Grammar Review: Types of Questions

Step 1. Tips:

1. Throughout history, many governments have supported research in development of national defence.

a) General: Have many governments supported research in development of national defence?

b) Special: Who has supported research in development of national defence?

c) Alternative: Have many governments supported research in development of national or international defence?

d) Tag question: Many governments have supported research in development of national defence, haven’t they?

2. Special cases of tag questions:

a) Nobody submitted articles for publication, did they?

b) Let’s discuss the last point of your conclusion, shallwe?

c) Pass me the journal, will/won’t you?

d) Everybody is interested in the results of the experiment, aren’t they?

e) Nothing matters now, does it?

3. Indirect question:

What does scientific knowledge contain?

Do you know/Could you tell me what scientific knowledge contains?

Step 2. Put questions to the given sentences:

1. Professional societies promote interactions between individuals across institutions by organizing meetings and publications. (How …?)

2. Theology was the most prestigious and the most difficult area of study. (What …?)

3. The expansion of Doctoral Training Centres, funded by the Research Councils, has also been a positive step. (General)

4. The supervisor is expected to be involved in cross-disciplinary supervision. (Alternative)

5. In the UK the master’s degree was for a long time the only postgraduate degree normally awarded. (Where ..?)

6. Higher education is the key mechanism through which knowledge is
generated, preserved and passed on. (What …?)

7. In the Netherlands each PhD candidate has a thesis supervisor/promoter and, in many cases, a co-promoter. (Alternative)

8. Since early 1990s licensing of electronic resources, particularly journals, has been very common. (Since when …?)

9. The applicant has to write down a presentation of his/her research results and an indicative research project. (General)

10. Your research activities should be carried out regularly and efficiently. (How …?)

11. The organization can learn a great deal by applying the methods and analysing the results themselves. (In what way …?)

12. The level and scope of content depends on to whom the report is intended. (What …?)

13. This will help you organize your data and focus your analysis. (Alternative)

14. Scientists often refer to this type of justification as “motivating” the hypothesis. (Who …?)

15. Most experiments will include a control, which is a means of comparing experimental results. (What …?)

Step 3. Complete the sentences using appropriate tags.

1. Keep all commentary for several years after completion in case needed for future reference, …?

2. Everybody knows that research begins with a research proposal which explains how the researcher intends to carry it out, …?

3. Nobody argued that the goal of the research process was to produce new knowledge, …?

4. Let’s review the purpose as we described it above, …?

5. In the USA there is a requirement that at least two of the committee professors should come from outside the candidate’s doctoral programme, …?

6. Everyone knows that creativity does not occur in a vacuum, …?

7. Motivate your hypothesis by relying on logic or your own observations, …?

8. Let’s start by going through each element of the Introduction to clarify what it covers and why it is important, …?

9. Governments, private industry, and other institutions provide financial support for research through grants and research contracts, …?

10. Our scientific knowledge contains a vast array of observations and theories, …?

11. Advances in pure science are not the only criteria for greatness, …?

12. In Poland there is always one official so-called “scientific supervisor” for each doctoral candidate, …?

13. Recent custom and practice has seen an increase in and encouragement of the use of panels for supervision, …?

14. Scientific research relies on the application of scientific methods, …?

15. The discussion highlighted the importance of the international dimension of research in addressing global challenges, …?

Step 4. Translate into English.

1. Какую долю участия в рамках проекта можно ожидать от студентов?

2. Что подразумевается под хорошим научным руководством?

3. Сколько аспирантов может быть у одного научного руководителя?

4. Стали ли новые методы получения данных доступны в других областях?

5. Вы когда-нибудь видели, чтобы она занималась в библиотеке?

6. Чем можно объяснить сложность этой проблемы?

7. Все хотят найти интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу, не так ли?

8. Найдет ли это изобретение применение в будущем?

9. За какой срок до защиты диссертации необходимо опубликовать автореферат?

10. Требования к авторам докторских диссертаций гораздо более суровы, не так ли?

11. Диссертация прошла предварительную защиту или еще нет?

12. Мог ли обсуждаемый эксперимент быть достоверным?

13. Что мешает аспиранту защитить диссертацию в срок?

14. Давайте еще раз обсудим эту главу, ладно?

15. Знаете ли вы, что заставило аспиранта поменять научного руководителя?

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