С ранней весны до поздней осени
eri used v-.1ith imperfective verbs in present tense in referencet
he preposition сdenotes that an action begun in the past апо is 0 progress. lt indicates the moment at which the action was performed. он вас ждёт с десяти часов.Не has been waiting foryou
en о clock.
Нина с утраушла в университет. Nina went to the universitytn
·he morning.
с утрапошёл сильный дождь и подул холодный ветер.
lt started raining heavily in the morning and а cold wind was Ыowing.
(с) cause of action
The preposition сin causal expressions has а colloquial flavour and m
„ riting is used only in а number of fixed expressions predominantl
emotional in meaning.
Она поступила так со злости.She acted that way out of anger
Вера была готова сгореть со стыда.Vera was ready to die о
Лена с горярасплакалась. Lena cried from grief.
from morning till night
from early spring to late autu
р,:ть с кого-либопример r·· issюn 01 consent
с вawero разрешения
t t·~e un1t е1 • • ployed in calculation проценты с тысячирублей о--.ай пять тонн пшеницы
С гектара
С горя сдосады со скуки со стыда
from grief
from annoyance from boredom from shame
с тоскиfrom anguish
ln а\1 the above common expressions the preposition отmay Ье use
instead of the preposition с. (lf in douЬt it is almost always safe to use от.
(d) manner of action
писать с большой буквыперевести с русского языка
to write with а capital letter to translate from the Russian
to tollow :san1ebod
itt1 your per·r11ission
interest trom а thousэnd har vest of t,v hectare
) ~0 пта- е а сору of
снимите копию с этого письма.Make а сору of this letter.
с началадо конца с головыдо ног со сна
с минутына минуту
с часуна час
с точкизрения
from begiпning to епd from head to foot
half awak,.
every minute
every hour
1n арреагапсо
from the point of view
з.З.46. СБОКУ- from one side, on one side
The preposition сбокуis used to indicate а location.
« •.. Задремавший Лёнька лежал калачиком сбоку деда(Горький). 11 ••• Leonka was curled up in а ball dozing off lying Ьу hi
grandfather's side" (Gorkij).
Сбоку домапристроили веранду. They built а veranda on th ...
side of the house.
When сбокуis not followed Ьу а word in the genitive case it is an ad-
erb and indicates а direction of action.
Молодая женщина подошла к нам сбоку. А young woman ар-
proached us from the side.
Она смотрела на экран сбоку. She was looking at the display
тога the side.
вид сбоку view from the side
3.3.47. СВЕРХ- over, besides, above, beyondThe preposition is used to indicate:
(а) an excess of effort ог work
Олег выполнил многое сверх программы.Oleg did .
addition to his program. а lot 1r1
See also кроме, помимо.
(Ь) а state which is beyond the normal state
сверх тарифаover rate
сверх веех ожиданийbeyond all expectations
3.3.48. СВЫШЕ- over, more than, beyond
The preposition свышеis used to indicate an excess, greater in quantity, in numbers of objects or persons.
в моей библиотеке свыше пятитысяч книг. 1 have more than five thousand books in my library.
На конференции присутствовало свыше стачеловек. There were more than а hundred people at the conference.
Температура была свыше сорокаградусов. The temperature was over forty degrees.
Свышеis а preposition only when it is followed Ьу а word in the genitive case. lf свышеis not followed Ьу а word in the genitive case it is an асverb and it means "from above" or "from heaven".
«Привычка свыше нам дана ... » (Пушкин). "Hablts are given to us from above ... " (Pushkin).
З.З.49. СЗАДИ- behind
The preposition сэадиis used to indicate а relationship between the objects in space - one object being behind the other.
Сэади хоэяинамедленно шла его собака. The dog was slowly
following his master.
Сэади машиныбыл ещё прицеп. Thetrailerwasbehindthecar.
Сэадиis an adverb when it is not tollowed Ьу а word in the genitive
Олег зашёл сэади. Oleg came from behind.
50 снизУ- from below
The preposition снизуis used to indicate а d' . .
irectюn in space
снизу горподнимался туман. The fog was rising fro Ь 1 •
m е owthe
,-iountains. . .
