Verbs followed by prepositions

To laugh at

To look for

To speak to

To think of

To look after

To ask for

To operate on

To listen to

To break into

To refer to

To rely on/upon

To take care of

To agree upon

To comment on

To wait for

When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a preposition, the preposition is kept in the passive sentence as well.

e.g. They sent for the doctor at once. – The doctor was sent for at once. – За доктором послали сразу же.

Some two- and three-word verbs are rarely used in the passive.

Get back

Let in

Put out

Let out

Take after

Get down

Show off

Exercise 1. Give answers to the following questions using the suggested words and word combinations.

1. Who can be sent for? 2. What may be listened to with interest? 3. What can be disagreed with? 4. Who or what can be relied upon? 5. What may be laughed at? A doctor A policeman A lecture Music A good friend A play A promise A thriller A joke
6. What can you be impressed by? 7. What can be spoken about? 8. Who can you depend on? 9. Who can be waited for? An argument An amusing story A music programme A word Your boss

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian, ask questions about the information underlined in each of the sentences.

1. The film is much spoken about. 2. My father will be operated on. 3. The letter is being looked for everywhere. 4. The boy was laughed at. 5. The book is often referred to. 6. My friend can be relied on. 7. I must go. I’m being waited for. 8. The children will be looked after, when I leave. 9. Your parents are taken good care of. 10. Our teacher is always listened to attentively. 11. The second course was followed by fruit salad. 12. He is such a bore. He is never listened to. 13. The policeman has been sent for. 14. We were treated to ice-cream. 15. We were shown around the building.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions in the Past Simple Passive, as in the example.

e.g. Did they take care of him? – Yes, he was taken care of.

1. Did they agree upon the terms? 2. Did the students listen to her with interest? 3. Did you send for the doctor? 4. Did they object to your proposal? 5. Did she rely on his information? 6. Did they wait for him? 7. Did he refer to this book in his report? 8. Did they dispose of the goods in short time? 9. Did the guest really laugh at him? 10. Did everyone find fault with her? 11. Did they put an end to this useless talk? 12. Did they really depend on this man? 13. Did you speak about this plan last night? 14. Did they look into the matter? 15. Did the children interfere with his studies? 16. Did they make fun of him when he was a schoolboy? 17. Did the press comment on the event? 18. Did many people ask for this book?

* Exercise 4. If possible, make a corresponding passive sentence. If it is not possible, write “No passive”.

e.g. The committee called on Paula to explain her reasons for the proposed changes. – Paula was called on to explain her reasons for the proposed changes (by the committee).

1. I got down most of what he said in his lecture.

Most of what he said in his lecture …

2. When I was young my aunt and uncle looked after me.

When I was young I …

3. The surgeons operated on him for nearly 12 hours. He …

4. Sandra let out a scream and she collapsed to the floor. A scream …

5. Hugh takes after Edward – they’re both very well organized. Edward …

6. All his relatives approved of his decision. His decision …

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Мне сказали, что нас ищут. 2. На нас смотрят. 3. Его всегда слушают очень внимательно. 4. О новом триллере много говорят. 5. За доктором нужно послать немедленно. 6. О нем заботились. 7. Над ним всегда смеются. 8. Его собираются оперировать. 9. На эту статью часто ссылаются. 10. На этих сотрудников можно положиться. 11. Это событие комментировали в средствах массовой информации.


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

1. This tree is very old. It was planted (plant) in the 19th century. 2. This piece of music _________ (not / record) yet. I’ve just composed it. 3. The thieves ________ (steal) the jewellery from the safe yesterday. 4. We began work early, but we _________ (not / finish) until late. 5. Jenny _________ (complain) to the manager about the faulty items at the moment. 6. This photograph ________ (take) by my grandfather when I was five. 7. Don’t touch the saucepan. You might ________ (burn) yourself. 8. We _________ (delay) because there was a lot of traffic this morning. 9. Not much _________ (know) about this complicated subject. 10. I’m going home now because all the work _________ (do). 11. The new nightclub ________ (close) by the council last week. 12. Jessica _________ (run) two kilometers every day before work. 13. Jim’s house is very modern. It _________ (build) only two years ago. 14. Don’t stay up late tonight, or else you _________ (be) tired tomorrow.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active tense, as in the example.

a) Mrs Wilson is a rich young lady. She (1) lives (live) in a big house on the outskirts of the city with her husband and her two dogs. Every day, Mrs Wilson (2) _______ (take) into the city centre. Her car (3) ________ (drive) by her chauffeur. She then (4) ________ (go) shopping in her favourite shops. Her bags (5) ________ (carry) by the chauffeur. Mrs Wilson

(6) _________ (buy) lots of things every week. She (7) ________ (need) lots of clothes because she goes to lots of parties. In fact, this week she (8)_________ (invite) to a big birthday party which (9) _________ (hold) in a large mansion in the country. All of her friends will be there, so Mrs Wilson (10) _________ (look forward) to it very much.

b) A burglary (1) was carried out (carry out) in the high street yesterday morning. Two men (2) ________ (enter) a jeweller’s shop and (3) _________ (order) the assistant to hand over jewellery and money. The thieves (4)________ (escape) with jewellery worth $2,000, but (5) _________ (arrest) later, as they (6) ________ (try) to leave the country.

a) Floods (1) ________ (cause) when a river (2) ________ (burst) its banks. This can happen if there (3) ________ (be) an unusual amount of rain, or if snow (4) ________ (melt) and the river (5) _________ (overflow). When a flood (6) ________ (take place), crops (7) ________ (destroy) and homes (8) _________ (damage).

b) Tony O’Connell (1) ________ (work) for a large company. Last year, he (2) _________ (promote) to the position of manager. He (3) _________ (give) a large office and a company car. He now (4) _________ (have) a secretary who (5) ________ (answer) his calls, and he (6) _________ (pay) a lot more money than before. He (7) _________ (feel) very happy about his job now.

c) Dogs (1) ________ (be) very loyal animals. They can (2) ________ (keep) you company and (3) ________ (protect) you. However, you must (4)_________ (look after) your dog. They have to (5) ________ (take) for long walks and (6) ________ (feed) regularly. You may (7) ________ (find) that dogs are expensive pets, but they do (8) ________ (make) great companions.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Did you visit many places when you were on holiday? Well, on the first day we (1) were taken (take) on a tour of the historic monuments by our guide. Oh. Did you go everywhere with him? No, we also (2) _________ (go) to some places by ourselves. How did you manage to travel to the other places? We (3) _________ (advise) to hire a car, but we (4) ________ (choose) to travel on public transport because it is much cheaper. How did you know which buses and trains to catch, though? We (5) ________ (ask) at the tourist information centre and we (6) _________ (give) an excellent book which (7) _________ (tell) us everything we needed to know. So, you enjoyed it then? Oh. Yes! We had a really great time!

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