The American States and Their Capitals

Name   Abbreviation Capital
1. Alabama Алабама AL Montgomery
2. Alaska Аляска AK Juneau
3. Arizona Аризона AZ Phoenix
4. Arkansas Арканзас AR Little Rock
5. California Калифорния CA Sacramento
6. Colorado Колорадо CO Denver
7. Connecticut Коннектикут CT Hartford
8. Delaware Делавэр DE Dover
9. Florida Флорида FL Tallahassee
  1. Georgia
Джорджия GA Atlanta
  1. Hawaii
Гавайи HI Honolulu
  1. Idaho
Айдахо ID Boise
  1. Illinois
  2. Indiana
  3. Iowa
  4. Kansas
  5. Kentucky
  6. Louisiana
  7. Maine
  8. Maryland
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Michigan
  11. Minnesota
  12. Mississippi
  13. Missouri
  14. Montana
  15. Nebraska
  16. Nevada
  17. New Hampshire
  18. New Jersey
  19. New Mexico
  20. New York
  21. North Carolina
  22. North Dakota
  23. Ohio
  24. Oklahoma
  25. Oregon
  26. Pennsylvania
  27. Rhode Island
  28. South Carolina
  29. South Dakota
  30. Tennessee
  31. Texas
  32. Utah
  33. Vermont
  34. Virginia
  35. Washington
  36. West Virginia
  37. Wisconsin
  38. Wyoming
Иллинойс Индиана Айова Канзас Кентукки Луизиана Мэн Мэриленд Массачусетс Мичиган Миннесота Миссисипи Миссури Монтана Небраска Невада Нью-Гемпшир Нью-Джерси Нью-Мексико Нью-Йорк Северная Каролина Северная Дакота Огайо Оклахома Орегон Пенсильвания Род-Айленд Южная Каролина Южная Дакота Теннеси Техас Юта Вермонт Виргиния Вашингтон Западная Виргиния Висконсин Вайоминг IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Springfield Indianapolis Des Moines Topeka Frankfort Baton Rouge Augusta Annapolis Boston Lansing St. Paul Jackson Jefferson City Helena Lincoln Carson City Concord Trenton Santa Fe Albany Raleigh Bismarck Columbus Oklahoma City Salem Harrisburg Providence Columbia Pierre Nashville Austin Salt Lake City Montpelier Richmond Olympia Charleston Madison Cheyenne

List of Basic Affixes

Used for Word formation

prefix meaning examples
a- without amoral
ante- before antecedent, antedate
anti- against, opposing anti-establishment, anti-bacterial, anti-pollution
arch- more extreme arch-capitalist, arch-rebel
auto- self auto-dial, auto-rotate
bi- two, twice bilingual, bisect, bi-monthly
circum- round circumnavigate, circumvent
co- with co-author, co-edit
col-, com-, con- with collaborate, combine, connect
contra-, counter- against, opposing contra-revolutionary, contraception, counter-measure, counter-claim
de- opposite action decentralize, declassify
dia- across diagonal, diameter
dis- opposite action or state disagree, disprove, distrust, disbelief, disproportionate
dys- abnormal dyslexia, dysfunctional
e- electronic e-literate, e-book
eco- relating to the environment eco-tourism, eco-disaster
equi- equal equidistant, equilateral
ex- previously ex-president, ex-student
extra- very extra-bright, extra-strong
extra- outside extra-curricular, extra-sensory
hyper- having too much hyperactive, hypersensitive
-il, -im, -in, -ir- not illogical, impossible, indistinct, irrational
in- movement to or towards the inside of something input, inset, intake, import
inter- between, connected interrelated, interact
intra- within intra-generational, intramuscular
kilo- thousand kilogram, kilowatt
macro- large in size or scope macro-economics, macro-scale
mal- badly malfunction, malpractice
micro- small in size or scope micro-economics, micro-scale
mis- wrongly mistranslate, misunderstanding
mono- one mono-centric, monoculture
multi- many multicultural, multi-level
neo- based on something older but in a new form neo-classical, neo-conservative
non- not non-believer, non-competitive
out- more, to a greater extent outnumber, outlive
over- too much over-abundance, overload, overworked
post- after post-examination, post-modern
pre- before pre-industrial, pre-war
pro- in favour of pro-liberal, pro-feminist
pseudo- false pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-science
quasi- almost, not quite quasi-academic, quasi-legal
re- again rediscover, redefine, rename
retro- backwards retrogressive, retrospective
semi- partly semi-organic, semi-precious
sub- under, lesser sub-heading, sub-section
super- above, bigger superpower, supersonic
trans- across transcontinental, transcribe
ultra- extreme ultra-sensitive, ultrasound
un- not uncertain, unusual, unscrew, unplug
under- insufficient underemployed, undernourished
well- useful, successful well-designed, well-written, well-established
suffix meaning examples
-able can be identifiable, predictable
-ant having an effect coolant, accelerant
-based forming major part of computer-based, oil-based
-cy state or quality accuracy, literacy, urgency
-ee person affected by something interviewee, trainee, addressee
-free without debt-free, pain-free
-hood state, condition, period adulthood, motherhood
-ic connected with photographic, electric
-ics study of genetics, electronics
-ify give something a quality clarify, purify, solidify
-ism belief, behaviour modernism, heroism
-ist person with specific beliefs or behaviour anarchist, optimist
-ize, -ise bring about a state or condition modernize/modernize, colonize/colonise
-less without childless, meaningless
-like resembling bird-like, hook-like
-ness quality or state effectiveness, openness
-ocracy type of ruling body meritocracy, bureaucracy
-ocrat person ruling technocrat, aristocrat
-ology, -ological study of biology, biological, geology, physiological
-proof protected against, safe from waterproof, dustproof
-ship state or experience of having a specific position professorship, leadership