снизvis an adverb when 1t 1s not followed Ьу а word . th ..
· . . 1n е gen1t1ve
and it indicates а опеспоп. ·ase
движение снпэу вверх а movement upwards from below
мальчик прибежал снпэу. А Ьоу run up from down ь 1 eow.
з.з.s1. СРЕДИ (СРЕДЬ poetic) - among, in the midst of
The preposition средиis used to indicate:
(а) relationship between objects in space
Среди планетСолнечной системы Юпитер _ самая большая планета. Jupiter is the Ьiggest planet among the planets of the Solar System.
Среди цветовв нашем саду была одна роза. There was а single rose amidst the flowers in our garden.
В этом лесу среди берёзвырос высокий дуб. There was а tall oak tree among the birches in this forest.
(Ь} relationship of time
Среди ночиначался сильный дождь.
Heavy rain started to fall in the middle of the night.
(с) relationship among other persons, things ог events
Среди студентовходили разговоры об экзаменах. There was talk about the examinations among the students.
Среди насне было ни одного хорошего музыканта. There was not а single good musician among us.
Нина хорошо пела и была популярна среди друзей.Nina was а good singer and was very popular among the friends.
Футбол - популярный вид спорта среди молодыхлюдей.
Football is а very popular sport among young men.
Среди птичьего хорабыла слышна трель соловья.
Anightingale's song was heard among the choir of the Ьirds.
Я нашла среди английских книгодну русскую книгу. 1 found one Russian book among the English books.
N. Ryan
з.З.52. ТИПА- kind of, like, similar to (colloquial) Это здание было типа древнего замка.This build'
ing Was1·k
an old castle. 1 е
Дерево было типа южной пальмы.The tree was а kind
of south-
ern palm.
З.З.53. У- at, Ьу, near
The preposition уis used to indicate:
(а) а position of an object at, Ьу or near some other object in space диван стоял у стены.The sofa was near the wall.
До рога прох_одила у подножиягоры. There was а гоао at the foot of the гпошпаш.
Вечерами в лагере молодые люди пели песни у кост
h I ра.
ln the evenings at the camp t е young реор е were singing around the 1. пе.
Мои друзья жили у моря.Му friends lived Ьу the sea.
(Ь) that someone is at somebody's place or lives there
Нина живёт у родителей.Nina lives with her parents. Олег остановился у друзей.Oleg stayed with his friends. Я люблю быть у себядома. 1 like to Ье at my own place.
(с) an ownership or possession
У Ниныесть машина. Nina has а car. У Олегаесть собака. Oleg has а dog.
У моей сестрыхороший голос. Му sister has а good voice.
( d) the source of acquisition of something
Я взяла у Нинысловарь на короткое время. 1 borrowed adic-
tionary from Nina.
Мой друг взял у меняучебник. Му friend took my book.
У НиныОлег узнал об экзамене. Oleg found outfrom Ninaabout
the examination.
(е) а belonging, being а part of а whole
У ступабыла сломана ножка. The leg of the chair was broken.
У платьябыла сторвана пуговица. А button of the dress was
Although in Russian there is а verb which corresponds to the English
verb to have- иметь,the possession in Russian is expressed Ьу the genitive case prepositional construction with the preposition У·
ession of possession
(f) expr . . .
гпе prepos1tюn у+the possessor In the genitive case:
у меняесть врем я. 1 have time.
у менябыло время. 1 had time.
завтра у менябудет время. Tomorrow I will have time. у Иванаголубы: глаза. lv~n has Ыuе eyes.
у ниныхорошии голос. Nina has а good voice.
у студентовбудут экзамены. Students will have examinations. Possessive prepositional constructions of this type are frequently used
. d of the possessive pronoun-adjective.
111stea .
у меняв комнате - 1n my room, rather than в моейкомнате у меняна столе - on my tаЫе, rather than на моёмстоле
у меняза домом - behind my house, rather than за моим
домом .
у меняв кармане - 1n my pocket, rather than в моёмкармане у негов доме - at his house, rather than в егодоме
быть у властиto Ье in power /to Ье at the helm