to exist действовать существовать   to co-operate to co-exist сотрудничать сосущество-вать Имеет значение общности действия.
inter- national   town национальный   город international   intertown международный междугородний Имеет значение "между", "взаимно".
over- to heat to load нагревать грузить tо overheat to overload перегревать перегружать Имеет значение "сверх", "чрезмерно".
post- war to graduate война заканчивать ВУЗ postwar postgraduate послевоенный аспирант Имеет значе ние "после".
pre- war revolutionary война революцион-ный pre-war pre-revolu-tionary довоенный дореволюци-онный Имеет значение "до", "перед", "раньше".
re- to collect   to write собирать   писать to recollect   to rewrite вновь собрать переписы-вать Имеет значение "снова", "вновь".
sub- station way станция дорога substation subway подстанция подземная дорога Имеет значение "ниже".


Это образование новых слов путем перехода слова из одной части речи в другую без изменения написания и произношения.

Образование глагола от существительного:

work – работа answer – ответ arm – оружие act – действие to work – работать to answer – отвечать to arm – вооружаться to act – действовать

Образование существительного от глагола:

to run – бегать to taste – пробовать (на вкус) to broadcast – передавать по радио run – пробег taste – вкус broadcast – радиопередача

Образование глаголов от прилагательных:

black – чёрный wrong – неверный, неправильный blue – синий to black – чернить to wrong – поступать неправильно to blue – синить

Образование слов посредством изменения ударения

conduct ['kɔndəkt| - поведение present ['preznt | - подарок object ['ɔbʤɪkt] - предмет protest ['proutest] - протест produce ['prɔdju:s] - продукция to conduct [kən'dʌkt] - вести. to present [prɪ'zent] - дарить. to object [əb'ʤekt] - возражать. to protest [prə'test] - протестовать. to produce [prə'dju:s] - производить.

Словобразование посредством чередования гласных и согласных

bath [bɑ:θ] - ванна breath [breθ] - дыхание use [ju:s| - употребление life [laɪf] - жизнь to bathe [beɪð] - купаться to breathe [bri: ð] - дышать to use [ju:z] - употреблять to live [lɪv] - жить


Словосложением называется способ образования новых слов путем соединения двух слов или основ слов в одно слово.

Путем словосложения образуются существительные, прилагательные и глаголы. Некоторые составные слова пишутся слитно, другие через черточку (дефис).

СЛОЖНЫЕ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ образуются путем соединения слов следующих частей речи (видов).

1. Существительное + существительное:

news – новость paper – бумага newspaper – газета
rail – рельс way – дорога railway– железная дорога
night – ночь school – школа night-scool – вечерняя школа

mother-in-law – свекровь (тёща)

2. Прилагательное + существительное:

black – чёрный board – доска blackboard – классная доска
quick – быстрый silver – серебро quicksilver –ртуть

3. Глагол + существительное:

to turn – поворачивать screw – винт turnscrew – отвёртка
to clasp – застёгивать knife – нож clasp-knife – складной нож

4. Герундий + существительное:

reading – чтение room – помещение reading-room – читальня, читальный зал
skating – катание на коньках rink – площадка для игр skating-rink – каток

5. Наречие (предлог) + существительное или наречие (предлог) с глаголом:

underframe – шасси (от under + frame)

input – ввод (от in + put)

output – выпуск (от out + put)


образуются путем соединения следующих слов.

1. Существительное + прилагательное:

snow – снег white – белый snow-white – белоснежный
life – жизнь long – длинный life-long – пожизненный

Прилагательное + прилагательное:

dark – тёмный blue – синий dark-blue – тёмно-синий

2. Наречие + причастие:

forthcoming – предстоящий

hard-bitten – стойкий

far-famed – широко известный


white – белый to wash – мыть to whitewash – белить
safe – безопасный guard – охрана to safeguard – охранять, гарантировать


some – некоторый body – тело somebody – кто-либо, кто-нибудь
nо – не (нет) thing – вещь nothing – ничего


somewhere – где-нибудь (от some+where)

nowhere – нигде (от no+where)

everywhere – везде (от every+where)

Self-training Exercises

Exercise 1. Use your dictionary to complete the word in each sentence.

a) The children never do what I tell them to! They are very dis........................

b) It won't rain in August, surely! That seems extremely un........................

c) No, I told you not to sell the shares! You must have mis........................ .

d) Jack gets very good marks, and is an out....................... student.

e) If you со....................... with the police you will receive a light sentence.

f) Dave was in the first sub....................... that sailed under the North Pole.

g) Just heat up the rice, it's been pre........................

h) Mr Jones is incredibly rich. In fact he's a multi........................

i) The ship hit a rock, but the lives of the passengers were not en...................

j) I just can't answer this question! It's im........................

