III. Render into English using prompts.
Москва, РИА Новости. Италия выделит Тунису незамедлительную финансовую помощь в размере 5 миллионов евро, а в марте предоставит дополнительный кредит на 100 миллионов евро для того, чтобы решить проблему беженцев из этой страны, наплыв которых в последние дни спровоцировал кризис на итальянском острове Лампедуза. За прошлую неделю на остров, расположенный в Средиземном море, прибыли более 5 тысяч беженцев из Северной Африки, преимущественно из Туниса. В связи со сложившейся ситуацией Совет министров Италии в субботу вечером объявил чрезвычайную ситуацию на Лампедузе. О планах финансовой помощи Тунису объявил глава итальянского МИД Франко Фраттини, который в понедельник побывал в североафриканской стране с кратким визитом. Иммигранты из Туниса стали активно приплывать к итальянскому берегу на многочисленных лодках после произошедшей 14 января 2011 года так называемой “жасминовой” революции, в результате которой президент Зин аль-Абидин бен Али бежал из страны с семьей в Саудовскую Аравию и на следующий день был отрешен от должности. | financial aid grant influx declare a state of emergency fled the country dismissed from office |
IV. Scan the article. Focus on the key ideas.
Human Rights And Refugees
The problem of the world’s refugees and internally displaced is among the most complicated issues before the world community today. Much discussion is taking place at the United Nations as it continues to search for more effective ways to protect and assist these particularly vulnerable groups.
While some call for increased levels of cooperation and coordination among relief agencies, others point to gaps in international legislation and appeal for further standard-setting in this area. Everyone, however, agrees that the problem is both multidimensional and global. Any approach or solution would therefore have to be comprehensive and to address all aspects of the issue, from the causes of mass exodus to the elaboration of responses necessary to cover the range of refugee situations from emergencies to repatriation.
In this debate some facts remain beyond dispute. The first is that while some mass displacements may be preventable, none are voluntary. No one likes or chooses to be a refugee. Being a refugee means more than being an alien. It means living in exile and depending on others for such basic needs as food, clothing and shelter.
Information on the number of the world’s refugees, their geographical distribution, and the causes of their exodus is generally available. Seen from a chronological perspective, this information suggests that the refugee problem has undergone drastic quantitative and qualitative changes in the past five decades.
Since its creation, the United Nations has worked to protect refugees around the world. In 1951, the year in which the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)1 was established, there were an estimated 1 million refugees within UNHCR’s mandate. Today that number has grown to an estimated 17.5 million refugees, an additional 2.5 million refugees cares for by the United Nation Relief and Work Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)2 and more than 25 million internally displaced persons.
In 1951 most of the refugees were European. The majority of today’s refugees are from Africa and Asia. Current refugee movements, unlike those of the past, increasingly take the form of mass exoduses rather than individual flights. Eighty per cent of today’s refugees are women and children.
The causes of exodus have also multiplied and now include natural or ecological disasters and extreme poverty. As a result many of today’s refugees do not fit the definition contained in the convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
1. UNHCR – Управление верховного комиссара Организации Объединённых Наций по делам беженцев
2. UNRWA – Ближневосточное агентство ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам и организации работ
The final aim of post-graduate studies is production of the dissertation and its defence. On the eve of the defence procedure abstract of the thesis is to be issued, it being a digest of the research made. Since abstracts are designed in accordance with the established pattern, in the abstract a researcher is to reflect certain scientific points: to state the purpose of the investigation, define its subject, object, describe the methods applied, ground its topicality and novelty, present personal findings, state the practical value and possibilities for further research.