There are various layouts for a C.V. And this is just one example. Study it and then write your own C.V.

Curriculum vitae
Date of Birth: 25 February 19..
Name: Carol Brice
Present address: 25 Westbound Road, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1DX
Telephone number: 081 953 9914
Marital status: single/married
Education and  
1995-1997 Mayfield School, Henley Road, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1DX GCE in English Language; French; History; Geography; and Art.
2000-2002 Hilltop Further Education College,
  Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM
  Diploma in Business Studies.
Work experience: Johnson Bros. Pic, 51-55 Baker Street, London W1A 1AA
Oct '02-Dec '03 Type of Company:Retail Chain Stores
  Position:Junior Secretary
  Responsibilities:Secretarial work including typing; shorthand; correspondence; copying reports and minutes from shorthand notes; tabulating data; answering customers' calls; mail distribution; and general office duties.
Jan '05-present National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Sidmouth Street, London WC1H4GJ
  Type of Company:Car importers
  Post:Secretary to Assistant Director
  Responsibilities:Dealing with all correspondence; taking minutes at meetings and writing up Assistant Director's reports; receiving customers and suppliers; dealing with home and overseas enquiries; making decisions on behalf of A.D. in his absence; and representing the company at various business functions.
Other information: While working Iattended various evening courses for Italian and French, and was on a special Information Technology course at the City College. My interests include tennis, badminton, swimming, and reading.
References: Mr B. Norman, Assistant Director, National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Sidmouth Street, London WC1H 4GJ. Mrs T.R. Bradley, Senior Lecturer; Business Studies Dept, Hilltop Further Education College, Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM.
Current salary: £14.OOO per annum___________________________

If an applicant meets the requirements of the host university the selection panel will send him/her an official invitation.

K I N G S T 0 N. UNIVERSITY   British Embassy, Minsk Consular Department   28th December 2011 Dear Sirs,   Invitation to Kingston University in Relation to Participation in Know-how Fund REAP Project Ref. BEL/395/41/0001   As UK Coordinator of the above UK Know-how Fund Regional Academic Partnership project, I invite:   Olga Petrova, Faculty of Law, Belarusian State University   to visit Kingston University within the period 21st February – 7th March 2011, and request the issue of a visa to cover that period. I confirm that all of Mrs Petrova travel expenses and the cost of one week of accommodation and subsistence will be met entirely from Know-how Fund REAP project funds.   I also request that the visa be issued free of charge.   In the event of any enquiries about this invitation please do not hesitate to contact me directly by FAX at Kingston University, or via the International Office of BSU.   Thank you for your assistance with this matter,   Yours faithfully,   Dr Alan G. Flowers UK Coordinator REAP BEL/395/41/0001

Every applicant is expected to draft a tentative programme of the visit, may be like that:

Programme of Study Visit to Kingston University

1. Intended Visit Outputs

1.1. Increased awareness by academic teaching staff of BSU of the business education methodologies, and syllabus content.

1.2 . New developments in business education teaching methodologies at BSU.

1.3 . Increased availability of teaching materials to students at BSU on modules related to Business law.

2. Visit Objectives

2.1. Observation of teaching methods in business education classes at KU.

2.2. Identification of business education teaching materials and development of a plan for further learning material purchases according to the REAP budget.

2.3. Discussions with Kingston Staff on current syllabus content in business education.

2.4. Develop programme for future business education seminars.

2.5.Creation of personal action plans in relation to input of business education at BSU.

Study visits can be individual and those arranged as a partnership scheme where both partners must be fully involved in preparing the application form and send the completed application to the appropriate programme regional manager. If you intend to participate in a partnership scheme the pre-project or inception phase of the partnership is designed to enable the partners from various institutions to prepare a full partnership proposal that describes in detail what the partnership will achieve (the outputs) and the activities (the inputs) that will produce this.

Description of the project

1. Describe in detail the area of need and therefore focus of the project. Why does the need exist?

2. Describe the purpose of the project, outlining the transformation that the project is designed to bring about within its target group.

3. Elaborate your initial thoughts on how you will ensure that the materials/courses produced by the partnership will be adopted and disseminated.

4. Outline the activities you wish to undertake with your partner institution during this pre-project phase. For each activity list who will do what, giving names and designations of those who will be responsible.

5. Elaborate (separately) on the sorts of areas you might go on to develop in a full partnership, for example the development of new course materials, development of teaching staff, seminars or workshops for the teaching staff of your institution, purchase of teaching materials for adaptation at your institution, etc.

As you have learned, study visits can be arranged as individual and partnership scheme and there can be collaborative research as well. The collaborative research model is a flexible method for engaging student learning teams in research.

A successful adaptation of the collaborative research model for your course will depend on your careful planning of course content, duration of the course, number of students; course learning outcomes.

You’ll need to make decisions about: how to establish the problem for exploration (whether to use a single, common problem or an umbrella topic with related problems); how learning teams will be established and maintained.

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