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the highlighted word. Begin the word with a prefix from the list.

dis- in- non- over- re- trans- un- vice-

a) I'm not satisfiedwith your work. I am............ with it.

b) She doesn't have the usual kind of haircut. It's very ...........

c) We haven't decidedwhere to go yet. We are................

d) Mary is sailing across the Atlantic. She is on a....... voyage.

e) Dan is the president's assistant. He is the..............

f) Terry is no longer a smoker. Now he is a..................

g) Don't wear a formal suit. The dinner is quite..............

h) I don't think this rule is fair. It's............ to older students.

i) You haven't written this clearly. It'll have to be..............

j) This steak is cooked too much. It's..............

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word given in the list, ending as shown.

astonish, fool, great, music, thought, back, free, lead ,short, trumpet

a. I don't want to be a slave! I demand my..................dom.

b. How kind of you to bring flowers! That was very ..................ful.

c. Martin plays the guitar, but he isn't a very good ..................ian.

d. Our school has closed because there is a ..................age of teachers.

e. Brian is one of the world's ..................ing architects.

f. Imagine my ..................ment when the cat started to speak!

g. Don't be ..................ish! There is no such thing as a ghost!

h. I prefer to begin at the end and go ..................wards.

i. I always wanted to be a ..................er in a jazz band.

j. A small country can still achieve ..................ness.

Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word given in the list, using one of the prefixes or suffixes given.

care, home, postpone, satisfied, employ, charged, friend, night, pronounce, skirts
dis- mis- out- over- -less -ment -ship -ее

a) I traveled to Scotland on the …………train and slept all the way.

b) You're always breaking things! Why are you so..................... ?

c) Jane knows a lot of French words, but she tends to................... them.

d) We all believe in..................... between the people of different nations.

e) Bad weather caused the.................... of nearly all the football programme.

f) George was very.................... with the service at the hotel.

g) We live in a flat on the.................... of London.

h) Patsy thought the shop assistant had...................... her.

i) David was tired of being a/an................... so he started hisown company.

j) The government is providing more money to help................... people.

Exercise 5. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Evening classes

Recently I decided to go to evening classes twice a week. During the day I work in a (1).......... agency as a telephonist. It is not a very interesting (2).......... and I get bored. I also got tired of coming home every evening, putting a (3) ……… meal in the oven, and watching TV. So I decided to take up (4) ………. as a hobby. Perhaps, I should give you an (5) ………. for my choice. Learning a skill is a good (6) …………. to the problem of boring work. Also, I felt I was a (7) ………. because any time I tried to put up a shelf, for example, it always fell down! Now I am quite a (8) ………… wood worker! I am working on the (9)............ of some furniture at the moment. And although there are only two other girls in the class, I don't feel any (10) ............ I've turned out to be the best student in the class!   SECRETARY OCCUPY   FREEZE CARPENTER EXPLAIN SOLVE FAIL   SUCCESS CONSTRUCT   EMBARRASS

Exercise 6. Complete the compound word in each sentence, using a word given in the list.

bow cut helmet powder storm case fire place steps writing

a) I could hear the sound of gun................. coming from the main square.

b) We had to take shelter during a severe thunder................. .

c) Nobody can read the doctor's hand................. .

d) You look awful. Why don't you have a hair................. ?

e) I wanted to do some washing but I've run out of soap................. .

f) If you ride a motorbike you have to wear a crash................. .

g) There isn't room in here for another book................. .

h) After the shower, the sun came out and there was a rain................. .

i) I could hear the sound of foot................. . Someone was coming!

j) At one end of the room is a lovely old stone fire................. .

