Выполните тренировочное упражнение на использование форм инфинитива и инфинитивных форм. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. Tell me what you would like me to do. 2. When she entered the room he rose to greet her. 3. When the bell rang he went to see who was at the door. 4. Did you feel the bridge shake? 5. I don’t like you to say such things. 6. Take this journal, I don’t want you to make unsubstantiated statement.
7. We knew him to be very knowledgeable person. 8. He asked for an email to be sent to his assistant. 9. We expected the consultant to arrive in Moscow yesterday. 10. We installed the equipment and were waiting for our partners to come.
11. Emergency standby generators are intended to maintain the power supply to the essential loads.

5. Упражнение для самостоятельной работы. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. The interest rate is known to have led to a rise in the prices of all imported goods. 2. The conference is known to have been fixed for the 14th of April. 3. These small circuit breakers are stated to have been reset manually after they have tripped. 4. The ampere rating of the breaker was stated to match the ampacity of the circuit it protects. 5. A great number of inventions is known to have been suppressed by monopolistic industrial associations. 6. Paper bags are said to give better protection against frost than jute bags. 7. Many million tons of coal reserves are known to exist in that district. 8. Two shiploads of ore are expected to arrive shortly. 9. The experiment, which is believed to have proved most successful, will be discussed at the conference. 10. Most major manufacturers have discontinued this 1980’s technology, but some are still trying to sell these drives.

IV. Non - Finite forms of the verb. The Participle.

1. Изучите таблицу и вспомните правила образования форм причастия.

  Active Passive
Participle I delivering being delivered
Participle II delivered
Perfect Participle having delivered having been delivered

Вспомните правило использования объектной причастной конструкции и независимого причастного оборота.

construction example
Objective Participial Construction noun (общ. падеж) + Part. I или II pron. (объектн. падеж) We heard him playing the violin.   I considered the work done. I had my suit sewed.
Absolute Participial Construction noun (общ. падеж) + Part. I или II pron. (именит. падеж) It being cold, we didn’t do walking. TV was invented early 20th century, the inventor being Vladimir Zvorykin.

Выполните тренировочное упражнение на использование форм причастия и причастных оборотов. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. Miniature circuit breakers performing the dual function of a switch and a fuse, they provide automatic circuit protection. 2. An assistant being away, a researcher had to do all the work. 3. The strip being heated to its threshold temperature, it bends enough to unlatch a mechanism and open the breaker’s electrical contacts. 4. It being very stormy, there was a line short circuit. 5. All this having been settled, they started installation of breakers. 6. The preparations being completed, single-pole units were plugged onto a single bus stab. 7. The moon being bright, everything was clearly visible. 8. Our petrol being exhausted, we could go no further. 9. The article on static UPS system published in this journal was written by Professor N. 10. While examining the switchboard supplied from the transformer, they detected fault. 11. The engineer sizing the UPS, specific precautions should be taken. 12. What do you call coating used to protect circuit boards from pollutants, corrosion, and mildew? It is called Conformal Coating.

4. Упражнение для самостоятельной работы. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. The weather being fine, all the windows in the lab were opened. 2. The game being very important, it was difficult to get tickets. 3. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 4. Manufacturing is the chief activity of the country, mining being little developed. 5. Yesterday the council secretary sent off all the invitations which had been signed by the principal officer. 6. While making an experiment, we proposed structures mixing various types of controllers. 7. Being very careful, they reviewed the advantages of satellite communication. 8. A circuit breaker being maintained, the transfer bus is energized through the tie breaker.

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