List of Academic Vocabulary Used for Writing Abstracts,
Making Summaries and Preparing Reports.

As the title implies the article describes …

The author concentrates on …

He (she) presents a general picture of …

The description of … … is based on …

The article seems to be of particular interest to an audience of (interested in chemistry, mathematics, physics …) students.

The asserted purpose of the present paper is to answer the question …

In the attempt to give an account of … the author offers a survey of modern interpretation of the problem …

The paper acquaints the reader with the efforts of theorists (theoreticians) to define … .

Though the paper is … the general reader will find a wealth of information … which makes the article attractive and useful …

The paper discusses the application of …

The reader will find the book (research article, volume) useful (helpful, interesting, attractive) of particular (special, great, interest) importance (significance, value).

In the reviewed book (paper) the method (theory, discussion, treatment) of … is presented.

The purpose (aim, object) of the book (publication, paper, article, monthly, journal) under review (discussion, consideration) is to survey, explain, describe, provide, to examine, give…)

The scope (object) of the journal is (aims at providing a broad view of the subject) … a critical review of, to publish important and topical results or fundamental research in the field of …

Opposite views on … open a range of hypotheses which can explain the phenomenon.

… is presented by 2 points of view that … and the more prevalent view that …

No view is discredited, both are supported by …

The attempts are made …

However, preference is given to the belief that …

The paper does not give information on the applicability of the theory used …

The method proposed by … is applicable to the actual analysis.

The same concepts apply to all forms of …

The author discusses (considers, determines, outlines, gives, proves, solves, extends, derives the theory (examples, method, the development).

The author thinks, supposes, estimates, claims, believes, considers, assumes, argues, notices, announces, points out, shows, states, emphasizes, reports, asserts, concludes, declares, confirms (that) …

The concept of … is given by …

Footnotes to a table (the title) are indicated by … (symbols) …

The apparatus (the table) is shown, given in Figure I (Table II).

As can be seen from this figure (table) that …

The measurements shown in Figure II illustrate…

Results reproduced (introduced) in Table II show…

The problem is stated (is discussed, has been discussed by) …

References to … are numbered (are indicated by) …

Bibliography is a list of references (books, writings).

The subject field of a periodical embraces (covers, provides, encourages, is designed (to), is intended, is developed (to), is concerned with, is published for, contains, includes, combines, explores, examines, concerns, records, summarizes, suggests).

