ВМЕСТО - instead of, in place of

The preposition вместоis used to indicate an object/objects which is/are oblained or nominated instead of or in place of intended ob­jects.

Вместо яблокМаша решила купить груши. Masha decided to buy some pears instead of apples.

На заседание вместо Викторапришёл Пётр. Peter came to the meeting instead of Victor.

See also взамен.


ВНЕ- outside, out of

The preposition внеcould Ье used to demonstrate something Ьеi

. . d ng

outside of а certain location in space or 1n шпе, an outside of law.

жизнь больного была вне опасности.The life of the patien

was out of danger.

Тургенев долго жил вне России.Turgenev lived for а long time

outside Russia.

Их деятельность была вне закона.Their activities were outside

the law.

ln spatial contexts the preposition внеcarries the opposite meaning

to the preposition внутри.

вне дома- внутри домаoutside the house - inside the house


быть вне подозрениябыть вне себя

Вне всяких правил

outside the country

to Ье above suspicion

to Ье beside oneself without regard for any rules

вне законаan outlaw

вне времени и пространстваregardless of time or space

Вне очереди

out of one's turn

ВНИЗУ- at the foot of, at the bottom of

The preposition внизуis used to indicate relationship between objects in space one/some being at the foot of or at the bottom of the other /others.

Ссылки в статье нужно располагать внизу страницы.Ref·

erences must Ье given at the bottom of а page.

When внизуis not followed Ьу а word in the genitive case, it is an

adverb meaning "below" or "downstairs".

Семья Смирновых живёт внизу. Smirnov family lives downstairs.

3.3.9. ВНУТРИ- inside, within (indicates location)

The preposition внутриis used to indicate static spat!al

1 t. h' ь · pos1te

re а юns 1р etween ооюств one being inside the other (the ор

meaning carries the preposition вне).

маленькая матрёшка была внутри большой матрёwк

. и .

А small matreshka-doll was 1nside the large one.

внутри этого ябпокабыл червяк. There was а grub inside this


The adverЬial preposition внутриwith the genitive case carries the

same meaning as the preposition вwith the locative case:

внутри дома= в доме inside the house = in the house

and indicates the location of an object or а place of action inside an en­closed space.

Внутри пещерыбыло темно и сыро. lt was dark and damp

inside the cave.

Внутри крепостибыло построено много домов. Many

houses were built inside the fortress.

цены внутри страныthe prices inside the country

Эта международная норма не действует внутри нашей страны.This international standard does not apply in our country.

Баня находится у нас внутри дома,это не отдельная постройка. Our bathroom (banja) is inside our house, it is not а separate building.

Внутриbecomes an adverb when it is not followed Ьу а word in the

genitive case.

Старик жал о вал ся, что у него внутрн что-то болит. The old

man complained that something hurts him inside his body.

3.3.1 О. BHYrPb- in (to), inside (indicates direction)

The preposition внутрьis used to indicate dynamic spatial relationship between objects or а place of action inside an enclosed space.

Дети зашли глубоко внутрь пещеры.The children walked deep inside the cave.

Внутрьbecomes an adverb when it is not followed Ьу а word in the Qenitive case.

Это лекарство принимается внутрь. This medication has to Ье taken internally.

Моё окно открывается внутрь. Му window opens inwards.

.... , n.,~n

ВМЕСТО - instead of, in place of - student2.ru

ВОЗЛЕ - Ьу, oear, close Ьу

тпе preposition воз~еis used to indicate the relationship objects in space, one/some be1ng near the other/others, or а location an action taking place in proximity to а nominated point in space.

Наш дом стоит возле реки.Our house is near the river. наши друзья живут возле моря.Our friends live near the sea Кот спал возле камина. Аcat was sleeping near the fireplace. Preposition возлеis synonymous with the prepositions: около

подле.See also близ/вблизи.

Возлеis an adverb when it is not followed Ьу а word in the genitive


Она подошла к нам и села возле. She came up to us and sat

down near Ьу.

ВОКРУГ - around, round

The preposition вокругis used to indicate static and dynamic relationship of object/objects in space one/some being or moving around the other /others.

Вокруг домароели прелестные розы. Lovelyrosesweregrow­ing around the house.

Дети бе гали вокруг стола.The children were running around the



Обвести вокруг пальца.То twist round one's little finger.

вокруг светаaround the world

Вокругis an adverb when it is not followed Ьу а word in the genitive case.

Иван всё время озирался вокруr. lvan was looking around all

the time.


ходить вокруr да около to beat about the bush

Что ты всё ходишь вокруr да около? Спрашивай прямо, что тебя интересует. Why are you beating about the bush? Vl/hy don't you ask directly what you want to know.

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