Translate from Russian into English.

1. Лондон – один из самых больших и интересных городов мира. 2. В Лондоне и его пригородах проживают около 12 миллионов человек. 3. Западная часть Лондона – самая богатая часть города с прекрасными проспектами, фешенебельными магазинами, ресторанами и отелями. 4. Лондон известен своими архитектурными памятниками и бесценными коллекциями произведений искусства. 5. Букингемский дворец – Лондонская резиденция королевской семьи. 6. Смена караула у ворот Букингемского дворца – пышное зрелище, привлекающее внимание не только туристов, но и жителей Лондона. 7. Собор Святого Павла – прекрасный образец архитектуры эпохи Возрождения. 8. Биг Бен – это название колокола на одной из башен Британского парламента. 9. В течение многих столетий Тауэр был крепостью, дворцом, тюрьмой и королевской сокровищницей. 10. В Гайд-парке туристы могут прогуляться вдоль тенистых аллей, посидеть на траве и посмотреть на прекрасных лебедей и уток, плавающих в пруду. 11. В самом центре Сити, напротив главного банка Англии, стоит статуя Веллингтона – знаменитого английского генерала и государственного деятеля XIX в. 12. Мост Ватерлоо, один из красивейших мостов через Темзу, был назван так в честь победы под Ватерлоо в 1815г.

II. Supplementary reading.

Read the texts below to get more interesting information about sights of London.

Royal London

When you are in London, you are always reminded of the city’s close connection with the Crown. There are royal palaces, royal parks and colourful ceremonies.

The most important building in London, though not the most beautiful, is Buckingham Palace, which is the official residence of the Queen. It stands in St. James’s Park.

St. James’s Park is one of the so-called royal parks situated in or near London. These parks officially belong to the Crown but are open to the public free of charge. These large parks are very good places for people to escape from traffic jams, crowded shops and the city noise. Each park has its own character. Hyde Park was originally a hunting forest, and it is still popular. Regent’s Park, which was also originally a hunting park, is now the home of London Zoo, and an open-air theatre which stages Shakespeare’s plays.


1. St. James’s Park - Сент-Джеймс парк

2. Hyde Park – Гайд-парк

3. Regent Park – Риджент парк

Answer the questions.

1. What places and ceremonies remind us of London’s close connection with the Crown?

2. Name three of London’s parks. What do you know about each of them?

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle, standing on a rock overlooking the River Thames, was founded by William the Conqueror and was later fortified and enlarged by almost every monarch since the Norman Conquest. William and his early successors needed to secure their military position. William put the castle to guard the river crossing at Windsor. Henry II built the Massive Round Tower, and his grandson Henry III added some fortifications. Later, the famous St. George’s Chapel was added by the kings Edward IV, Henry VII and Henry VIII. Henry VIII also added a fortified gateway. Charles II and later monarchs continued to make alterations to suit the needs and fashions of the day, including the laying out of the Great Park as their personal estate.

Nowadays Windsor Castle is a comfortable country place within an hour’s drive from the capital, where the Royal family can relax.


1. Windsor Castle – Виндзорский замок

2. St. George’s Chapel – часовня святого Георгия

Answer the questions.

1. Who began building Windsor Castle?

2. What purpose did he build it with?

3. How far from London is Windsor Castle situated?


People say you can buy anything in Harrods, including wild animals. They even have a zoo which will sell you lion cubs as well as more common pets Knightsbridge is a part of London where you can find many foreign embassies, large glamorous hotels, and the department store that is a symbol of expensive and high-class living – Harrods.

Another place of interest here is the Albert Hall, a huge concert hall which gives concerts of popular classical music every summer.

Three of London’s most interesting museums – the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum – are also in this area. The Natural History Museum has exhibits of birds, animals and reptiles, as well as life-size reconstructions of prehistoric animals. The Victoria and Albert Museum includes exhibits from almost every place and period including theatre costumes and paintings. The Science Museum covers every aspect of science and technology, and its collections are constantly being enlarged. The museum is always crowded. In many rooms there are machines and computers which visitors can work themselves.

Answer the questions.

1. What is Harrods?

2. What festivals are held in the Albert Hall in summer?

3. Which are the three of London’s most interesting museums?

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