The concluding remark emphasizes that …

In the reviewed paper the author has succeeded in showing (providing, presenting …) the…

The method (procedure, approach, idea or result) seems to have practical interest (value) to …

The method proves (permits, agrees with the measurement) … is based on, is stated, is applied, is developed, is derived from, is outlined …

However, the subject (applicability) is (seems) doubtful to …

In spite of … this method (the article) is (seems) …

The author (editor, publisher, proofreader) is to blame for …

The author failed to show (exhibit, provide, present, give a account of, direct our attention to …)

The problem considered is the determination of …

The (principal) results obtained (arrived at) confirm, show, lead to, coincide with …)

Linking Words and Phrases Used in Written
and Spoken Academic English

Personal opinion: in my opinion/view, to my mind, to my way of thinking, I am convinced that, it strikes me that, it is my firm belief that, I am inclined to believe that, it seems to me that, as far as I am concerned, I think that...
To list advantages and disadvantages: one advantage of, another advantage of, one other advantage of, a further advantage of, the main advantage of, the greatest advantage of, the first advantage of ... one disadvantage of, another disadvantage of, one other disadvantage of, a further disadvantage of, the main disadvantage of, the greatest disadvantage of, the first disadvantage of …
To list points: firstly, first of all, in the first place, secondly, thirdly, finally, to start/begin with, … .
To list points in a specific sequence: beginning: first, to start/begin with, first of all, …. continuing: secondly, after this/that, afterwards, then, next, … concluding: finally, lastly, last but not least, …
To add more points to the same topic: what is more, furthermore, apart from this/that, in addition (to this), moreover, besides (this), … not to mention the fact that … not only …, but … also …., … both … and ….
To refer to other sources: with reference to, according to …
To express cause: … because, owing to the fact that, due to the fact that, on the grounds that, since, as …., in view of, because of, owing to …., …; for this reason …., seeing that ..., … now that ….
To express effect: … thus, therefore, so, consequently, as a result, as a consequence, …
To express purpose: …, so that …, …, so as to / in order to …, …, in case …, … with the purpose/intention of ….
To emphasise a point: indeed, naturally, clearly, obviously, of course, needless to say, ….
To express reality: it is a fact that, in effect, in fact, as a matter of fact, the fact of the matter is (that), actually, in practice, indeed, ….
To express the difference between appearance and reality: initially, at first, ….
To give examples: for instance, for example, …., … such as, like ….., … particularly, in particular, especially ….
To make general statements: as a (general) rule, by and large, generally, in general, on the whole, …
To make partially correct statements: up to a point, to a certain extent/degree, to some extent/degree, in a sense, in a way, to a limited extent, …
To express limit of knowledge: to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know, …
To state other people’s opinion: it is popularly believed that, people often claim that, it is often alleged that, some people argue that, many argue that, most people feel that, some people point out that …, contrary to popular belief, …
To make contrasting points: … yet, however, nevertheless, but, even so, still, nonetheless, …. although, even though, regardless of the fact that, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, while ….
To express balance (the other side of the argument): opponents of … argue, claim, believe that …. while it is true to say that …, in fact …. the fact that … contradicts the belief/idea that ….
Negative addition: neither … nor …., nor, neither …., …, either.
To express exception: … apart from, but, except (for) ….
To clarify/rephrase: in other words, that is to say, to put it another way, ….
To express similarity: …; similarly,/likewise,/in the same way, ….
To give an alternative: … either … or …. … on the other hand, alternatively, ….
To express condition: … on the condition that, provided (that), providing (that), only if, as long as …. in the event of …, in the event that, if …., … in case …., … whether (or not) …? … otherwise, or (else) ….
To express the consequence of a condition: …; consequently, then, so, in which case, … ., …; if so, …, if not, otherwise, … .
To express comparison: … as … as, more … than, twice as … as, less … than ….
To conclude: finally, lastly, all in all, taking everything into account/consideration, on the whole, all things considered, in conclusion, on balance, for the above mentioned reasons, therefore I feel that, to sum up, … .
Time: … when, whenever, before, until, till, after … , … since … , … while …, … now that ….
Relatives: … who/that …, … whose …, … where …, … who/whom/that ….
Reference: … regarding, concerning … . … with respect/regard/reference to, in regard/reference to … .
Summarising: in short, briefly, to put it briefly, … !

Functional Phrase List Used for Conducting
Discussions, Debates, Giving Presentations

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