Complete the questions about Carly.

Complete the questions about Carly. - Hi. My name is Carly and I come from Australia. But I live near London now with my family and my husband Dave and our three children. I came to Britain fifteen years ago when I got married.

I’m a student with the open University. This means I watch special programmes on the television and work at home. I send my work to my course teacher every week. I’m studying art and the course is really interesting. At the moment I’m reading about Intalian painters in Italian, which is difficult because I only speak little Italian! My course started a year ago and it’s three years long. After I graduate, I’m going to look for a job in an art gallery or museum.

Where does she come from?

1) _____________ live?

2) _____________ live with?

3) What ______________ studying?

4) ______________ enjoying the course?

5) How many _____________ speak?

6) ______ did her course start?

7) What _______________ after she graduates?

Complete the questions to Carly.

1) “Which university do you go to?”

“I don’t go to university. I study at home.”

2) “______________ a job?”

“Yes, I do. A part-time job.”

3) “What ________________ at the moment?”

“I’m writing an essay.”

4) “______________ to England?”

“Fifteen years ago.”

5) “_____________ name?”


6) “_______________?”

“He’s an architect.”

Read about Teddy. Complete the questions about Teddy.

Complete the questions about Carly. -

Hi, my name is Theodore. Well that's my full name my friends call me Theo or Teddy. I am turning 17 on October 2nd of this year. My hobbies are downhill mountain biking and collecting car models and hotwheels. I love cars there my number 1 hobby. I am the youngest in my family out of 5 kids including me. I have 2 sisters, 2 brothers, their names are (oldest to youngest) Jamie (21) Justin (20) Tristan(18) Tanner (17)

And then there's me Theo turning 17. I have 2 parents of course but they are divorced but even though they are divorced they are very good friends.

Ø How old is Teddy?

Ø What is he fond of?

Ø How large is his family?

Ø Who is the oldest/the youngest in the family?

Ø Did his parents split/divorce/live together?

3. Complete the questions about Carly. - Read about Tatiana and ask questions about her.

Hello! My name is Tatiana and I'm a Business & Management, Economics and German student (all Level 2 subjects). I'm from Riga, Latvia. I enjoy both academic and social parts of Glasgow life! In my first year I used to be a very active member of GU International Society, but this year I and my friends established GU Russian Speaking society where I'm a president. I love organizing events, meeting new people and socialising. Last year I lived in Murano Street Student Village in a small flat for 5 people. This year I'm renting a flat with another Latvian girl.

I'm very sporty and I enjoy going to the gym. Also I have been playing tennis for more than 11 years.

I'm not really a crazy clubber, but of course I enjoy going out to the city centre from time to time.

Using the examples above tell your group mates about yourself.

Read the text and answer the questions after it.

About myself

From the very start I should say that it is not an easy thing to speak about myself as it is hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do?

I am a boy of seventeen. As to my appearance I'm rather tall and slim. I think that I'm even tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retreat into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it.

There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure.

I was born on the 25th of April 1999 in Chelyabinsk where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister. I was sent to a kindergarten at the age of three as both my parents were working. As all the children I went to school at the age of seven. It turned out to be the best school in our town. There I got a proper training in such subjects as English, Russian, Literature, Mathematics, etc. I usually did a lot of home preparation and I really tried hard. But despite my efforts I was not good at some subjects. English, for example.

School for me was not only lessons and learning, I had a lot of friends there. We organized extra class activities such as parties and other social activities. I actively participated in most of them.

I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me, I appreciate people's honesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive.

I am stubborn at times. But to my mind being persistent is not always a bad thing. That means if I have an aim I never leave things half done. At times I feel dissatisfied with myself, especially when I fail to do something or can't do things the way they should be done. At the same time I think I am hard-working and diligent. My greatest problem at school was talking in front of the class. I always blushed.

I passed my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of June I said goodbye to my teachers who encouraged me in my desire of choosing my future career. I faced a new life without school with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy.

I asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to be when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult to give a definite answer. As years passed I changed my mind several times. But it was only in my last year at school that I finally made up my mind what profession I would most like to have in the future. I realized that my strongest desire was to specialize in technology and engineering in particular. So I entered the South Ural State University and became a student of the Space Engineering Department.

And now a few words about my inclinations. I haven't got any special hobby, like collecting something, but I'm fond of reading books. They broaden my outlook. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling. Besides, books help me to continue my own education. The time spent on a good book is never wasted. Reading is a rewarding pastime.

And of course I like music! I'm fond of different kinds of music. It gives me a lot of delight and pleasure. When I have some time to spare, I play computer games. I'm not keen on them but sometimes they help me to relax.

I also play different sport games such as basketball and football for health and pleasure.

And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, to build the house of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.

Answer the questions:

  1. Why is it not an easy thing to speak about yourself?
  2. Does the boy have a sense of humor?
  3. Why is this guy fond of reading?
  4. Was he good at English?
  5. What extra class activities did they organize with the friends?
  6. What does he appreciate in people?
  7. What was his greatest problem at school?
  8. Why is reading a rewarding pastime?
  9. What are the things he hopes to achieve in her life?

2. How different we are!

1. Read the following descriptions of people. Then match the descriptions with names from the box:

Complete the questions about Carly. -

Complete the questions about Carly. - Mary knows what is fashionable because she watches BBC, CNN, and reads beauty magazines. She is always up-to-date with fashion. Mary listens only to the most fashionable music. Her parents aren't very happy because every season they have to buy her completely new clothes. Not because her old clothes are too small, or worn, but because they are out of fashion. She doesn't talk about people - she talks about what they wear.

Complete the questions about Carly. - Nick's favourite subject at school is PE (physical education). When a teacher asks him about anything other than sport his face goes blank. People speak to him slowly, and with simple words. Nick is very strong, but when you ask him about the situation in the Balkans, or what the capital city of Sweden is, he simply doesn't know. But when you ask him about the football league, Nick knows everything - the names of the teams, all the players, and the number of goals in each match.

Complete the questions about Carly. - "Don't worry, don't worry..." — it never works. Sue always worries. If you are ten minutes late she thinks you are dead or something really bad has happened. Everybody worries about tests at school but Sue can't sleep, doesn't eat and starts panicking three days before any test. Anywhere she goes - a picnic, a trip, the mountains, etc. - she always worries about everything and everybody. She is

also afraid of meeting new people.

Complete the questions about Carly. - Peter, a born pessimist, never looks on the bright side of life. He wakes up in the morning, goes to the bathroom, looks in the mirror and thinks "Another unlucky day". He loves watching football on TV but seldom plays because it is very dangerous. He rarely goes for a walk in the forest because there are lots of spiders and mosquitoes and they are very dangerous, too. Before a test he tells everyone that he is going to fail. Mike doesn't know he is a pessimist. He thinks he is just careful.

3. Describe any hero you like but don’t say your group mates who it is. Let them guess him/her!

Speak about yourself using the questions:

How old are you?

Where are you from?

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