Exercise 7. Add one of the prefixes in the list to each incomplete word so that it makes sense. Use each prefix once only.

auto- dis- ex- in- mis- non- over- semi- sub- un-

a) Dick was very tired and suffering from ............work.

b) We couldn't see the magician! He had become ............visible.

c) I could only cross the road by going down a............way.

d) Nobody believed what Mary wrote in her ............biography.

e) Let me introduce you to Janet, my .............wife.

f) What he said was not clear. In fact it was rather............leading.

g) Unfortunately our football team lost in the .............final.

h) Mr Smith regrets that he is ............able to accept your invitation.

i) This is a good train, it goes to Manchester .............stop.

j) Oh bother, my pencil sharpener has ............appeared again.

Exercise 8. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word given in the list, ending as shown.

drink, equal, hand, hope, partner, employ, green, harm, neighbour, wide

a) Carol and Andy have just moved into a new ...................hood.

b) My new...................er is paying me a much higher salary.

c) The local council have decided to ...................en the main road.

d) Jerry picked up a..................ful of the money and smiled.

e) I'm a terrible card player. I'm really ...................less.

f) It's a kind of blue colour, but a bit...................ish too.

g) Bill now works in ...................ship with two other architects.

h) Don't drink from the stream. You don't know if the water is ...................able.

i) Most people say that they believe in the...................ity of men and women.

j) Doctors have proved that smoking is...................ful.

Exercise 9. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word given in the list, using one of the prefixes or suffixes given.

art, cycle, friend, hope, national, circle, edible, ground,mountain, young
fore- in- inter- semi- tri- -eer -ful -ist -ly-ster  

a) I can't eat this! It's completely................

b) John has been interested in sailing ever since he was a/an................

c) The teacher arranged the desks in a/an................

d) I like it here. The people are really................

e) There are two figures in the............... of the picture.

f) You have to have a good head for heights if you are a................

g) It's much safer for a young child to ride a/an................

h) Scientists are............... that a cure for the disease will be found.

i) Most countries have signed a/an............... agreement banning whaling.

j) Paintings by this............... have been sold for millions of pounds.

Exercise 10. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

How to become Prime Minister Jack had never wanted to be a (1).................. First of all, he suffered from terrible (2)................. and blushed violently when he had to make a speech. He also (3)................. with people who refused to vote. After all, what difference did it make? As a speaker, he was slow and (4)................. and never knew what to say. He began his career as a last-minute (5) ................for a speaker who failed to turn up. Later he learned to (6)................. his tie, give a big smile, and read the speech which had been prepared by his (7)................. speech-writer. People liked him. 'He has a kind of (8).................', they said. They did not mind that he had no (9)................., and seemed quite (10)................. in what he was saying. They applauded him and then made him Prime Minister.   POLITICS SHY SYMPATHY   ORGANISE   PLACE STRAIGHT PERSON INNOCENT IMAGINE INTEREST  

Exercise 11. Choose the most suitable compound word highlighted.

a) The bus from Glasgow arrives at the Central bus station/bus stop.

b) Bob only works half-time/part-time at the moment.

c) Joan has lovely clothes and is always well-dressed/well-worn.

d) Some of Bill's ideas are rather old-aged/old-fashioned.

e) We left our car in the multi-storey car park/car parking.

f) Martin is now a well-known/well-written novelist.

g) Thank you. You gave me a good haircut/haircutting.

h) Excellent. That was a first class/first course lunch!

i) I prefer self-made/homemade jam to the jam you buy in shops.

j) I sent back the chicken because it was half-baked/half cooked.

Exercise 12. Complete the compound word in each sentence, using a word given in the list.

clothed, handed, hearted, looking, mouthed, eared, headed, legged, minded, tempered

a) Thank you for helping me, and being so kind....................... .

b) We searched all day, but had to return home empty....................... .

c) Paul didn't have time to think, but jumped into the river fully........ .

d) It seems that long....................... people can run faster.

e) Try to concentrate and remember! You are so absent...................... .

f) Mary is very attractive, and her husband is good....................... too.

g) Stop shouting! I'm tired of your loud....................... comments!

h) Mike gets angry easily. He's a bit short....................... .

i) Steve's book was dirty and dog....................... .

j) Red....................... people usually dislike being called 'Ginger'!

