Explain in English by matching A and B parts. Translate

  1) webinar a) to develop creative solutions to problems and generate bright new ideas
2) think-tank b) an invitation for a potential employee to work for some organization
3) internship c) a limit, a border line that separates one thing from another  
4) to brainstorm d) to make something or someone become less effective, sure, or successful; to make something or someone weak by taking away a base or foundation  
5) to post e) a system of on-the-job training, a work-related learning experience for individuals who wish to develop professional careers in a certain occupational field. They can last approximately three months up to a year
6) job offer f) to grow stronger, to make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity
7) network g) the area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs, the place where a person or thing is most likely to be found
8) to undermine h) a short form forWeb-based seminar which is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar transmitted over the Web. The key feature is its interactive elements – the ability to give, receive and discuss information
9) boundary i) to transmit programs from a radio or television station  
10) habitat j) a complex, interconnected group or structure, or a system that transmits any combination of voice, video and/or data between users, or a group of people with similar interests who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support
11) to broadcast k) a group or an institution organized for intensive research and solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy
12) to expand l) to display some information in a place of public view, make it available for access.  

Match the words from A and B columns to make collocations. Try to reproduce the sentences from the text. Translate into Russian

1) to deliver a) a think-tank
2) to attract b) a new age
3) to create c) a national border
4) to post d) a song on Internet
5) to share e) an internship
6) to open f) a webinar
7) to violate g) the moon landing
8) to search for h) requirements
9) to broadcast i) a sponsor
10) to meet j) values and ideas

Form the nouns from the verbs below.

verb noun

Read the text once again and answer the questions.

1) Why is the world compared to a global village? Not a town, or a settlement, or a neighborhood, or a family, whatever you call it? Give your reason.

2) What infinite chances in communication does a scientific progress offer for a modern man? You may complete the list of professionals or just usual people. For example, what are the profits for a top executive; or a student – an AIESEC participant; or a fitness instructor; or an ambitious Forex Market player, etc?

3) Which term is used in the text to represent the data flow in modern digital environment? Do you know why? If you hesitate to give an exact answer, read the following information:

(Computers use a binary number system – which consists of only two digits, 0 and 1 – because they run on electricity. At any given point in an electrical system, at any given time, current is either flowing (a state that represents 1) or it is not (a state that represents 0). All things performed by a computer are done electrically, and must therefore be expressed by zeros and ones. In computer terms, each zero or one is called a bit. A string of eight bits is called a byte. A thousand bytes is a kilobyte, and a thousand of those is a megabyte, and a thousand of those is a gigabyte, which brings the lowly zeros and ones into a realm we can understand.

4) What events in remote locations would you like to be an eyewitness to?

5) Give some facts from the history of international communication.

6) What are the other milestone events in the history of modern civilization except moon landing that triggered international communication?

Scan the text and pick up the key words that can help you to express its general idea. Give the summary.

Explain in English by matching A and B parts. Translate - student2.ru

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