Speak about the University of Cambridge according to the scheme.

Speak about the University of Cambridge according to the scheme. - student2.ru

Express your point of view whether the tutorial system has a great value or not.


I believe I don’t think To my mind   that the tutorial systemhas a great value .  

- isbeneficial for all students.

- is useful and helpful.

- it is wasting of time and money.

- it provides them with ideas how to realize the academic potential better.

- it allows the students to discuss , analyze and share the ideas with the tutor.

Put the following sentences into Passive.

Model: People speak English in Europe.
English is spoken in Europe

Part A
1. A large number of people in the world use English as the international language.

2. Our University enrolled 2000 students last year.

3. The enrolment office admits students to the University in August.

4. This University will offer many courses.

5. The teachers hold lectures on the University campus.

6. The University provides students with facilities.

7. The department staff teaches students in small groups (tutorials).

8. The University awarded degrees in May.

9. The University will arrange examinations for students at the end of June .

Part B

11.Colleges provide accommodation and food.

12. Undergraduates attend lectures and tutorials.

13. Students will discuss the work with their tutors.

14. Junior students choose their majors, normally at the end of the first year.

15. Every college involved many students in sports last year.

16. Professors engage senior students in research.

17. Tutors will suggested the books to read for a particular course.

18. Professors assess student academic achievements.

19. Professors usually carry out investigations.

20. Most European Universities give lectures in English.


25 Translate the Russian verbs below into English using the Present /Past/ Future Simple (Passive Voice).

1. Many exams оцениваются from 1 to 100 points.

2. Courses and seminars предлагалисьby various departments.

3. Students зачисляются by colleges.

4. Professors назначаются to carry out research.

5. Students будутобучаться by faculty fellows or tutors in small groups.

6. The internship is generally оплачивается and проводится in the second and fourth year of study.

In the text below fill in the gaps using the verbs in their Active or Passive form.

1. Cambridge (like Oxford) can _____( to picture) as a collection of colleges, each of which ______(to have) its own character and individuality. 2. The Supervision System where students _______ ( to receive) tuition in small groups ______ ( to regard) as one of the best teaching models in the world. 3. Each student ______( to have) a tutor who practically _______( to guide) him through the whole course of studies.
4. The Head of Studies ______ ( to appoint) by the college to look after you academic progress, while the role of the tutor mainly ______ ( to concern) in protecting student’s interests and helping him or her in domestic college matters.
5. The University teaching ______( to consist of) lectures and practical work, but much of time ______ ( to spend) in seminars and tutorials. 6. A significant part of undergraduate education ______ ( to hold) in university buildings.

7. Cambridge University is a leading international center and many postgraduates actively _______( to engage) in research work.


Describe research opportunities and equipment within your University. Prepare your own sentences. Mind the word order.

  Subject Predicate Object Adverbial Modifier
Research activities cover advanced materials in aircraft structures
Modern facilities are offered for students to carry out research

Useful language:postgraduate courses, subject areas, international reputation, cutting-edge technologies,

research activities, modern facilities, to involve, to have access to, to carry out, to offer, to cover

Exercise 28. Are there any major differences between the systems of university education in Russia and Britain? Give examples to support the ideas you put forward. Fill in the boxes.

  Differences Russian universities Similarities Differences English universities
academic year      


Exercise 29. Make a short report supported by slides on the following topics:
1. The historical background of Cambridge University.
2. The historic review of the University you attend.
3. The famous achievements of your University.
4. The facilities available at your University.
5. The benefits offered by the university education.
6. The differences and similarities in the arrangement of studies (academic year, vacations, assessment, admission, degrees, tutorials, etc.) between Russian and UK universities.
7. A review of Cambridge (or Oxford, Harvard, Massachusetts university etc.)
8. Famous people and scientists (University graduates).

9. The top 100 world universities (Ranking List 2015)

10. Nobel Prize winners and their discoveries.

11. Produce a short movie on BMSTU and act as a speaker

Reading and writing

Text 1 С Students’ Profiles

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