Лексико-грамматический тест

Exercise 1. In each sentence, add a word from the list to the prefix to make a negative word.

advantage agree appear appointed correct employed fortunately interesting patient understanding

a) I didn't read all of the book because I found it ………….. .

b) Cycling to school has one dis.................... It makes you feel hot and sweaty.

c) Paula had a ticket for the theatre, but un................... she fell ill that night.

d) Terry can't stand waiting in queues, because she is very im....................

e) My brothers always dis................... when it's time to do the washing-up.

f) My teacher underlined the word in red because it was in....................

g) After Jack lost his job, he was un................... for three months.

h) I'm sorry, but I completely dis................... with you. I think it was a great film.

i) Because of a mis..................., half the class went to the wrong classroom.

j) Ann felt really dis................... when she didn't get the job.

Exercise 2. Add a prefix from the list to the word in each sentence.

out- over- under- inter- re-

a) My alarm clock didn't go off, and so I ...…..slept this morning.

b) Peter packed some shirts and socks, some ..........wear, and his jeans.

c) You have to go to the ..........national airport to catch a plane to the USA.

d) It's very cold this morning, so wear your ..........coat.

e) Helen decided to ..........line all the important words in her French book.

f) Our team was completely ..........played by the team from Wales.

g) I've decided to ..........write my letter, because I made too many mistakes.

h) Bill ..........cooked the meat, and it was burnt in places.

i) I have to go to the library today and ..........new my ticket.

j) The staff went on strike because they were ..........paid and overworked.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence with a suffix from the list. Make any other changes to the word.

-er -let -ess -hood -ship -ful -ery

a) After two years of friend……, Kate got to know David really well,

b) If you don’t speak the language you feel more like a foreign..........

c) Sarah spent a very happy child......... on a small island.

d) I asked a steward......... what time the plane arrived, but she didn't know.

e) Every teenage......... knows that parents worry a lot.

f) Don't forget to add a spoon......... of sugar, and some milk.

g) We live in a beautiful neighbour......... on the outskirts of the city.

h) Tina picked up a hand......... of snow, and threw it in my face.

i) Under the floor there was a rumbling sound of machine..........

j) The college sent Sue a small book......... describing its courses.

Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with a noun made from the verb given.

a) There are over one million.... in this city. b) Greg often suffers from........................ in the school holidays. c) This is the tallest........................ in the whole of the country. d) Some students can't find suitable......................... e) I was upset by Carol's........................ to help me. f) It took Tim years to become a successful......................... g) Every........................ in this company has received a pay rise. h) You need a lot of........................ to write a good story. i) Don't forget to turn off the........................ before you leave j) I read an interesting........................ in the local paper. …inhabit …bore ….build …accommodate …refuse …act …employ …imagine …cook …advertise

Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with a noun ending in -ness made from a word in the list. Make any necessary changes.

dark friendly happy lonely short sick silly thin tired thorough

a) The …... of the journey surprised me, as I thought it would be longer.

b) Sue was impressed by the................... of everyone in her new school.

c) We knew it was going to rain because of the................... of the sky.

d) Old Mrs Holt's................... was cured when she was given a pet cat.

e) The doctor told Peter that his................... was a result of overwork.

f) Wendy's teacher was impressed by the................... of her work.

g) We wished the bride and groom................... in their new life together.

h) Joe's teachers began to grow tired of his................... in class.

i) I felt rather cold when I arrived because of the................... of my clothes.

j) Jean took a travel................... pill, and then she felt much better.

Exercise 6. Complete the word in each sentence with one of the suffixes in the list.

-ful -less -ly -like -y -ish -ic -al -ous

a) On rain... days, we spend a lot of time indoors watching television.

b) The mystery creature has a long snake..... body, and six legs.

c) Paul received most of his music..... education from his mother.

d) The government is going to provide more houses for home..... people.

e) Mary's mother..... qualities made her a favourite with the children.

f) This road is extremely danger..... when the weather is bad.

g) We didn't have any difficult..... in finding your house.

h) It was very fool..... of you to leave all the doors and windows open.

i) Everyone thanked the fire-fighters for their hero..... efforts.

j) Lisa's party was the most success..... she had ever had.

