To proofread prospectus syllabus

1. He accused other scientists of ______________________ his research.

2. She took her ____________________ last summer.

3. Our new Undergraduate ______________________ for entry in 2015 is now available.

4. Jeremy is _________________ from the girl next to him.

5. You will need to complete three written _____________________ per semester.

6. Many students who get ________________ had to leave the district boundaries and attend a new school, which can make students feel like an _________________ (изгой).

7. Computer Science is now onthe ____________________ in most schools.

8. Shakespeare is always on the English Literature ______________________.

9. ___________________________ often provides a more accurate and complete picture of the learner's level and has a positive impact on learning.

(d) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Выполненные задания должны быть сданы до опубликованного конечного срока. - ___________________________________________________________

2. Студента уличили в (поймали на) плагиате эссе из интернета.


3. Я должен готовиться / повторять к экзаменам. Мы сдаемвыпускные экзамены на следующей неделе.


4. Ваши успехи в учебе отслеживаются с помощью системы непрерывного оцениванияи экзаменов. Обычно накопленная оценка составляет 60% вашей общей оценки. - ______________________________________________


5. В учебном плане следует отвести больше места иностранным языкам.


6. Теперь этот семиклассник посещает альтернативную школу для детей, которых исключили (из школы).


11. Complete the table. Use a dictionary if necessary.

verbs abstract nouns agent nouns
  submission -
to revise   -
  failure -
to expel   -

Build up your Word Power

12. (a) Find Russian equivalents to the following adjectives from Ex. 4, p. 169:

· bigoted – blindly and obstinately attached to some opinion and intolerant toward others; fanatic, narrow-minded;

· biased against / towards / in favour ofsb/sth – unfairly preferring one person, group or idea over another; (less stronger and expressing less disapproval than prejudiced); having bias against sth; ≠ unbiased;

· tolerant of / towardssb/sth - willing to accept sb else’s beliefs without criticizing them, even if you disagree with them; able to tolerate the beliefs or actions of others; showing tolerance; ≠ intolerant

(b) Read the passage (and search the vocabulary commentary in (a)) and add more synonyms to each of the columns:

No one can be completely objective in their point of view. Inevitably, we all see things to some extent subjectively. It is impossible to be truly impartial. We tend to be biased in favour of things we’re familiar with and prejudiced against things we have little experience of.

broad-minded narrow-minded
open-minded dogmatic

(c) Match the adjectives from the table above with their Russian equivalents:

1) беспристрастный / справедливый / непредвзятый / незаинтересованный;

2) непредубеждённый; беспристрастный;

3) объективный / беспристрастный / непредвзятый;

4) терпимый / относящийся терпимо / толерантный;

5) широких взглядов / восприимчивый (к новым идеям) / непредубеждённый;

* * *

6) догматичный / безапелляционный / не допускающий возражений;

7) фанатичный / слепо преданный / нетерпимый;

8) необъективный / предвзятый / предубеждённый / пристрастный;

9) с предрассудками / предубеждённый / предвзятый;

10) ограниченный / недалёкий / с предрассудками / необъективный / предвзятый / узколобый;

11) нетерпимый.

13. This exercise will give you practice in recognizingsexually biased language and avoiding it in your writing. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review the following:

☹ Biased: The teacher should use technology when she is teaching her class. - This sentence assumes that teachers are female, making assumptions about the gender of this profession and creating gender bias.

☺Better: Teachers should use technology when they are teaching their classes. - This statement does not use gender-specific pronouns, but acknowledges a teacher can be male or female. Note that this sentence avoids bias by changing the singular "teacher" to be plural and uses plural pronouns.

Consider how the following sentences reinforce sexual stereotypes by their reliance on gender-biased language. Then revise the sentences to eliminate the bias:

1. Each laboratory assistant must perform the experiment at least once before he teaches it to the class.

2. No matter how busy he is, a pilot should take time to thank the stewardesses at the end of every flight.

3. My grandparents' days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the walk - whether a friend or a salesman.

4. Though occasionally she may be called on to help others in the office, a secretary should take orders only from the manager she supports.

5. The beginning student should spend his time becoming familiar with primary rather than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books about classics.

14.(a) Use the words below to complete the sentences:

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