З.з. Examples of prepositional constructions

ln some cases prepositional constructions correspond to the Er,glish translations and do not present any amblguity. There does поt seem to ье any diversity of relational meanings within the groups of each of the above prepositional constructions, but this is not always the case, as the following examples of ger1itive case prepositional constructions with pri­mary, simple adverЬial and simple nominal repositions would demonstrate.

З.З. 1. БЕЗ - without

The principal meaning of this preposition is "without".

Это чай без сахара.This is tea without sugar.

Он написал диктант без ошибок.Не wrote а dictation without

any mistakes.

Трудно жить без друзей.lt is difficult to live without friends. Лета прошло без дождей.The summer passed without rain. EXPRESSIONS IN FREQUENT ИSЕ:

без сомненияwithout а douЫ

без исключенияwithout exception

без целиwithout any aim, to по purpose, aimless

И без тогоплахо. lt is bad enough without that.

The preposition безbesides its principal meaning "without, minus" also has an important lexical function in time expression. lt is used to tell the time.

без пятиминут два (без пятидва)

без двадцатиминут три (без двадцатитри)

без четвертипять а quarter to five

lt is also used to indicate incomplete period of time.

Они У нас прежили без двух недельгад. They lived with us two weeks short of а year (а year minus two weeks).


five minutes to two

(two o'clock minus five minutes) twenty minutes to three


БЛИЗ/ВБЛИЗИ - near, close Ьу, close to

The prepositions близ/вблизиare used to indicate proximity of objects in space.

1-/ой дом стоит близ реки.Му house is near the river.

Иван живёт близ парка.lvan lives near а park.

Вблизи морялетом обычно бывает прохладно. lt is normally

cool near the sea in the summer.

The adverЬial prepositions близ/вблизи(as \,Vell as возле

окопо, подле)perform the same basic function as the primary prepo: sitions уand приbut with greater accuracy. Близ/вблизиare used in spatial contexts to indicate closeness or proximity and although they are synonymous to the prepositions возле, около, подле,they express different shade of meaning. The prepositions близ/вблизиare usedto indicate indefinite spatial proximity whereas the prepositions возпе


около, подлеare used to indicate more precise accurate closeness

extreme spatial closeness.

Вблизи нашей дачибыл густой лес. There is а thickforestnear

our dacha (just somewhere near).

« ... Бродя вблизи пустынных вод ... » (Лермонтов). " ... Wondering

Ьу deserted sea ... " (Lermontov).

Зимой кошка любит спать возле камина.ln the winter time

the cat likes to sleep near the fireplace.

Ребёнок стоял около матери.The child was standing at his

mother's side.

Когда я читаю, моя собака любит сидеть подле меня.When

1 am reading, my dog likes to sit Ьу my side.

ВВИДУ - in view of, as, since

The preposition ввидуis used to indicate а reason for an action and is synonymous with the preposition по причине.

Ввиду тогочто профессор Иванов здесь, его можно попросить прочитать доклад. \n view of the fact that professor \vanoY

is here we can ask him to present his paper.

Ввиду бопьшого праздника унас отменили лекции.

Because of the important holiday, our lectures were cancelled.

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The preposition вдольis used to imply motion or direction through or the location of an object/objects Ьу the length of another o'bject in space.

тропинка вдоль рекиа path atong the river

вдоль нашей улицыроели высокие деревья. The tall trees were growing along our street.

Вдольis а preposition only if it is followed Ьу а word in the genitive case. When вдольis used independently in а sentence, and not followed Ьу the genitive case - then it is an adverb.

Материал был разрезан вдоль. The material was cut lengthwise. EXPRESSIONS IN FREQUENT ИSЕ:

вдоль ипоперёк

знать что-либо вдоль ипоперек

far and wide

to know something very well/thoroughly

ВЗАМЕН - instead of, in place of

The preposition взаменis used to indicate an object/objects which is/are oblained instead of the original object.

Взамен овощейдети купили конфеты. lnstead of vegetaЫes children bought some sweets.

NB: The preposition взамен * в обмен на. Ср. adverb вэамен.

See also вместо.

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