Exercise 7. Complete the word highlighted in each sentence with a prefix or suffix from the list. Make any other necessary changes to the word.

-age dis- -ful im- un- -y -ness

a) I suppose Paul might help us, but it seems likely.

b) Fred can't fill his pool because there's a water short.

c) I found most of the maths questions completely possible.

d) Jan has taken up photographas a hobby.

e) Thanks for those notes. They were really use.

f) I like winter sports so I never go skiing.

g) When it's time for bed I start feeling sleep.

h) This is a really usualstamp. I've not seen one like it before.

i) I really like Dan. He's always so happy and cheer.

j) I'm writing to thank you for the kind you showed me.

Exercise 8.Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given.

a) It's…cold today, considering it's still summer. b) Actually I found Tony's book was.........….. interesting. c) ....................., my father used to go to school with your father. d) The police managed …to find the missing children. e) Jean's compositions are always....................... written. f) I am....................... ashamed of your behaviour! g) This question is....................... difficult, isn't it! h) Mike tried....................... to phone Cathy several times. i) These instructions seem....................... complicated. j) Someone had....................... left the front door open. usual surprise interest success beautiful thorough awful success necessary obvious

Exercise 9. Complete each word using the word given.

a) I can't sit on this chair. It's really un ………… . b) Ann has left home and is in..................... of her parents. c) These old envelopes are re..................... so we can save money. d) Not being chosen for the team was a great dis...................... e) Maria and Louis have a really good.....................ship. f) Being un..................... means that you share with others. g) Not taking exercise is rather un...................... h) David has a really un..................... temper, and gets angry easily. i) These trousers won't get smaller. They're un...................... j) They didn't give Gary the job as he was in...................... comfort depend use appoint relate self health control shrink experience

Exercise 10. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given.

a) Harry asked for а ………. and the cashier gave him one. b) Nina wants to be a.................. and join the government. c) No one knows the exact.................. of the water here. d) You have to have a lot of.................. to go fishing. e) .................. is a serious matter, and you have to think about it. f) Tom sent in his.................. for the job the next day. g) Helen's mind is filled with all kinds of unusual................... h) There was no.................. for the crash of the airliner. receive politics deep patient marry apply know explain

Exercise 11. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given.

a) The …...........of the diamonds baffled the police. b) Most people have no real................... in ghosts. c) Tina had no................... that anything was wrong. d) We measured the................... of the room with a ruler. e) Our teacher was really................... when she found out. f) George won a medal for.................... g) Looking in the mirror too much is an example of ........... h) Do you think you have the................... to pass the test? i) Eddie put the................... food in the freezer. j) Sheila has got the right................... for the job. thief believe suspect long anger brave vain able freeze qualify

1. Собственные 2. Нарицательные
London, Jack Smith (a) the capital, a (the) name, a (the) book
исчисляемые неисчисляемые
capitals, names, books knowledge, work
1. Простые   a name, book, work  
2. Производные   суффиксы: -er (-or, аr) -ness -ment -(a)tion -ity -hood -dom -ship   worker, director, scholar happiness improvement examination activity childhood freedom friendship  
3. Составные a school-fellow, a hothouse, an editor-in-chief  
Род Число Падеж
a girl-friend a boy-friend an actor - an actress единственное   множественное   общий притяжат.  
a worker a class a hero a wife a country a man a woman a child workers classes heroes wives countries men women children The boy reads a book. The book of the boy was open. The books of the boys were open. She showed the boy her pen. She showed her pen to the boy. We have seen the boy. It is written by the boy. They speak about the boy.     The boy's book was open. The boys' books were open.   the sun's rays    
Греческие и латинские слова  
a formula a datum a radius a crisis a criterion   formulae data radii crises criteria  

1. Подлежащее The boy reads a book.
2. Часть сказуемого The playing boy is my son.
3. Дополнение The boy reads a book.
4. Определение The book of the boy (the boy's book) was open. An autumn day, solid state physics
5. Обстоятельство We met him in the street yesterday.  
Перевод: существительными, прилагательными

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