Complex nominal prepositions

(а primary preposition+ а noun in oЫique case)

The complex nominal prepositions derived from а primary ргеро­sition and а noun in oЬ\ique case carry meanings based on the lexical

meanings of the nouns.

Без помощи

Без сопровождения в адрес



во время* вглубь*

в границах* в деле*

в духе*

в заключение* в знак*

во избежание* во имя

В интересах в качестве

в количестве* в кругу

without help of

without attendance of

in address to

in view of, whereas in а form of

in time of

into the depths of within limits of

in the matter of in the spirit of

in conclusion, summing up

as а token of

in avoidance of in the name of

in the interest of in the capacity of in the number of

in the company of, in the circle of

N. Ryan

в лице** в меру*

в направлении*

в начале*

в области*

В отношении в nользу

в nорядке*

в nределах*

в nродолжение*

в районе*1

в рамках*

в результате* в роли**

в сеете*

в силу* вследствие*

в случае* в смысле*

в соnровождении в сторону всфере*

в счёт*

в течение* в условиях* в ходе*

В честь

в целях*

вне границ* вне пределов* вне рамок*

вне сферы*

За исключением за счёт

in the person of within the extent of in the direction of at the beginning of in the area of regarding

in favour of

in the order of within the limit in the course of iп the area of

iп the framework of as а result of

iп the role of

iп the light of byforce of

owing to, оп account of, iп consequence of

iп case of

in terms of, iп the sense of to Ье accompanied

iп direction of

in the sphere of

on account of

during the course of under conditions

during the course of

in honour of

for the purpose of

out of limit/exceed all bounds ош of limit

out of framework out of sphere

with the exception of at the expense of

1 В районе- а new preposition is typical for colloquial speech.


На имя

на основании*

На подобие

на предмет*1

на протяжении*

на пути*

на случай*

На фоне

по адресу2

по линии*3 по мере*

по образцу*

по поводу* по причине* по случаю* по части* ПОД ВИДОМ

под предлогом*

При помощи

при посредстве*4 при условии*

Со стороны

С помощью

с течением*

с целью* посредством5

in the name of on the basis of like, not unlike on the subject of during

on thewayto

in the event of, in case of against the background of about somebody, concerning somebody /something

in the field of

as, as far as one

after /on/upon а model/pattern, based on

concerning, with regard to for the reason of, because of on the occasion of

in line of

on the pretext of

under the pretence of, underthe pretext of

with the help of Ьу the means of on conditions on the part of with the help of in course of with the aim of

through the mediation of

1 На предметis used in official bL1siness documents.

2 По адресуis а new preposition used in business documents.

3 По линииis used in newspapers, in official and business documents. • При посредствеis used in official documents.

5 Посредствомis used in official documents.


complex nominal prepositions consisting of а primary preposition + а noun in oЫique case + а primary preposition

The meanings of complex nominative prepositions derived from а noun in oЫiqL1e case with two primary prepositions are based on the sec­ond primary preposition. 8 зависимости от

В отличие от в сторону от

depending on unlike

away from

З.2.4. Complex verbal prepositions

Complex verbal prepositions derived from а gerund and а pri­mary preposition have singular meanings, which are based on the lexical meaning of the corresponding verb. исходя из

Начиная с недоходя до

concluding from starting/beginning with

not reaching, before reaching

Prepositions followed exclusively Ьу the genitive case


Близ ввиду вдоль взамен



Внизу внутри внутрь возле вокруг впереди вроде вследствие

near, close Ьу, close to in view of, аз, since along

instead of, in return for,

in exchange for instead of, in place of outside, out of

at the foot of, at the bottom of

inside, within

into inside

Ьу, close Ьу, near around, round

in front of, before like, not unlike

owing to, on account of,

in consequence of



Для ДО

З из-за

Из-под асательно роме


Наверху накануне

На подобие напротив насчёт



От относительно поверх


Позади помимо поперёк порядка посредине

(посередине)(colloquial) после











as far as, till, up to, until, Ьetorefrom, of, out of

from around, from behind

because of, owing to

from under

touching, concerning except, besides разт, Ьу

above, on top of

on the eve of, shortly before,not long before

like, not unlike


as regards, concerning, about, of lower than, shorter than

about, around, Ьу, near, close to from

concerning, relative to, about over

Ьу the side of behind

besides, apart from, without across

of the order of in the middle of

after, since

in the midst of

Ьу means of, Ьу the use of before

against, opposite Ьу means of

for the sake of

from one side, on one side over, besides, above, beyond over, beyond


Сзади снизу среди у

behind from below

in the midst of at. Ьу, near

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